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Dec 2014 · 391
The Other Girl
I know I shouldn't care
about who He likes.
I mean, we were never really together.
But, I have spent
two ******* years of tears
on Him.
Are my tears reimbursed?
But, someone likes Kaitlyn
and It could very well be Him
See, she is the other Girl.
And I don't know how to talk to them.
Dec 2014 · 467
The Watch
I promised him cookies
If I could borrow his watch
A simple digital watch
I know it is a simple watch.
But I don't know
If I should have ran back in that building
given him his watch.
I don't know if he will be punished.
And cookies can't fix bruises.
Dec 2014 · 302
Why didn't I know
that he liked that show
until he said
"Don't Blink"
I stared into his eyes,
He stared back
I saw him talking to another girl
why did my jealously kick in?
He is just my friend,
I think?
Dec 2014 · 433
A deep purple
A box of chocolates
A brilliant red
Green nail polish with a slight shimmer
A deep blue
A crystal
What do these all have in common?
Dec 2014 · 244
I have a friend.
I spent a year with him.
I had a nightmare inside a dream.
I got scared.
And so I ran.
I broke my own heart.
I don't know if it is love.
Is or was?
I could not choose.
He stopped talking.
I stopped listening.
Silence screamed in both our ears.
Or just mine.
I was never sure.
I wrote whatever came to me. It is not in any real poem format, but...

— The End —