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602 · Feb 2011
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
Only in the darkness of the night can I fully see
When silence engulfs my senses creating a symphony
As cold wind shakes me, darkness awakes me
From the haze I have been dwelling in, living in a deep sleep
600 · Jan 2011
Meka Boyle Jan 2011
yes the ocean waves capture my gaze
but i would trade it all to look at you
my emotions tend to act as a maze
with your hand in mine you lead me through

a song in my head is equal to compare
for you are like a beautiful meoldy
i close my eyes and see your steady stare
no need to hide, you see right through me

yet here i am, lost and all alone
grasping at the past as it slowly fades away
wondering how you could not have known
without you life is but a rainy day

memories linger in the back of my head
i dare not daze off in fear they will submerge my senses
as i whisper the words i wish i said
i become vulnerable, defneseless

as the ocean waves submerge the mighty shore
the tides reveal what i've been looking for
599 · Apr 2011
war machine
Meka Boyle Apr 2011
Crying out for war
With no idea what you're fighting for
Little soldier who craves protection
You eagerly submit
In fear of rejection
Yet you refuse to admit
That the rhythm of your heart beat
Matches the drone
Of the war machine that can't fathom defeat
For the fear of the unknown
Is the only validation for retreat
So mask you vulnerability behind bullet proof vests
Shouting out less is more
When really more is less
When it comes to conformity
Cuz the more they teach you, the less you see
Blinded by the blatant truth
Explanation was lost in the youth
Society has caved in
To the pressure of greed
Which rooted itself within
The very epitome of need
So as you fight off emotion for the fear you can't define it
You're making a deal with the devil
And allowing society to sign it
599 · Feb 2011
l word
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
I'm afraid of love
There I said it
Now that its over I can pretty much forget it
Go on with my life
It hasn't bothered me before
Ignore the nagging pain reminding me there's more
More to life
Yeah its hard to comprehend
Especially when I live in a world of pretend
Twisting words in my head
If they can't break they'll bend
Words are nothing without being defined
So then what is it that makes love divine?
593 · Mar 2011
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
My loneliness is self imposed
I try to escape, yet the door remains closed
The walls I've built up keep me grounded
As I take sanction in the fact I'm surrounded
There's no on to blame for the demise of my soul
Alone and isolated, my heart devours me whole
Constantly searching for something to numb the pain
Yet nothing dulls the thoughts racing through my brain
Hopelessly I long to be proven wrong
For someone to pick up my pieces and carry them along
No matter the wishes, I remain alone
For who I really am remains unknown
I hide, halfheartedly, behind a broken facade
Seclusive, elusive, its myself I evade
Secretly hating all who claim to love me
Yet still I hide in the shadows, allowing no one to see
For no one can handle my distorted senses
In order to protect them, I put up my defenses
In a world of shallow thinkers, I sink to the floor
Blending in with my surroundings, its myself I abhor
Yet I can't contain the longing in my soul
To find someone who fits the missing piece, making me whole
Meka Boyle Feb 2012
Once I threw a rock
Into a river,
So I could watch it
Then I left,
But the rock stayed,
And made me feel
So small.
So now I never
Go near water,
For fear of getting
And as for the rock,
It lays there,
And still, I can't
586 · May 2011
time is an illusion
Meka Boyle May 2011
Time is an illusion
Created to muffle confusion
Forming a false sense of control
Breaking life into fragments
The decomposition of the soul
Divided into segments
Everything is written between thin lines
Creating boundaries
By which our thoughts are bind
Due to the restrictions in our limitless minds
Still no one opposes
Cuz it's easier to handle
Claiming to know the sun
From the light shed by a candle
Illuminating a section
Of a staged resurrection
Between control
And what it means to be
Separated by reality
Counting our blessings like 1 2 3
Keeping time with the rhythm
Of a scripted symphony
Our clocks are set
Counting down to oblivion
As we sleep awaiting the alarm
We surrender our kingdom
To the hands of time
Which harbor our minds
For what we are looking for
Doesn't lay within the lines
Of the social set up
Built upon time
584 · May 2011
internal eclipse
Meka Boyle May 2011
Waiting for a reason
To define my motives
Searching for the cause
Which has driven me devoted
For I have the definition
Of something beyond my comprehension
Outside my realm of recognition
I can taste the tension
Building up between
What it is and what it seems
Relying on what can be seen
To reflect sightless dreams
I long to be awoken
From the trance of confusion
As I try to hear the unspoken
Call out to an illusion
Parallel to the light
The moon reflects off the sun
The darkness curtains the night
As the two work as one
So still I dream on
With my conclusion on my lips
Yet unable to separate daydreams
I create an internal eclipse
Meka Boyle Feb 2012
Midnight was made for broken hearts,
For lying awake with the lights off,
And retracing memories that never happened.
It's easier to love when you're alone.

Midnight was made for the broken hearts,
For whispering forgotten promises,
As if uttering them will drain them of their potency.
It's easier to love when you're alone.
563 · Jun 2011
loss of words
Meka Boyle Jun 2011
Love stems from the moment
In which words are no longer of use
When expressing the most poetic of feelings
Is done so with a sense of poetry that does not need to be written down
Ah, I want to feel the emotions run through my veins
Spurting out into the world
Yet not chained to paper and ink
I want the compulsion to write it all down
Yet the intimacy to refrain
For no words are worthy of portraying such a passion
This is love in it's rawest form
Stripped of all the conventional formalities
Which weigh it down
562 · Mar 2011
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
You often get lost starting out to the stars
Intertwined with the darkness, you forget who you are
Unaware your indifferent gaze is transparent
As I try to call you back, your heart remains incoherent
For you'd rather live in a world of daydreams
Where everything is what it seems
For it's not always gold if it sparkles and gleams
The silence of nature muffles your hearts inner screams
Dignity masks your struggle with pain
The walls erode as you continuously fix them in vain
Despite your past you've tried to move on
Desperately avoiding closure yet wishing it gone
It's time you faced reality and looked it in the eye
For you must understand the ground before you can fly
561 · Mar 2011
armed with words
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
Life is my medium
Art seeps through my seams
As I paint a picture of reality
Nothings what it seems
Bright colors
Mingle with one another
Till they simultaneously agree
To stop
Take cover
Leaving me alone with the words in my heart
Which bleed through the paper
The most vibrant art
Mixing with my emotions
Creating a potent potion
Which pours over the canvas
Which in my case is life
So thick with meaning
You could cut it with a knife
Accurately depicting
What society is scripting
Holding it over the ocean
I lose my grip
Watch it sink
I wake up
This cynical cycle is just part of my makeup
I can't shake it
There's no way to break it
So I do what any great artist would do
Paint it
With words
So that my medium can be heard
Through the silence of it all
Evoke society to fall
Unlock the doors of my wall
Open it up to insight
The whole time thinking
Only I know what's right
I think about it every night
So armed with words I prepare for the fight
558 · May 2011
ray of sun
Meka Boyle May 2011
A ray of sun
Has managed to penetrate
The dark curtains
Entering my room
Its dances along my wall
Making patterns upon my eyelids
It can be appreciated in all it's splendor
For when I pull the curtains back
It disappears
Becoming one with the beams of light
Which now surround it
The spotlight which it had cast
Is no more
It has sunk back into the shadows
Of light
550 · Jan 2011
youth of our nation
Meka Boyle Jan 2011
she struggles to keep her head up
wishing someone would give her a heads up
of whats coming down the road
she's got a heavy load
on her back
you can see it in her tracks
that every day is a struggle
she dodges what life throws at her
when she gets hit, she juggles
but soon her act will fade
revealing her facade
its this day she must evade
she craves the limelight
yet hates the stage
dwelling in the fear of admitting she is afraid
living upto her self set standard
she is constantly in motion yet not moving forward
or towards
her destination
yet she continues they cycle
she longs for confromation
without confrontation
she fits right in with the youth of our nation
he knows what he wants
against all odds
he's sick and tired of being called a lost cause
tangled up in contradiction
yet so secure with his ambitions
constantly cutting the strings that tie him down
yet without them his feet don't touch the ground
unfamilliar with the term backing down
never has he been safe and sound
feeling the weight of his shackles and handmade crown
believing one must be lost in order to be found
life to him is like hide and seek
forn he believes to be vulnerable is to be weak
so to speak
he's tired of hiding and wants to be found
As he looks around
he comes to realize he's not alone
with his moral mutation
longing for validation
the constant need for stimulation
sparked by the sudden implication
he fits right in with the youth of our nation
541 · Mar 2011
meaningless sound
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
If love can't be put into words
Then why is "I love you" constantly heard
All it does is chain the emotion down
Flooding it with language
Making it drown
As it plummets deeper
We try to revive it
Self inflicting scars
Just to say we survived it
Wearing our hearts on our sleeve
We long to belive
Afraid to admit deceit
Unaware of the inevitable defeat
Which accompanies the empty words
That are said just to be heard
So proclaim your best notion
Of your hopeless devotion
As your words drag you down
To the depths of the ocean
By exploiting love
You've diluted the meaning
Locked it away
In a realm of dreaming
Forever stuck within our mind
Broken off from language
That's where it's bind
So the phrase "I love you" holds it's ground
Reducing it's self to a meaningless sound
540 · Feb 2011
rescue me
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
Rescue me
If you can
Lead me forward
Take my hand
Rescue me
From my mind
Help cut the strings
By which I'm bind
Set me free
From reality
For your the only truth I need to see
Save me
For I'm falling apart
Put me back together
Take hold of my heart
I'm surrendering to the unknown
For anythings better than being alone
528 · Oct 2011
Meka Boyle Oct 2011
The stars don't shine as bright tonight
As memories cloud the air
Beneath the darkness of the night
They reflect your hazy stare
523 · May 2011
Meka Boyle May 2011
I have trouble deciphering trust
From the voice in my head
That's driven by the lust
Of wanting to be needed
You had a warning sign in your forehead
But I chose not to read it
My fate was decided
The moment we collided
522 · May 2011
Meka Boyle May 2011
All I knew of you
Has washed away
Left behind a canvas
Covered in grey
For the blacks and whites
Just couldn't contain
The picture of you
Embedded in my brain

I still recall every blemish
And every perfection
But beyond your image
I can't make a connection
For all I knew was a product of my desire
Unreleated to reality
You merely sparked the fire
Which in time, consumed me whole
Burning out my eyes
As I gazed in your soul

Too bad no one warned me
About my facade's limited warranty
Now I'm facing the result
Due to my imagination getting the best of me

The monster I created
Devoured me entirely
As my oblivion deteriorated
So did reality
518 · Feb 2011
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
Its hard to sleep when my minds constantly racing
As if there's a conclusion that its desperately chasing
In and out of an intricate maze
Obscured by my emotions foggy haze
So in the night I lay submerged in my thoughts
The one time of the day when I want to be lost
512 · Feb 2011
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
Constantly battling with my insecurities
Yet they always seem to get the best of me
I'm treading the water in a pool of self doubt
Slowly I'm drowning as I pray for a drought
Every day that I awake, I'm taunted with reality
Afraid to admit the toll it has on me
So I gather my pieces and patch up my heart
To be held together with lies is better than to fall apart
I hide all emotion and paint on a smile
Too afraid to face myself, I take refuge in denial
510 · Feb 2011
listen to the silence
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
Hurts my ears
My thoughts alone
Are what I fear
My minds constantly racing
Off of my thoughts
Trapped in my head
No way out
For it exists within
My very soul
Encompassing me whole
As I listen I pay the toll
The noise around me
Seems to be muted
With my thoughts
I try to speak up
But I'm lost in the silence
the chaos continues
In a peaceful violence
Alone in my mind
I begin to find
Freedom thrives
As I listen to the silence
I begin to feel
The sound waves rush through me
Intertwine with my senses
Allowing me to let down my defenses
510 · Mar 2011
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
Only in utter darkness is one able to fathom light
Only in utmost despair can one comprehend happiness
So alas I live in a dark dreary room
With the shades drawn, creating a dismal air
Encompassing all I have both loved and despised
Creating the prefect backdrop to illuminate light
502 · Jan 2011
self portrait
Meka Boyle Jan 2011
life is like a painting with water colors
as soon as i get an end result emotions start to run into eachother
things dont always appear how they seem
it's as if the chaos on the canvas is nothing but a dream
as i dip my brush into the paint, reality sinks in
everything swirls together, no longer kept within
i'm afraid to define anything and set it in stone
for if my emotions do change, my definitions will be left alone
vibrant colors turn to black
i stand on the edge, holding nothing back
swaying back and forth there are times i almost fall
taking a step forward, even if it means risking it all
as the colors collide so do day dreams and reality
fogging up my eyes, allowing me to see clearly
the strokes of paint are forever shifting and distorted
as i take it all in, i see my slef portrait
479 · Mar 2011
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
I long to feel
Yet my emotions remain stagment
Out of touch with whats real
Unable to piece together the fragments
476 · May 2011
moon light
Meka Boyle May 2011
I vaguely recall
That afternoon
Except the way
Your eyes reflected the moon
As the sun lingered
Casting it's last goodbye
It didn't pause to rest in your eyes
Instead it merely evaporated
Using the night as it's disguise
I suppose it didn't think
To cover up it's tracks
For your expression captured the instant
Before the sky turned black
Entertwining with the remaining hues
Cast behind the procession
In subtle pinks and blues
Only for a moment
Would they survive
For when the moon settles in
Only your eyes remain alive
Acting as a spotlight
To your soul
Yet when you blink
Darkness devours you whole
So as I reminisce
I try to remember
That beneath all the ashes
The moon illuminates an ember
470 · Mar 2011
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
The sound of the rain gently caresses me
As the feel on my skin wholly possesses me
Shivers dance up and down my spine
Piecing me together as my thoughts begin to align
469 · Feb 2011
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
I've never known how it feels to be free
For my superstition has a hold on me
Hopelessly claiming both faith and religion
Aware they can't exist together within
Yet to exist isn't my goal
Afraid to surrender one, I pay the toll
Alone in my thoughts I long for more
Blindly picking up pieces of the puzzle on the floor
My biggest fear is to be defenseless
To fear is to know so I isolate my senses
If ignorance is bliss then I envy those in pain
Numb to reality I try to feel in vain
All because of a four letter word I'm afraid to say
While searching for the right words I got lost along the way
Lost in the shadows of my own thoughts
The more I try to escape, the more I get caught
Looking for a way out is hard when you can't see
Dreaming of fairy tales only distort reality
But it's hard to paint without an easel
Putting it together I feel so pieceful
443 · Jun 2011
on growing up
Meka Boyle Jun 2011
Built up by fractions of the truth
We gaze starry eyed to the future
Forgetting our youth
Constantly in movement
We tend to forget where we started
For we took flight at the first impulse
Daydreams disregarded
417 · Feb 2011
wishful thinking
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
Going with the flow only gets you so far
Depending on fate doesn't make you who you are
Life's no easier after seeing a shooting star
So bottle your wishes and send them to sea
Watch them drift away from the shore of reality
Get rid of the notion that things are meant to be
Chain yourself to facts in order to become free
For to have faith alone is to be empty

As true as this might seem, I would still rather dream
408 · Mar 2011
the words i wish i said
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
You vanished, into thin air
Leaving behind the perfume of despair
The scent still lingers, taunting my senses
Scarred by your impact, I leave up my defenses
You evaporated, your mirrors turned to smoke
It was not untill your absence that I finally awoke
Now I fear I shall never rest soundly
For when I close my eyes your presence surrounds me
As you take form as a thought in my head
I constantly retrace the words I wish I said
392 · Feb 2011
what it seems
Meka Boyle Feb 2011
Hopelessly in love with the idea of love
Yet oblivious to what it really means
Constantly in search for answers
Yet nothing is what it seems
363 · Mar 2011
walking in circles
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
I'm tired of waiting around
There's only so much I can see with my eyes on the ground
There's only so much I can hear when I only know one sound
How can I follow my heart when it's nowhere to be found
The path I'm following is worn and faded
Funny to think it's the one frequently evaded
For the more safer option to stay where you are
Cuz walking in circles doesn't get you that far

— The End —