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given me enough
love notes
that I could
fold an
army of
my arms feel heavy
like lead in my vein
from lust
loveless lasting
on my tongue
from far away
I've tried to bury
beneath my bed
winding up
whispering around
my music box
Blue lips
and I crashed my car on the on ramp
to the interstate
I'm going to need
three more chimneys
and a lot of wood
to burn all of
the silver tongued
horse ****
that floats out of
your mouth
I'm always
teetering on
the edge of escapism
and the firm grounding
of an embrace
Skin to knife
Skin to knife
Skin to knife
Cigarettes are expensive
but I need a reason
to stand outside of parties
and avoid
This morning
I woke up
I had three
cigarettes for breakfast
and I went back
to bed
by my comforter
my arms
really just anchors
but at
least I ate
i like the way
your face creases
creep out from under
your glasses
around your eyes
when you smile
Today I realized
that tomorrow you
could get hit by a bus

and you'd never know
that I love you
I want
thousands of
beautiful words
to tumble out of my
to take
your breath away
to show you
what it is
I'm feeling
but every time
my chest inflates
with the thought of you
I have no words
at all.
i need to carry


so i wont feel the


of my own weight
Last night
You visited my dreams
You wrapped
Your fingers
Around my heart
And told me
That you really did Love me

I don't
Think I've ever
Been so upset
To open
My eyes
days all I want
is to be
the sun
that kisses
the freckles onto
your shoulders
Looking for
Somewhere between
A love letter lost
In a landfill
And hitting
A hundred
Miles an hour
On the highway
Old words
Like old songs are
Living old worlds
And still it seems
You can’t escape them
it's that time of year
where I always find myself
surprised by how much
sleep I actually need
I know
I'm not
Actually alone
And that
Dying won't
Really solve
So I'm just
******* thinking
About it
You were the
Tingle at the
Nape of my
My mind mumbles
"Paint the roses red"
My heart tumbles
"You know you aren't dead"
"I'm somewhere in between"
you said
just some thoughts
On those nights
That I dare
Sleep alone
I toss
Until my
Feet tangle
In my hair
My back bone
My wind earth
Just missing
The fire
That once
Lay there
condensation makes
me heavy
but I'm lucky
to have known
the rain

sunlight sunburns
and bruised cheeks
can kiss
cracks form along
my skin

but I'm lucky to have

I'm so
feel so

                                      h e a v y
                                                           l i g h t
I want to write
A book of poems
But lately words have been
So scarce
However precise
And so painful
and what a flower
you've picked
crushed beneath
imperfections of the human hand
There are no windows here
cold body
mind so near
sink like summer time
sink don't fall
No, no windows
not here

Just empty pages
to be written
and voices to be heard
Plenty of doors to be broken
thoughts that scream
but you dare not say a word
lay on the floor
sweet child
and hope to hear the rain
lay on the floor
and hope you'll see day again
cast away into your cave
into the night
where you cannot be saved
force yourself awake
and force yourself to create
force yourself to love
the day
and force yourself
just not too late

I know there are no windows here
and sunshine seems so strong
but please I'm begging you to
get up and head outside
I'm begging you
to stay strong
No there are no windows here
but you've been deeper in
darkness than this.
You sleep like the echo
I feel in my teeth
When I go to bed drunk
And spinning
But I’m ok with
Spinning, are you ok
With familiarity?
A closeness you can
Taste then put away
On an untouched shelf
An awareness, granular
And brief.
So sometimes
mornings are
Shoulders to lips
And others are
Hoping you’ll wake
I used to say that
I was only a creature of the day
despite my love for
the moons glow
I sent the night away
and now all I wish
to see
is the moon
I know
I am quite familiar with loss
but losing your love
is not something I wish
to ever know.
. . .
my mouth
as green
as spring
that's not to
say that I
only speak
in tethered
and mindless

that's not to say
i haven't thought
thousands of
and then wrote
empty pages

that's not to say
i've held on to
dependent ideals
like ivy on the fence

it's really not
for you to
A sun my wax wings won't reach.
Struggle and pain and all gain.
         Find my body washed up on the beach.
found this in my sketch book from school
Without any contents; empty.
Falling asleep feeling under my skin
The state or fact or existing.
Or nothing at all
Have I ever told you about
my wax heart
Melting at the sound
of your half
slightly ******
I drip
I trickle
all the way down
your scarred chin
that you
one of these days-
     let me
You're my bones
Taking up your heavy stones
Can't possibly give me muscle loans
But you're still my bones

Finding time too fast
Crash, rebuild, and crash
Build up and trash

You're always in love
But what do you think it's made of?
Photographs like light captured
From the edge of your smile
Wholesome threat
And your snaggle tooth that at sometime
At some point
I’d pray to never forget
For some reason tonight I feel depressed
like there is a dark nebula forming inside of me.
I know that sounds stupid,
but it's how I picture it in my lungs,
asphyxiating me from inside,
melting my solid structure,
then gently pressing me into the earth,
and the whole time my heart is beating,
                                                        ­  beating,
                                                      ­      beating,
                                                  ­            until it just comes to a slow halt.
And I wonder what it's like to die alone?
my fire is back
my fire is back
and my feet
won't fail
this time
it's winter
and i'm somehow
always surprised
by the leaves
and dropping
like edits
to your smile

my cupids bow
from weather,
&  the softening
at your touch
again and again
just like the leaves

and I don't think my lips will ever heal
Like a dog
Brick alley
And chills of winter
Suited up
In feathered armor
Cold and
Longing for
I can see my heart beat in my eyes
And I can hear the little girl’s cries
Even where the little girl lies
I can see my heart beat in my eyes
I can see the blood in the grass
Even though our love is the mass
Partly because I let him pass
And I can see the blood in the grass
I can feel your pain
Never known any gain
Yet never known any strain
Still I can feel your pain
Is the world its true
Still only blue?
Summers only get hotter
Don’t they?
Spitting cherry pits
On the train tracks
That separate chosewood
From Lakewood
Cherry wood
I like the stain left on
My fingers
My lips
Runny bliss
Sampling the simplicity
Of hot
& sticky
& condensed
Forms of self
Nice girls
Get the chance
To be hurt again
And again
Do bruised fruits taste less sweet?
Not really sure
Just spitting cherry pits
Onto train tracks
Don't tell me how
   let me discover
   let me live with juvenessance
   and purity.
But then when the time comes
   I will have to experience
   I will be stained with the
       imperfections of the human hand...
Even then you must let me get *****
                                  let me feel pain.
                                  let me sit on the shore of vastness
                                  and let me contemplate what put me here.
Without suffering we have no reason to fight.
We have no drive for peace.
So let me be born
                        and born again
and let me search over
                                 and over again

                        until I become the one you cannot search for.
again just found this in my sketch book

— The End —