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410 · Mar 2014
every day
i roll over
onto your
sweat soaked
of the bed
and i
you thrashing
all night
and every day
i wonder
403 · May 2017
I want nothing to do
with your salted earth
403 · Jul 2016
All you are
Is a sweet sting
Of everything that
Might have been
396 · Jun 2016
he said he's just a man
with teeth tearing God's back
he's running on putrid plaque
fate can't control
a foriegn face
in any unknown
395 · Aug 2016
lips curled in
tucked beneath your
feigned half smile
fraudulent face

if there's anything
i feel i know
it's that always
& forever
consistently find
another place to go
All of the
baby clean
lovers, teens
in Paris with
their purple
spotted necks
rosey cheeks
and cigarettes
reminded me
of how many times
a day I used
to fall in love
with someone

and now

I feel so numb.
I can see my heart beat in my eyes
And I can hear the little girl’s cries
Even where the little girl lies
I can see my heart beat in my eyes
I can see the blood in the grass
Even though our love is the mass
Partly because I let him pass
And I can see the blood in the grass
I can feel your pain
Never known any gain
Yet never known any strain
Still I can feel your pain
Is the world its true
Still only blue?
391 · Jul 2019
if love is a debt
i don't ever want to owe again
385 · Jan 2017
I want to be the
fallen eyelash on your cheek
carefully collected
coveted for a wish
or two
or three
I want to be the tree above your
and the roots below
I want to be everything
and so much more

however I do not want to be your cage
or your basket of broken eggs
I do not wish to be
your scratched records
to be replayed
I want your freedom as
you want mine

I just want to be the fallen eyelash
on your cheek.
384 · Aug 2015
i miss cherry blossoms
and that time of the year
where life seems
to sprout from my ears
i miss waves

and most of all
i miss you
379 · May 2014
this gnawing
under my skin
to spend $400
on a one way
is driving me
377 · Oct 2015
spider hands
with your whispering
webs weaved
in place

cold carbon
songs of
somber souls
sick sickle

spider hands
you wrap yourself
in your own
blue eyed and built
with barriers
that are so silent
you'd think that they
were made with
ghost bones
whispering willow
says I love you
late at night on
a cigarette strewn
and i can
believe and be
because you make
my head so heavy
when i'm close
to you.
i'm so so in love with you
371 · Oct 2015
This morning
I woke up
I had three
cigarettes for breakfast
and I went back
to bed
by my comforter
my arms
really just anchors
but at
least I ate
tie smoke in
and watch the
fall faster
anyone will
fall for

368 · Apr 2015
that I don't know anything
about you is
it's new
I want it to stay that way.

I want you to always be
that surprise around
the corner
I somehow
never make it to
because you're
almost too beautiful
for me to see
i really really like your smile
366 · Aug 2015
take my hands
(don't forget
to cut at the
i don't need them anymore
crash my car
on the interstate
flip over
fragments of
rose blood
and tireless
time bombs

take my hands
and cut at the joint
359 · Oct 2015
I know
I'm not
Actually alone
And that
Dying won't
Really solve
So I'm just
******* thinking
About it
358 · Apr 2016
There are no windows here
cold body
mind so near
sink like summer time
sink don't fall
No, no windows
not here

Just empty pages
to be written
and voices to be heard
Plenty of doors to be broken
thoughts that scream
but you dare not say a word
lay on the floor
sweet child
and hope to hear the rain
lay on the floor
and hope you'll see day again
cast away into your cave
into the night
where you cannot be saved
force yourself awake
and force yourself to create
force yourself to love
the day
and force yourself
just not too late

I know there are no windows here
and sunshine seems so strong
but please I'm begging you to
get up and head outside
I'm begging you
to stay strong
No there are no windows here
but you've been deeper in
darkness than this.
353 · Jul 2017
Intimacy is Someone I Know
she wraps around my legs like a cobra
and i am afraid
trying to work through trauma that I didn't realize was affecting me
353 · Jan 2016
There's a hole in
The roof
Of my house
The hole isn't
Directly above my bed
It leaks
Into the second layer of roofing
And funnels itself
Right to where I lay my head

My room is
A puddle
And my heart is
Torn wide open
Because love doesn't look
Like lies
On grapevines
Whispering willows
That climb
Crawl past
And crows in the sky
Blocking out the sun
Making night the only
Thing that shines

Love doesn't look
Like bruised bones
And paranoid telephones
love doesn't seem
Emotionally estranged and
So incredibly alone

It's lips
Are warm
And soft like home
the pretty
And the ugly
Are both grown
But love stays through
Winter snow

My room is
And I feel so alone
But that doesn't mean
Your love lips
Will ever be home
350 · May 2014
I know a man
who sleeps
with a chiquita
as a pillow
on auburn avenue
every day I pass him
at 11:00 alseep
in a nook
of the city
and sometimes
for a second
I think about
bringing him
or water
I tell myself

now I pass that building
his pillow
and blanket gone
and a hipster
juice store sign
is being pasted
on the window

I light
a cigarette
and smoke
I do not stop
and wait
for tomorrow
348 · Nov 2014
I'm always
teetering on
the edge of escapism
and the firm grounding
of an embrace
348 · Oct 2021
Soured Cream
I dreamt you cut your hair
galvanized and grey
You are the graze
Of finger tips over
A dropped knife
Stuttered speech
Is the same as the way
You catch me
From across the room
And I’m sweeping
The fondness shed
I told you I liked it.
346 · Feb 2017
No one wants
Broken goods
finger to lips
Stolen sips from
Those sweet honey hips
No one wants
A melded mind
Mineral mounds
And uncommon sounds
No one wants you
But mostly no one wants
me hung from a tree
Spoiled she
No one wants my broken
Baggage Claim
Swallowed in flame
No one wants
My mineral mound
Pumping heart sounds
Tossed around
One two three
What could it be?
No one wants
Damaged goods
346 · Nov 2016
Lately when I drink
I drink at bars two miles
Away from my house
Four shots of whiskey and
I usually get sad and I
Walk home
And the other night
I did that
And caught wind
That was missing

I began to stumble
My way home
I usually try to look mean
And unapproachable
But still I hear
A "hey baby"
******* can't
See I'm crying
And I turn around
On fire and tell him
To *******
He tells me it's thanksgiving as if
That means ****
To me
And I barrel home
Thinking he doesn't
Know that I am
Just starting to notice
All the cracks in
The pavement
And the empty spaces
Where the honey combed
Brick used to lay
And I'm wishing
I hadn't felt so
Strange toward you
342 · Jun 2016
gratitude leaves // amour
You make me
want to lay on
park benches
and watch the
sun flutter
down through
the leaves
casting shadows
on the ground
which is only familiar to me
the moments you
are not around
342 · Feb 2014
i'm not quite
sure but
i don't believe that
in a home
the floors are made of
egg shells
and furniture molded
because of minor
holes in one
336 · May 2017
Slack jawed
and wilted like the bud that
bloomed too soon
hunch over into my knees
the room sweats
some sweet southern sadness -
the kind a mother makes
when she remembers
the way you used to
wrap your hole hand
around one of her fingers
and you'd smile a bit more
- my hands now cupped
so I can pour pieces
of myself out,
b r e a t h
then repeat

Slack jawed
and wilted like the one track
wonderer who has lost his thought
press my lips to the floor
when my white noise
sensitivities and speculative
perceptions become too
populated to
pour pieces,
b r e a t h
335 · Jul 2015
Adopt my heart
Its been
kicked around
has over 300 likes
Heart felt messages
about giving it
a forever home
a place to love
to be loved
a place safe
And dry
Let me be
the "crazy people lady"
you never used
A rant
331 · Feb 2013
some thoughts
I'm sorry
and I wish I meant it
It really ***** that your cozy,
cushy life here wasn't what you needed
but I already knew that
I already knew we were just a way
for you to get by
That my dad meant nothing to you
Now you have to work for yourself
and I bet
don't you?
I love
laying on park benches
and breathing
heart beating
watching the sun flutter
from the leaves
casting shadows
and trickling
down her
light to me
I love walking
gratitude in each step
feeling the earth
hug my feet
toe to heel
time to heal
banana bread
banana peel
I love pancakes
and you
more than
I ever thought I might
330 · Aug 2014
It's the kind of
                 burn that
            sits                  waits
                 softly tearing
        at your
         a p a r t
of nerves
                             cornering a
                                  croaking   h e  a r  t.

back me into a
corner just to feel
warmth from my flame.
326 · Nov 2016
It's funny
How whenever I
Tell someone about a
Trauma they
Always let me know
What I
322 · Jan 2015
Blue lips
and I crashed my car on the on ramp
to the interstate
320 · Jul 2017
Get better cards
"get better"
pictures of an exhausted illustrated sun
pulling itself up over the horizon

i wonder if the sun ever has struggles like these
319 · Dec 2016
a year ago
or so
you told me that no one was ever going to love me again
you looked at me and I believed you
you loved me
and love is honest.

i didn't know then
that abusers
take the birds
they love
and scramble to clip
their wings
and then ask them to fly

i clung to you because
you were all I was ever going to get
that was
a bit more
than a year or so ago
315 · Mar 2018
grey tiled
waffle house in
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm about
ten coffee stirrers
apart from you and
my face burns
for the third hour awake
and the mundane
act of loving you.
315 · Jun 2023
i bought myself a necklace
the letter "M"
is gold
and strong

it got so tangled in the
baby hairs
at the base of
my neck

you cut it free
because I was
so lost in
301 · Mar 2014
my mouth
as green
as spring
that's not to
say that I
only speak
in tethered
and mindless

that's not to say
i haven't thought
thousands of
and then wrote
empty pages

that's not to say
i've held on to
dependent ideals
like ivy on the fence

it's really not
for you to
301 · Mar 2015
condensation formed on your cheeks
and you told me you didn't want to hurt me

****** lower lip

you curled into my chest
and i held you

****** upper lip

i counted the waves in your ceiling
and watched how the shadows
cast seemed to ripple like

the ringing in my ear'

I couldn't look at you without smiling
my cheek ached
my emotions on shut down
and I was ******* smiling at you
with ****** lips

and you said you didn't want to hurt me
300 · Oct 2016
The city
Is swelling
Like the belly
Of an opossum
That was
Hit by a car
On memorial
The constant
Gridlock of
Folks wasting
Away with their
Air conditioned
Tape deck days

The city is swollen
Like my lower
Lip when
You smacked
Me across my face
And I don't know
I ended
Up being the one
To blame

The city is swelling
With people
And somehow
I managed
To never stop
Feeling so
300 · Oct 2015
given me enough
love notes
that I could
fold an
army of
Six split
I keep telling myself
That I'll quit
And ten
Somehow I'm back
In bed with you again
Tell me how to
Tell me how to be clean
Eleven twelve
And thirteen
I loved you at just a baby soft nineteen
294 · Feb 2015
like the three day old knot
thats grown into my back
just above
my four month old
spinal tap

and i hope
i pray
that you might
stay for
one more night
of my chaotic
and calm
coaster ride
292 · Apr 2021
My roommate
Cut his feet
On glass I broke
Twice at least
And I feel a lot better
Than I did a year ago
hey there little chicken bone
you were left all alone
on the street
with no meat
no piece of me
i know you’re only four years old
not feeling very bold
and you don’t want to go on believing in
love when its not enough
it’s not enough

hey starry eyed
with your sideways smile
and your sharpened teeth
ready to meet some flesh
cause your so **** tough
so **** tough

put em up
pull em out
with your way word dreams
and all the demons
you sing about
put em up
oh pull em out
on the nicotine fiend
and the fighter in your sleep
you drink em out
put em up
root them out
all those demons you sing about
Songs are hard
283 · Jul 2016
Feeling your
Fleeting interactions
Freeing my
Foot path
From my heart to yours
Feeling your
Fleeing song birds
Fearing myself
Forgetting your words
Fighting my
Future for
I have the world pressed to my palms
283 · Mar 2016
Today it
Occurred to me that
I could dissect your dialect
Savour every breath
And take notes
Of when and why
I thought
Your heart was
Pounding out of your chest
I could pull meaning
From your lips
Like lust
I could try and understand
Why I felt some days
So soft like summer
Sun and others
Are as if I've been
Frozen all along
I could fight
The fact that I'm
Always afraid
of your

Today I realized
That if I did all of this
I wouldn't get the chance
To know the flashes
Of light that sometimes
Fill your face
Or hear tales
Of dancing shoes
Hallways of birds or
To count the freckles on your shoulders
275 · Sep 2016
Skin to knife
Skin to knife
Skin to knife
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