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Jan 2014 · 497
Meggie D Jan 2014
Seldom do we speak
Over the hum of white noise,
Soft melancholy.
Jan 2014 · 712
Meggie D Jan 2014
The vibration of your
Discontent sends
Endless echos of unrealistic
Expectations down my
Spine; Permeance,
Sunlight dances
Gleefully, filtered
on the back of my eyelids
As my mannerisms
Speak before my
Can attempt to take control.
Jan 2014 · 1.9k
Meggie D Jan 2014
Silhouetted against a blank
Wall, lips curving
Be still, my tender
Heart, your rapid palpitations will no
Longer be rewarded. In
Dreams your
Existence thrives within my own,
Five fingers wrapped
Five fingers.
Slowly we were twisting, devoid of

Once you were in full bloom.

A thousand repressed seeds,
Whisps of hope sauntered effortlessly
From your lips,
I was the warm summer wind, tugging each
Delightful murmur free,
Languishing in
The wealth, the weight of those promises, the scent
Of a new beginning..
How soon it became Autumn,
Your leaves tinged
With brown
Crumpling up, one
By one.

Those sweet seeds
Quickly made a home within the belly
Of a love ravenous
Fool, dissolving as
Steadfast as acid corrodes

Away, away....
You drifted purposely,
Without purpose.
Languidly, you attempted to brush away
The words, the very sentiments
That have stuck
To my ribs,
Like oatmeal.

What lives within the
Contoured ridges of your soul must be one hell
Of a mess.
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Meggie D Oct 2013
I just want to tell you
To go
**** yourself, but the
Words tend to
Linger, listless on my
Wine-stained lips. Inner anguish seizes up upon the
Distinct odor of
Your ignorance, your
Blatant disregard.. Stretching my
Bones muscles rip
Against whispered pleas of
Dependance, masquerading as
Oct 2013 · 876
Meggie D Oct 2013
Digestion slowly errods the
Stagnant life
Line, the pulse which
Blow upon,
Blow upon,
Blow upon.....
Open your ******* mind, focus
On that irresistable
Smile & forget
What lies beneath. Deception
Rots the feeble skeleton
Which languishes under
Heavy skin.
Carpe diem!
Oct 2013 · 2.8k
Meggie D Oct 2013
Sticks & stones may
Break my bones, but your words... Your
Words are nonexistent. Images
Nonessential to the plot of
The present, inconsistent ramblings of
Tomorrow. Your
Teeth are bared, stained
& brittle. Saliva
Spurts & hangs in the balance between
Reality &
Whatever this is, this stagnant disbelief, this
Coincidental segment
Of emotion.
Oct 2013 · 729
Meggie D Oct 2013
Inner turmoil strangles bright
Eyes, abruptly silencing quick breaths
& rapid yearnings. As the
Longing sets in, goosebumps
Ripple across fair skin. Meek lyrics entrust
soft winds; are you
Still pacing the floorboards
When no one is looking?
Jul 2013 · 1.6k
Meggie D Jul 2013
Flowers creek
against the pressure from
The wind,
Subtle melody
Erupting in a
Brilliant burst of
Melancholy. Seldom does the
Breeze go
Noticed. These bones
Will soon begin
To rust, laid
Placidly atop the aching
Blades of grass, soothed only
By the
Chanted promises of
A bitter tongue
Safely lodged within the moist mouth of
Godless head
Abrupt reconciliation realigns
The spine as the
Soil remains ever
Jul 2013 · 756
Meggie D Jul 2013
The words
That slipped unguided, that flew
Into you ears
Unsupervised, that leapt outward from
My teeth, flailing
Those words were
Deeply rooted
betwix the life I lead &
The one
I merely
Dream of...
Those words were
Whispers that clung to
My lips in an
Increasingly ravenous fashion the
More I carried on.
brought on by scented winds;
Their fragrance intoxicating
Any sense of inhibition
I once
Possessed, labeling me
In my
Present form.
Jan 2013 · 627
Meggie D Jan 2013
First the chest, than the limbs; Feel it alllllll the way to your bones & back, til you're properly consumed. Nights spent with eyes peeled open, eyeballs clinging to the darkest of shadows, fingers twitching at descending cars.
Jan 2013 · 733
Meggie D Jan 2013
Yellowed skin stretches & retracts dully. A subtle sigh rings true in every ear that cares to receive it. Now cue the slow guitar, now cue the rhythmic human hum. This is endless.
Jan 2013 · 373
Time lines.
Meggie D Jan 2013
The essence in the message of the lessons that we learn
slips freely through our minds
as our skies erupt with dawn
& the slimmer that the waist line begins to dimmer
down, the slower that the
smile erupts beneath
that frown.
Oct 2012 · 799
Observational rules.
Meggie D Oct 2012
You'll hear a pop and
a life time of
silence, this malice is unquestioningly
slow. Rapid hand gestures
blur and halt, as the shallow
drifter stumbles
Soft skin
entangles, as your breath fogs my glasses.
A vivid note twangs forever
onward, though this ink quickly
Oct 2012 · 816
Liberal agenda.
Meggie D Oct 2012
Are these smiles self-satisfactory? Are these subtle
movements worth while? My lord, these
colours are being misinterpreted. Skin
twisting, eyes
singing. Several rays of light
are devouring the
paint. Crawling among the grind, I am
the forgotten, the
dust. And, of course, you are
in the clouds, you fantastic
****. I want to
be reckless, but I'm feeling so
Oct 2012 · 696
Periodontal distaste.
Meggie D Oct 2012
Decaying from the gums, parasites wiggle between each tooth. Keep this smile on lock down girl, for these kind words are fleeting.
Oct 2012 · 559
Meggie D Oct 2012
Silently cells wither & fold in on themselves. Blood pumps eloquently in predesignated precision. The endless echo.
Oct 2012 · 659
Woes of the white.
Meggie D Oct 2012
War rages on a television from the luxury of a home with running water & electricity. **** a man, fifty points. In the room over, a girl mourns the loss of blood from her finger while slicing potatoes.
Oct 2012 · 624
Tangible time.
Meggie D Oct 2012
Tea idly hovers in worn hands, growing colder as eyes softly dilate. Yes, your skin is still existent. Yes, these minutes do slip by. The finest of silk won't produce a proper dialogue, won't.. Shall we play a little longer then? Shall we just try to forget? This clock requires no maintenance, let it run until it breaks!
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
Meggie D Oct 2012
Clean shaven, fingers spread like a ***** in heat. In a trance the beat never ceases, never lets on its tune, humming... Sparks flick out of a ragged Bic, cigarette fumes litter our air without contest. Hair, skin, nails, your face is on & no body is watching. Rushing, rushing, rushing..
Oct 2012 · 1.7k
Meggie D Oct 2012
Wedged between the here & now, what difference does it make? Brain waves plummet..creating an even louder silence between these frail walls. They pulse with reason, veins sickly humming. Vocabulary lessens until communication falters. Let's grunt at one another over cheap pizza & a flickering television. Let's make a life together.
Oct 2012 · 1.7k
Noon's end.
Meggie D Oct 2012
A secret message for only your eyes, which roll into the back of your skull. Cigarette entwined in sinister fingers, it's time to say goodnight.

— The End —