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806 · Sep 2009
Forever My Love
melisa1 Sep 2009
Forever  my love

He  lay next to me only seconds ago
I hear his breath moving too and fro
I roll back over and return to sleep
Not knowing I'd wake up to mourn and weep
My life was beautiful and my heart once whole  
Until the morning when I lost his soul

My love, my life, why did it end
For without you my heart will never mend

How in the world will I ever get through this
For everything about you I really do miss

He was my ears and eyes and through him I see
Oh God I beg  please bring him back to me

Please never tell me I'll be fine
because it is only a matter of time

They are empty words with little or no meaning
To those who do knot know just what I am feeling

If you are there my God Almighty and giving
Please take me away from the misery I'm living

Then one moment you open my eyes
And I have to see now for these little guys

They are pieces of you my love, although you're not here
Reminding me daily that you are truly near

I tell myself there will come a time
I too shall walk where you shine

From here on out my heart will be broken
Until that moment I hear your words soft spoken

Melisa Hamling
716 · Sep 2011
A thought on death
melisa1 Sep 2011
A place of rest
A place of peace
No thoughts or senses
No feelings or suffering
Just a hidden place
Where ones soul stays kept
The sun, the moon
The stars and the clouds
Produce thunder and rain
All the while the soul lay peaceful
Until a day when the world becomes perfect
The soul shall wake when the Heavens do open
And sprinkle upon us a new life that is humanly perfect

I have held death in my hands.
I have touched death before it was knocking,
Before it took its next victim
I talked to death before it knew I was there
I hated it … I hated it up to the very end
Death takes what it wants
Leaving behind lingering side effects
Death hurts all around without prejudices
Wrapping its hands and choking our hearts
Only to loosen the grip and tighten again
Death makes you angry
Anger of the loneliest kind
You beg and plead
Please take me too
But death refuses to listen
Until a day you least expect it
Death takes its toll
For once it listened
620 · Apr 2010
A Daughters Love
melisa1 Apr 2010

The day has come bringing tears to my eyes
My heart weighs heavy and I have to cry
Thankful you no longer suffer or feel any pain
But my own clouds roll in bringing thunder and rain

You were my ears and my eyes and through you I see
My mother my friend whos spirit now free
There are pieces of you though you're not here
Reminding me daily that you are truly near

And when the day comes and I can look in the mirror
I will smile warmly without any fear
For pieces of you I will see in me
Never forgetting mother that forever we will be

Always remembering your loving touch and words soft spoken
For a mother and daughters bond will never be broken
Dedicated to Mandy Fosterr with our Love,
Melisa, Danielle, Morgan, Rob, and Ashley

— The End —