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243 · Jul 2015
Megan Price Jul 2015
They tell you they're always there for you.
They make you feel safe.
Then things change drastically.
Your friends pretend like you don't exist.
Act like you're nothing and should be treated that way.
They lie to you and stab you in the back.
These friends aren't truly friends, are they?
What are friends if the ones you once called that aren't?
I don't know and I probably won't ever find out.
226 · Jun 2015
The Sadness
Megan Price Jun 2015
They say it gets better.
They say sadness isn’t forever.
They say the light will shine through. Eventually.
But it hasn’t
And I’m convinced it never will.
170 · Jun 2015
Megan Price Jun 2015
The darkness is coming back.
The thing she's dreaded the most.
She doesn't know what to do.
How to make it go away.
All she can do is lay in bed.
And think about how much
She wants it to end.
141 · Jun 2015
Wondering why
Megan Price Jun 2015
And the girl sat there
Wondering why.
Why they did this.
Why it had to happen.
Why she let it happen.
Why it hadn’t gotten better.
But most importantly
What she did to deserve any of it.

— The End —