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Megan Zhao Jan 2016
I cleaned
and sanitized
preened and plumed
according to the
most effective tidying theory
touched every item
threw a lot away
In such a wintry day
what a sparkling new year spirit!
Now my study room
has become obedient
quite submissive
It'll surely be sober for a year
But what to do
What to do
My scattered
drunkard's mind
where to put
in such an organized crime
I feel like being sterilized myself
Megan Zhao Jan 2016
After awhile  
even Dickinson's
have bored me
After all, I'm still alive
and have my own
riddles and puns
Megan Zhao Jan 2016
to be or not to be
which to worship, which to relinquish
on new year's eve, i poured them into a cup
and measured: each weighed the same
Megan Zhao Jan 2016
a youth's first love
begins with narrow subjects
waits—the universe
Megan Zhao Jan 2016
they gain
then they lose
a festive dance
a butterfly woman
was beckoning a vagabond
pursuing and parting
in twisted romance
we kneel to the
Megan Zhao Dec 2015
if I'm writing poetry
under daylight
I'm ignoring life
if I'm writing poetry
at night and not sleeping
I'm ruining everything
what if I don't write
but go to the gym all the time
then I would ask
what my good health is for
now i've confused myself
I guess every thinking
starts with a confusion
Megan Zhao Dec 2015
I'm reading a book today
by marie kondo, a Japanese girl
"the life-changing
magic of tidying up"
it's that time of the year again
to tidy things up
to clean
and put things in order
according to miss marie  
a failure to return
things to where they belong
an attachment to the past
or a fear for the future
tidying is a dialogue
one's self
and there are only
a few simple rules to follow
in revamping:
discard first
store later
sort by category
not by rooms
vertical storage
ultimate simplicity
no change of seasons....
but first
please treat each thing
you own as a living subject
touch it with your hand
and ask
"does it spark joy?"
if it does, keep it
If not, dispose of it
listen to your feeling
keep only those things
that speak to your heart
then take the plunge
discard the rest relentlessly
what you want to own
is how you want to live
letting things go is more
important than adding up
I used
half day to read the book
half day to rest and sleep
nothing was done in the house
nothing was done yet
I'll do it tomorrow
before new year comes
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