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Aug 2011 · 688
une fille perdue
hey god, its me again
i'm lying here, on my deathbed.
so listen close, to what i have to say,
cause' i need some direction, or atleast hope for a better day.
see, i was admiring your creation,
but you planted evil, with the best intentions,
you had a flaw in your system,
the way you created us, is almost ******* sickening,
you say the devil gave us hate,
but you took it away,
but you left us to fend for ouselves, in a world still full of hate.
were killing our own kind,
yet we justify the crime,
because they've done us wrong,
and you've known this all along,
but you haven't tried to stop it,
instead you sit cowardly on your high horse,
watching from the sky, taking your sweet *** time,
why won't you come save me?
i never did anything to deserve this,
i was born into it,
so tell me god, was it worth it?
to watch all of your children suffer,
and all your words have done is stir the thunder,
creating even more confusion, where does it end?
why should we bow to someone to scared to show his face,
getting to you is like a never ending race.
but i'm tired and beaten, debating giving up on believing,
lord, are you gonna save me the day i stop breathing?
what ever happened to originality? the way were living is pure brutality.
trying to find ourselves in a world thats so broken, where no one really listens to the words being spoken.
were all clones of societys creation, waiting on the world to change, but no ones vouching for retaliation.
we'd rather be silenced by a higher power, do you not remember this is our world, you cowards.
we must take our stand before the end comes, are you not frighened by the idea of what we may become?
this is a battle we cannot afford to lose, will you rise when it is our time?

— The End —