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Aug 2011 · 1.7k
Meghan Aug 2011
Fangirls, *******, Emotionally Unstable,
That's what we are, clustered together
Hopped up on hormones, false hopes,
What are we supposed to do?
Just waiting for the long day to go
You hide, avoiding trust and closeness
knowing so soon it ends in pain
In a jungle of thieves you hold your secrets
Tight to your chest, never letting go
Then he comes along,
Messes everything up.
So cute, kind, trustworthy, like a safe.
You lay most of what you got on the table
Tell him what's going on,
Things you would never tell your closest friends.
Just to get smacked in the face.
"These are the best years of your life"
If that's true, then why go on?
Is the the best that it gets?
Jerks and heartbreak,
memories and heartache?
The high lasts a second but the pain for months
Teenage years ****.
I randomly wrote it. I don't know if I'm done with it, or if I'm going to fix it. It's whatever. Comments or notes or whatever you do would be cool.
Jun 2011 · 749
The Tingle
Meghan Jun 2011
That feeling
That tingle
That want
That need
Its coming back
So silent- unseen
Ill sneak a quick one
No one will see
'Cause I'm the happy girl
Sadness can't be

I don't cut
I don't burn
I don't stab
I just yearn
For that next quick fix
Oh when will I learn?

I scratch
and I scratch
and I scratch
and I scratch
Until I look at my arm
and see one bare patch.
Where the skin is removed
A scab will soon form
Then my arm will heal
So nice and warm.

I feel disgraced
and say never again
I believe myself
But I go insane

As the cycle restarts
And I begin my peeling
I think back and remember
That feeling
That tingle
That want
That need
Its coming back
So silent- unseen...

— The End —