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Apr 2015 · 264
Melanie Apr 2015
It had never occurred to her that someone could fall in love so fast, but fall out of love even faster.
Apr 2015 · 196
Melanie Apr 2015
My heart hurts when I see her,
Not because I know you chose her,
Not because she captures your attention.

But because I know you whisper
The same beautiful lies in her ear that  you once told me.
Sep 2014 · 434
Melanie Sep 2014
This is for the people that lost loved ones




For them we raise our flag
For them we rise above

For those that died we sing
Letting our freedom ring
Through our nation

It was any other day
People drinking coffee in the morning
Soon they’ll be morning

For the deaths and destruction of the fateful day

Now we will raise our voices and sing for them

The angels that are now watching from heaven.

— The End —