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990 · Mar 2014
My Sweet Heart
Meghan Mar 2014
My Sweet Heart,
your smile is a work of art.
From the first time I saw your face,
I knew I was in love.
Your love is my drug,
I'm addicted to you.
You hold me in a warm embrace,
I feel so nice and snug.
I would do or be anything for you.

But we my love are in a race,
a race against time.
For you are fading fast my dear,
and I want to keep you hear.
Our love is the strongest thing I know,
so please hold on and don't let go.
I pray for you each day and night.
Please pray too and keep up the fight.
Hold on tight so you don't fall,
because I know our love will conquer all.
I love you my Sweet Heart.
918 · Jan 2014
Meghan Jan 2014
You told me I could trust you,
You told me not to worry.
I trusted you.
We were happy.
At least for a little while.
You stopped talking to me,
You started avoiding me.
What did I do?
Did I do something wrong?
Why won't you talk to me?
Why are you torturing me?
The silence is killing me!
You broke my heart!
Why did you hurt me?
I was in love with you!
Why did you break my heart?
You said you wouldn't.
You promised me so many things.
You broke my trust.
866 · Feb 2014
I Don't Smile Anymore
Meghan Feb 2014
The breeze that blows,
The trees that grow.
The flowers bright,
The warm sunlight.
They don't make me smile anymore.
The touch of grass,
And crystal glass.
The ocean waves,
And summer haze.
They don't make me smile anymore.
The true blue sky,
And birds that fly.
The river runs,
And days of fun.
They don't make me smile anymore.
I used to say you made me smile,
But that only lasted for a while.
The thought of you used to make me glad,
To think of you know makes me sad.
You broke my heart it's now no more,
I don't smile anymore.
456 · Apr 2014
I'm Sorry
Meghan Apr 2014
We fight and even though you're wrong,
I'm wrong, you're right.
But you get mad,
Then I feel bad.
I'm sorry.
You accuse me of doing wrong,
And think the worst of me.
You assume I'll make bad choices.
I get mad,
Then you make me feel bad.
I'm sorry.
It seems to me,
That I'm always apologizing,
Even though you're wrong,
And I'm right!
I'm done arguing,
I'm done feeling bad,
I'm done apologizing,
I'm done being sorry,
I'm done saying sorry!
391 · Jan 2014
Meghan Jan 2014
I miss you,
time moved too fast.
I miss how I used to be,
when I was with you.
I miss the laughter,
you used to bring.
I miss the smiles,
that made me sing.
Time took you out of me.
Reality came along.
I saw the world you protected me from,
I wish I could hide from it all.
I wish I could go back in time.
A time where I was ignorant in bliss,
and full of happiness.
I miss you,
377 · Jan 2014
Meghan Jan 2014
You fly through the air,
Like birds without care.
You shine like bright tiny diamonds.
You fall to the ground,
It lies all around.
It's a beautiful sight to see.
It's powdery white,
And gleams at night.
I love the snow.
373 · Apr 2014
Meghan Apr 2014
I walk these halls on my own,
I wander through this life alone.
I'm invisible.
No one sees me when I walk,
No one hears me when I talk.
I'm invisible.
I scream but no one hears me,
I cry and no one loves me.
I hate being invisible.
You approached me,
The girl no one could see.
I was visible.
We began talking in the end,
I had finally found a friend.
I was visible.
You showed me a world of faith and friends,
Who would stand by me till the end.
I was found.
361 · Jan 2015
Hello Death
Meghan Jan 2015
She was waiting for a friend,
He's coming here today.
She hasn't met him yet,
But they came close to meeting a few times.
Something always pulled her away,
But he never stops trying to find her,
So he can bring her home.

Today is different,
Today they will finally meet.
For her,
Life's but a walking shadow,
Not really here,
Not really there.
Today she is going home.
She is leaving life to go with  him.
Her heart begins to fade,
A smile,
Appears on her face.
She is cold to touch,
But she only feels warmth inside,
He comes to her side,
And takes her hand.
And with last breath,
She says,
"Hello Death".
359 · Jan 2014
Free Of You
Meghan Jan 2014
I fell in love with you,
it's true.
We were torn apart,
it nearly broke my heart.
We promised to hold on,
then one day you were gone.
I neither slept nor ate.
I was living a nightmare from which i couldn't wake.
Happy images of us fill my head,
then sad ones follow and I wish I was dead.
I can't get you out of my mind,
now I'm haunted and I bet you are just fine.
Someday when I'm strong,
I will move on.
I can't wait till the day I do.
I can't wait till I'm finally free of you.
340 · Mar 2014
My Sweet Darling
Meghan Mar 2014
I saw you standing from afar,
Standing there beneath the stars.
Our eyes met I turned afraid,
Terrified you might walk this way.
I stood there silent beneath the moon.
As you walked toward me I nearly swooned.
You kissed my hand with your sweet, soft lips,
And caressed my face with your fingertips.
You smiled as I looked down and blushed.
I feared my brain would turn to mush.
You put your hand beneath my chin,
Lifted my head and grinned.
He asked, "Is this what it feels like?"
I asked him, "What?", with all my might.
"To be in love.", he replied.
I choked up and nearly cried.
He asked me where I'd been all his life,
And if I would become his wife.
I replied, "Yes!", and he spun me around.
I said, "My sweet darling, it is to you I'm bound."
339 · Sep 2014
Edge of the World
Meghan Sep 2014
It feels like my life is spinning in a whirl,
As I sit here alone on the edge of the world.
My mind is fading as I look over the edge.
The world behind me slips away while I sit on this ledge.
Looking down I wonder what's below there.
If I jumped off the edge no one would care.
The world would keep spinning around,
As I fall down, down, down.
But if I fall where will I go?
Will this be the end of my show?
I tried to let them in, I tried to let them know.
But when they looked inside, they were already letting go.
Feeling unaccepted,
And so rejected,
I walked along an empty street,
Sadly staring at my feet,
Not knowing where they'd lead me,
Maybe somewhere I could be free.
They lead this lonely girl,
To this place here at the edge of the world.
I look again down over the edge,
When all of a sudden a stranger sits beside me and says,
"Why are you sitting here on the edge?"
"If you slip, you'll fall and be dead."
"But if you believe in who you are and have the courage to try,
You'll jump and maybe you'll fly."
The next thing I knew my stranger vanished into thin air,
It's as though he was never really there.
But I know that he was because his words remained,
Forever embedded into my brain.
So I stood up and looked not down but up into the sky,
Ready to jump ready to fly.
So here I stand on the edge of the world,
No longer a sad and lonely girl.
I know who I am,
And I have the courage to be me.
I jumped.
I flew.
Finally I accepted me.
Finally I was free.
319 · Jan 2014
Meghan Jan 2014
I wasn't ready,
I wasn't time yet.
You weren't supposed to go.
You're supposed to still be here.
You had no right!
You had no right to leave me like that!
You didn't give me a chance,
To tell you I love you one more time.
I didn't tell you enough,
That I love you,
And how much you mean to me.
I could have done better,
I should have done better.
You deserved the best,
And nothing less.
Im so sorry!
I will never forget you.
I'm ready now,
272 · Feb 2014
Meghan Feb 2014
It took all of my courage,
For me to say that one word,
I stood there,
For what seemed like hours,
Waiting for your reply.
He said it!
My mind has gone blank,
Words escape me,
I don't know what to do!
I smiled a sheepish grin,
How embarrassing!
I could feel the blush,
As it reddened my cheeks.
You smiled.
With your own perfect mouth,
You revealed your very own perfect teeth.
"Do you want to get some coffee?"
He asked me this question,
What do I say?!
Of course you say yes!
"Yes! I would love to."
We walk together,
And talk together.
We sit down and order our coffees.
It seemed like hours had passed,
In these minutes we shared together.
I never knew,
That you could fall in love,
At a coffee shop of all places!
We laughed and talked the day away.
I never wanted it to end.
He asked me if he could see me again,
And soon!
I replied happily, "Yes!"
Just as we were about to go our seperate ways,
He reached for my hand,
And sweetly,
Brushed it with a kiss,
From his soft and tender lips.
"Until we meet again,"he said.
And I replied,
"Until then."
Days pass.
My heart aches for him!
The doorbell rings.
I answer it,
And there you are,
My Prince Charming!
My heart leaps for jouy,
As I gaze upon my true love!
I smiled,
And with his perfect mouth,
He smiled and said,

— The End —