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I have been locked inside, kept small for far too long, that any opportunity seems like the best one

So I grasp at straws, holding on like flotation devices, please just pull me back to shore

I can't breathe, underwater, unloved, a constant reminder
That maybe "good enough" is all I'll ever get

Second choice, second chance be ******

I can only do so much on my own
The growth doesn't matter when it's just centimeters
The achievements are nothing when the people who are proud of you are obligated

I don't want to just be an obligation

So throw me a bone,
I'll hold onto it like it's my last shot,
One last shot, one last try,
Please for the love of all the Gods,
This can't be all there is
I may not be your forever

But I will haunt your dreams
I will be the thing that you find yourself
Going back to in your thoughts
The thing you ****** up
The thing you forgot was the most important
The thing you couldn't prioritize over yourself

I may not be your soulmate

But my soul shines so brilliantly, your life will be dark without me
I will continue to burn brilliantly while you flicker out
The thing that you realize you cannot live without
The eternal flame that kept your house and heart warm

I may not be the answer to your questions

But I was the solution to your problems, the builder, the caretaker, the mother, the life giver.

And it would do you well to remember.
Jun 6 · 37
Unparalleled Honesty
Mel Little Jun 6
I'm exhausted

Like, getting out of bed is something I regret
Like, my bones literally hurt along the edges of all of my joints and my back is on fire
Like, going to work fills me with a dread I can't even explain

I'm tired

Like, I didn't ******* ask to do this life alone
Like, I never wanted this life to begin with
Like, I sometimes want to just throw in the towel

And I'm ******* sad

All the time, always
I can't catch a break, no matter how much I work
I get so sick of watching people treat others like absolute ****
I get so upset when all that spews from people is hatred
Mel Little Jun 5
I want a happily ever after

I yearn for it, the missing piece to my
Entirely complex life puzzle

And every single time I think I may have found it
I'm wrong

I just want to be right for once
Jun 4 · 31
Mel Little Jun 4
I have never had it in myself to go gracefully
Or with peace
Or dignity

In fact, I set the world ablaze behind me
Scream obscenities into the sky
Curse the hearts of those
That dare cross me

If you'd just take a peek inside my soul
You may never be able to look away
Beautiful and dangerous
It's all flame
From burning the bridges
That unmade me
May 29 · 29
No, but seriously
Mel Little May 29
I'll **** this up.

I'll say the wrong thing. I'll make the wrong comment. I'll wear the wrong thing. I'll make the wrong silly face at exactly the wrong time.

I get annoying. The quirks aren't so fun when they're really my personality. The weird isn't so cute when it bursts out of the seams of my existence.

I'll inevitably **** you off. It's not that I'll try. It's that the brain to mouth filter needs replaced at best, is absolutely irreparably broken in truth. It's that social cues aren't my forte. It's that I see the world through a lens that it's hard for others to share.

And yet, I'll battle against the self doubt every day. And yet, I have hope that I'm wrong. And yet, I believe I can still be loved.
May 20 · 196
My fault
Mel Little May 20
I am tornado
Spiraling out of control

I never stopped to consider the collateral damage.
May 20 · 41
Mel Little May 20
I've made a good mess of my life.

Lost everyone that had just started to matter
By being me.

This is why I never leave my house.
May 19 · 36
It's probably dumb
Mel Little May 19
I still dream of a white dress
And have the color scheme in mind
I'm not a wearer of heels, anyway
So barefoot amongst the grass I'll go

I know who I'd want there,
Watching me take this second
A second chance.

I still believe I can do this
The right way
The way I deserve
I still believe that someday I may have
A happily ever after
May 18 · 38
NJR (revisited)
Mel Little May 18
I probably should have healed
The part of me that is wild
Before I touched you.

The problem is, I believe that love can exist
In duality
To who we are as people.

I'll never send you this ******* poem, for instance,
But I wish you'd read it all the same.

I never meant to hurt anyone on my constant downward spiral, least of all you.
Least of all, you.

Maybe someday it can be different.
Probably not, I'm really good at ruining **** for myself.
But maybe.
May 18 · 32
Mel Little May 18
You didn't call yesterday,
And you won't call this weekend
Because you're in her house all shacked up and cozy
Beating off to the god complex in your own head.

I hate you as much as I love you,
And it hurts too much to keep it in existence
Outside of this URL.

You know I'm the only person that you can even tell half the truth of the psychosis to. But in the end,
You can't love me like I need.
And we both need to be honest about this trainwreck before it comes off the rails.
May 16 · 38
It's Not You, It's Me
Mel Little May 16
It's always them
And it's never me

It's never me

What's it like to actually be chosen
What's it like to really be loved
May 15 · 25
The Truth
Mel Little May 15
I've been chasing the feeling of being alive for longer than I can remember being happy

And there are moments, of course, where I glimpse it,
Where the monotony of life doesn't drag me under in its endless depths
But it seems so fleeting lately, that it's hard to remember.

And I know, I know, I put all of this energy in seeking it in all the wrong places. I should probably got get on a ******* roller coaster or something,
Instead of riding...
This ******* downhill battle

But the funny thing is, I do love and value myself. It's not that I don't. It's not that I don't know my own worth.

It's just that the two sides of me are a double edged sword. And I'm always ******* myself up in the end,
It's just too sharp.

I say too much, I try too hard. I'm a ******* mess. And I probably always will be. I don't know how to put the mask back on anymore.
May 15 · 35
Mel Little May 15
You keep telling me to call it
"Say when"
But it's 4am and I'm still imagining
You trailing kisses up my thighs
Because you put the image there to begin with

I guess we've flipped roles.
You used to be the lion,
And I used to be the lamb
But I'd consume you before
I let this die

I'm not strong enough to call it.
You already know that.
May 15 · 24
Fourth Wall
Mel Little May 15
Part of me wants it to **** you
That someone else's head was between my legs
That someone else's name was on my lips
That my fingers tangled in someone else's hair

Part of me craves that little spike of jealousy
Because of what it means otherwise.
Mel Little May 14
It would really be something,
If these love letters
Became the start
Of everything
May 14 · 109
Mel Little May 14
You sounded like a little kid
When I was telling you to
Figure it out

Because it hurts you to be doing this
As much as it hurts me.

It's alright, if you want to let go.
All good things must end,

It's still always going to feel like a
May 14 · 19
Justin Time
Mel Little May 14
A rose by any other name, right?
That's what Shakespeare said, anyway,
In that one really epic story
About toxic love and how
Both people just die at the end

Of course you're hurting my feelings.
You know you are.
It's the asking that makes it worse.
Because we both know it will never
Be a thing
And I have always wanted it to
Far more than you.
Because there's something just *******,
I dunno,
Romantic about the idea, isn't there?
Dropping everything and starting over
With someone that knows exactly the mess
You really are?

It's why I fall in love so often,
Dear one. It's why I try so hard.
I'm constantly chasing the feeling
That I know I can't get
Anywhere else
But here.

It's why when you're suddenly around when
My life is going to shambles, I blindly
Grasp at this last straw of creativity
Because this is where I find
My soul

But I don't want to break her heart.
And you don't belong to me.
And you never will.
We both know it.

But it still hurts just the same,
Doesn't it?
Whether it's real or just a facade
May 14 · 24
Mel Little May 14
I told you before, I'd shut it all down
Because it's better to not feel anything at all
Than constantly be hurt.
May 14 · 20
Mel Little May 14
I selfishly hope that when you look up and see how not okay I really am,
while I'm pretending to be for your sake,
It rips your heart apart.
May 13 · 88
Asking for a Friend
Mel Little May 13
What's the difference between
Helping people heal
Letting them hurt you

I haven't figured it out yet.
May 13 · 41
Devotion and Desire
Mel Little May 13
"You'd be my first pick."
Man I'm always dumb enough to fall for the lines,
The ways their eyes crinkle when they smile,
The lustful flirtations that fuel the very deepest broken part of me.
          I just desperately need to be wanted
I guess I should know better by now,
as many times as I've spun this wheel,
That it's always more of the same stupid games that never make sense.
          I don't think I've ever really been worthy of love
I should have figured you out from the rip, I'm so good at boys like you,
The ones that don't know how good they are because they wear their brokenness like an impenetrable armor,
I'm so good at loving you
          I don't know why I'm still just not good enough
"What've I said about degrading yourself with words?"
May 13 · 17
Security Blanket
Mel Little May 13
I'm the safe option, it's why you want me.
Because I'm the option you don't have to invest in, or change for,
The option that's easy because it's the one that can't be real.

You want me because I cannot leash you, I cannot go through your phone, I cannot tell you what you should or should not do. I can only hold midnight vigil and revelry for the darkest parts of your soul.

You want me because you always have, maybe a little, impression on a different version of you, 23 was a little easier.

But none of this will ever be all of it. None of it will ever encompass the entire truth. None of it stops the pull that never made sense anyway.

But it doesn't matter. We both know 400 miles is a gap we won't bridge. We both know at the end of the night, we're still going to be lonely.

But if it helps you sleep, the knowledge I'd burn it down for a chance to fill myself up with you? Take it, take me and empty yourself into me.
May 13 · 25
Mel Little May 13
The tendrils creep up slowly
Icy cold wraps up smooth thighs first
Sinking into the pit of my stomach
The dregs of anxiety unwavering

"You'll always be alone."

Don't I know it? I tell myself,
Fighting off the fear again and again
The clutching cold at my throat
Vines of breathlessness encroaching
On my ability to live
This ******* rock on my chest has to let up

"You'll never be good enough."

I know that too, that's why
I continue to fight, continue to learn
Continue to make mistakes and repeat
Them just in case.

I ******* know. I know my faults. I know my hangups. I know.
May 12 · 28
Repetitive (10w)
Mel Little May 12
The truth just is:

Happy people make **** poor poets.
May 11 · 29
Nights like Those
Mel Little May 11
How strange, bitten lips between old friends
A juxtaposition from the reality that was

How intriguing, something familiar
Yet entirely different from what we could ever be

How worrying, the truth of it
The people we know will never see this coming from us

How delightful, the strange newness here
I only hope that this doesn't end with us lost at sea
May 11 · 22
White Horse
Mel Little May 11
Maybe you do not realize,
That I wish nothing more than to
Break down all your walls
Rip through the bricks you have around your heart
And hold you until you feel safe again.

Maybe you do not realize
that I am not the damsel in distress
I am the knight, riding in on a white horse to kick *** and take names
Ideally yours at the end of the journey

Maybe you do not realize
That for everyone that's hurt you,
I've been hurt too.
I know the shield you're carrying.
I want you to know you can put it down.

Maybe you do not realize
All I wanted out of this
Was you.
May 10 · 21
Take me to Church
Mel Little May 10
I genuinely didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but don't disrespect me or degrade me and think there are no repercussions to your ego or livelihood,
That is not the way this goes.

You may not have realized, but though I go through Demon phases, I am a living, breathing Goddess that you will either worship or fear.
Whichever seems more to your liking.
May 10 · 36
Self Destruct
Mel Little May 10
Don't dwell so hard, dear one.
I won't actually off myself if you disappear.
It is what it is.
I'm just a ****** being in need of release
Don't let me ruin you
May 8 · 30
Mel Little May 8
You know what you should do? You should bite the bullet

And send me that text.

And depending on the honest answer to the question "are you seeing anyone seriously?"

I might spin the chamber

And send nudes.
May 6 · 30
Just kill me already
Mel Little May 6
No one ever sees when my soul is cutting its own tether to this earth.

No one ever notices when my eyes fixate far into the abyss.

No one ever holds me when I'm ripping myself apart to shreds.

But everyone will show up at my funeral telling everyone how they never knew I felt that way.

All anyone had to do was open their eyes.
May 4 · 29
Mel Little May 4
Sometimes I wonder if any of them would care if I disappeared,
Those that wrapped their hands around my throat and called me by the name

I wonder if they realize that in healing parts of me, they damaged others,
Those that whispered the sweetest words in my ear then ran away quickly
"I love you"

I wonder if in this conundrum of ups and downs, lefts and rights, they know
That I'm beyond all help, staring into the worthlessness of everything I've done
"I want you"

I wonder if I can ever belong to anyone again
Mel Little May 4
How do you say you're screaming internally when no one else seems to see that you're drowning?

How do you keep trying, trying to do the right thing, to follow the rules, to keep life fair,
keep watching, watching as everyone that cheats and lies gets everything while you still have

How do you keep giving away your heart, over and over, smiling at strangers, held together with bandaids over gaping wounds, holding onto coping mechanisms like internalizing everything

How can you say you're burning, burning from the inside, your chest is too tight and your brain is too wound, and you're not sleeping again and it definitely shows...

How can you keep going, going, Energizer bunny this **** because you have to, you have a mouth to feed that isn't yours and you can't give up

But how can you fight for your life when it keeps kicking you back down?
May 2 · 26
Greener Grass
Mel Little May 2
I miss my dog.

I definitely don't miss you. Or your ******* or your lies.

I miss the stability of keeping my life together in a familiar hell.

I definitely don't miss you, or the Tinder account you tried to lie about, or the friends you let disrespect me to my face in front of our son.

I miss knowing exactly what my day was going to be, even in monotony.

I don't miss you, or being screamed at, or being told I'm not desirable because I wear yoga pants to clean the house.

I miss having more free time.

I don't miss you, or being bullied for my hair color, or sleeping alone in a bedroom meant for two while you found solace in someone else's bed.

I miss what you could have been, but I don't miss you.
May 2 · 33
Mel Little May 2
To the random man in my inbox

The ex that won't leave me the **** alone

And the dude I've very blatantly told no so many times it's not even funny:

My soul is somewhere on Scorpius, waiting patiently to be reborn.

Try again in a few lifetimes.
Apr 29 · 21
Mel Little Apr 29
You ooze that good boy persona just a little too well,
And people whisper about how I am defiling you
But the pressure of your hand at the small of my back
Is enough to remind me that I really don't care.

And maybe I don't know if this will last two weeks
Two months
Or two years
Or maybe two lifetimes

The most selfish part of me hopes I never have to find out

And I'm still trying to keep ahold of my feelings,
          I'm better in writing, anyway
And just when I think I'm going to squelch it
          I'm better at writing, anyway
You stretch and just a strip of your skin shows,
Leaving me lost in the thought of your hips against mine, your lips against mine

          God, I'm awful at goodbyes

And you wonder why you're a distraction
Apr 28 · 204
Stimpak (lol)
Mel Little Apr 28
I am not asking you to heal me, darling
I need to do that myself

But if you'll wait patiently while I do, I'll help heal you too
Apr 23 · 24
Me and Mary
Mel Little Apr 23
When I walk with Mary, **** doesn't seem as bad
She doesn't judge me harshly, in fact she makes me laugh
And yeah, she's a little harsh around the edges,
not everyone's particular "Cup of tea"
But none of that **** matters when it's just Mary and Me.
This is a poem about drugs <3
Apr 22 · 51
Shaved Legs
Mel Little Apr 22
I wait for the footsteps up the stairs
Heavy, familiar, you'll say your back hurts
As you wrap me in your arms

And the times that you fell short will not matter
After all, we all have growing to do, right?
And I'll take you in my arms

I've waited for you to come around a long time,
Familiar, lover, and we'll say we missed this
As your hands graze freshly shaved legs

We'll both pretend we're not lying to ourselves
Mel Little Apr 21
******* if it doesn't hurt to be used again
Washed up and bleeding and wildly confused again

Why do I let myself stab my own heart?

And **** if the smoke isn't clearing the room, my head or my heart or my impending doom

Why can't I stop myself falling apart?
Apr 20 · 41
Mel Little Apr 20
The scar in your eyebrow, the way you know exactly where to stand to raise my temperature

These are the things that will haunt me most

I swore I wouldn't do this to myself, swore I wouldn't play the game

But the chess board was already set in my head

And it only ends with me losing, it always ends with me losing

The three freckles on your lips keep my heart stuttering,

But I will never be yours, and you could never be mine

And it will keep me wondering til the ends of time.
Apr 20 · 38
Mel Little Apr 20
Forever seeking a feeling of acceptance I've only gotten skin to skin

A person can only take so much damage, and when the lights turn on they turn away

I am not a haunted house

But the draft of emptiness looms here, and acceptance is hard to find

The powers that be will keep me locked in, love was always my biggest sin
Apr 20 · 129
Mel Little Apr 20
The fulfilment of my teenage dreams, I couldn't have imagined a better lover
Until it was over

A scorching mark that leaves me breathless even still, love, or maybe just lust, burning brilliantly, blue instead of red

It was just too hot too touch
I'll always be too much

Fingertip trails glisten across every inch of my skin,
I couldn't have displaced myself any better,
Until I could

This will surely leave a mark, even still, or maybe just an impression, forever a memory, paint never dry

It's just too wet to touch
I'll always be too much
Apr 20 · 127
Mel Little Apr 20
I'm not sure if this is an existential crisis, or just my reality

To be lost without a clue, deeply alone, mood changing every minute because reality sinks in

And I'm just not the main character. I never will be. I'm some forgettable auxillary background character

And that's true for everyone, but is the deep seated dread that you truly don't matter also ever present?

Does everyone's heart feel like a shell of fear, worried that you're just here, existing instead of living?
Apr 13 · 97
Mel Little Apr 13
I have never been quite sure why I like
To press my teeth into skin just like so

Maybe some animalistic instinct, as lionesses in heat bite the ***** of males when they want to mate

Maybe some innate claim to be made to the world, in dental record no less, that I have made this one my own

Marked. Claimed.

I still have a bruise on my arm, still feel your hair in my fingers

Smitten. Bitten.
Apr 12 · 38
Yo Quiero
Mel Little Apr 12
I want so much, much more than I deserve

I want your time, and your energy. More than you're willing to invest.

I want your opinions and your flirtations and your humor and your giggles and silly noises, not that I am even worthy.

You see, I want. I covet. I wish. If I could, I'd take without a second thought. But I cannot be that person, I am not that person.

So I want. And yet, that is still a sin.

So I burn, I writhe, I want, I need

my heart beats so fast whenever you're near me, my body temperature rises, my face flushes... of course I'll go to hell for this

I want to tell you how much I want you. But fear leaves the words ash in my mouth.
Apr 11 · 30
Never me
Mel Little Apr 11
Never me, questioning if the giving up is worth it
                             I **** well know I'm worth it

Never me, questioning if the fire really is as hot as I think
                             I can't and won't be burned again

Never me, questioning if this is really what I'm meant to be doing
                             Flee to the woods, girl, run yelling

Never me, pretending my feelings are erasable and mundane
                             Scream, let it out, you know you want to

Never me, logic and feeling arguing past the point of insanity
                             You were meant for bigger things, girl

Never me, trying to fuse all my feelings into a cohesive thought.
Mel Little Apr 6
My body is not a burial ground for
someone else's wasted potential
and I really wish men would stop
assuming that it is.
Apr 6 · 26
Pick me Girl
Mel Little Apr 6
I hate to be that girl
But I'd really like for someone to just
Actually pick me for once.

It's waiting on the sidelines of every ******* dance, praying that someone would see the brilliance of my soul,
Under this ******* skin suit
Forever and ever

Repeat, replay, again and again
I just hope that the stars or the moon or whatever Gods I believe in today will just,
******* have faith in me,
Like I try to have faith in them.

If the lesson is that I need to be comfortable with being alone,
Then I'm unwilling to be the student. I'm unchanging and unwavering.
I just want to be ******* loved,
The way I ******* deserve by someone that I actually want to be loved by.
It's really not that much to ask
Apr 5 · 41
Ifs and Whens
Mel Little Apr 5
If the universe grants me peace, and when it finally does
I guess I'll know the truth of it, the lessons from what was.

If my body grants me health, and when maybe it finally will,
I'll try my best to keep it up, to keep from feeling ill.

If this Earth should grant me love, and when it finally comes
I hope I'll keep my wits this time, and relish in what it becomes

And if this life should grant me time, and when it finally ends
Just know that I've enjoyed myself, my family and my friends.
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