The valiant fiery heart of youth
Still throbs inside my *****
No poetic verse to mourn long-lost days
Is being sung in melancholy’s dark chasm
The bird’s tune wakes with the dawning sun
And the morning leaves softly hiss their sacred hymns
Whispering enchanting tales of a shiny golden age
Yearning for precious harmonies and rampant wild rhythms
The strings are strung on God’s graceful majestic violin
And mighty sounds soar in celestial realms summoning all the angels
Melodious harps, otherworldly lutes and unimaginable lyres vibrate in perfect unison
As gracious singers sing high poems and pluck their heavenly mandolins
Let’s chant a song divine, let’s pay homage to a world sublime!
Begin the music, play the joyful tambourine
Behold and see how all the grief is no longer in me!
It's been cast out, dissipating completely
In the sky’s mesmerizing blue and the earth’s bright dazzling green!