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Meggie Gultiano Sep 2013
"Can a woman forget her own baby and not love the child she bore?
Even if a mother should forget her child
I will never forget you "

* Isaiah 49: 15

This is not only for my mother, but to all the mothers in the world...I dedicate this simple piece of mine.

Nowhere will I find
A love like my Mother's love
She did her best; took care of the rest
And taught us about God above.

Her love for us had no bounds
Her beauty did outshine
We were her life; through all the strife
For us, she always found time.

She wouldn't change a single thing
For any treasure on Earth
She makes this claim; treats us the same
She taught us about self-worth.

Her palms and fingers maybe calloused
But a smile adorned her face
Her tender touch; meant so much
Our frowns she could erase.

She made us all feel so special
She took time out of her busy day
To give us a hug; to show her love
In so many countless ways.

In the midst of a storm, she'd create a song
Singing sweetly into our ears
She'd lull us to sleep; as we counted sheep
These memories I hold so dear.

How sweet it is to have a Mother
Who instilled in us a goal
She is the best; this I confess
She made us all complete and whole.

The sun seems to shine much brighter
When she is by our side
She's an inspiration; no imitation
It's love she does provide.
Meggie Gultiano Sep 2013
We are here on earth but for a moment.
We’ve come from dust, and we’ll return to dust.

My life here on earth is only temporary
Like a dust in the wind
It is only in a wisp of a smoke
It is as transient as a shadow

Making the best of my life is what i have to do
Loving, living. remembering, forgiving
For happiness is only a temporary thing
My permanent home will fill the void
And that is a promise
an inspirational write
Meggie Gultiano Sep 2013
A beauty that comes from within
is a beauty that age cannot wrinkle
Not distracted by a simple pimple
But a radiant face of joy and pleasure

A woman of inner beauty
Is a life full of love and bounty
Her sweet smile will never fade away
For the Lord is her security

She longs for a pure heart
And wears a cheerful countenance
She does not need a color to overhaul
For her beauty is within after all
Meggie Gultiano Aug 2013
Just because I am old, tired and weary
It does not mean that I am sad and lonely

Walk on my shoes, see what's inside my heart
There is love, the wisdom, and the beauty of my smile.

Fighting a hard battle, yes..a part of my journey
For there is life and soul, there is worth

The ability to see and understand
To be compassionate, to answer your call

Be others
And your life will be worth living for
Meggie Gultiano Jul 2013
A thousand stunning stars twinkle
In the blackness of this our night.
As lovers, we walk hand in hand
Underneath beams of blue moonlight
As the night creatures serenade us with romance.

This seems to be a precious dream.
So perfect for us and so true.
A fairy tale waits to unfold
As my love turns pages of you
like an impatient child who is longing to dance.

Hold me tight - never let me go,
If this is a dream don’t wake me.
Tears well in my eyes, can’t you tell
I need you, as you hold the key
to my heart, loving you with the very first glance?
Meggie Gultiano Jul 2013
"Please , Tell Me Your Name"

....A real life story..many many years ago...

Softly sighed the evening breeze
to stir the curtains
Its shadows circled and swayed
Mixed with the star-burst
creating the illusion
of a grand ballroom

I was in your arms on that moonlight night
Softly caressing, holding, melting
It was hard to breathe looking into your eyes.
just loving you without doubt was my heaven-sent comfort.

Time was our enemy
Losing my grip in your embrace
I had to say goodbye in haste to run away
from your forbidden sight..
Yet you held me tightly
and your curious mouth whispered..
“please, tell me your name...”

Sadly, it was our last meeting
And after that not even the shadow of his sweet smile
touched my presence ever again…

Thoughts and dreams are now the only consolations
to answer my name...
Meggie Gultiano Oct 2010
You walked as fast as you could
Bringing with you some food to partake
Life is difficult, you have to make do
With the provisions the nuns have provided
For you and your husband to keep afloat each day

Keeping him company
Dependent, relying upon him
Feeling alone, lonely and neglected
Never the love and affection you expected
For many years your hidden heart embedded

He comfortably provided you
With a home you call your own
Tried working night and day
His illness had to wait, he must save
For rainy days, the future has to stay

In the dimly lit room he slept in peace
Never waking to see the dawn
Holding his hands, so frail and cold
You were alone — again, lonely and neglected

You breathe as deeply as you can
You have the last embrace …
A true story of a couple close to my heart. I was a witness to their last embrace

— The End —