The city Is swelling Like the belly Of an opossum That was Hit by a car On memorial Despite The constant Gridlock of Folks wasting Away with their Air conditioned Tape deck days
The city is swollen Like my lower Lip when You smacked Me across my face And I don't know How I ended Up being the one To blame
The city is swelling With people And somehow I managed To never stop Feeling so ******* alone
My feet Are numb And I can't Stand the deafening Sound of Sweet sounding Nothings, The bitter And blank Tingle of White noise That circulates Rooms full Of people.
I'm beginning to understand why a lot of really intelligent people go mad
Love seems that it's half way unconscious like burn on my cheeks whenever I see my lover smile and halfway a choice to be respect the other and their emotions even if that means accepting the fact they may never really ever love you back.