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Megan Hundley Apr 2012
Sometimes, it takes a rope with split ends,
steep foot holes and time limits.
Red earth worms and a speech- I listen; I [do] not understand
30 second pulses and a swinging braid
always fall for waves of fog, lost in forced discovery
each shoe string is reminiscent, touch opaque cracking
dissolved into the rapids rapidly refreshing moss wigs
heels pressed against soprano rain water
shaking ripples, this swelling log has the answer

I could have made it up the hill
I could have found my way
I could have chosen
old memories
Megan Hundley Apr 2012
Do you ever think about SPACE
not really the world above
but the world even higher
Do you ever think about SPACE
not what we give each other to stay close
but from where you are to the other side of the room
Do you ever think about SPACE
how there can be nothing where there is everything
little somethings in between exhales and inhales

Do you ever think we could be space?
Blinding little flickering electric sparkles when you find sincerity
I can't breathe in that diamond tar barrel
Blinding huge solid rays of natural light when I am thinking of MoreThanADisbeliever
There is marble but it's too cold for bare feet

I remember feeling the tires when I turned onto the same pavement
Again and again until I lost my left side and a red sponge
I remember learning about individualism in the center of my white by white walls
Again and again until I found the bucket and scrubbed

Am I wrong to find everything when at first I saw nothing
Can I be sure my eyes are open
Am I wrong to expect little somethings
or is there nothing there
Megan Hundley Apr 2012
she sat in the corner and asks

                                                   g                            WHY am I always digging at the bottom of this red box
r                                              n         ­                                                                 ­        '   w'''
  e                                         i                                                            ­                          '''e  '                           '
   a                                  h                                                            ­                         '          e   ''       '
     c                            c                              ­                                             '        '          p''   '          '                 '
       h                     a                                                            ­                    '          '              i '                      '
          i               e                                                            ­            '          '  '           '         n    '      '
            n        r                         ­                                                 '       '           '         '            g        '
                g                        ­                                                                 ­                                               '        '        ­       '

                                                              ­                                              Begging for understanding while the claws of misleading whispers are speaking sweet nothings, pretty as raw sugar. Which is the sweetener and which is the bitter black?
                                                                ­                         YELLING
out of frustration                                                    ­   YELLING                                                     out of patience
out of disappointment                                              YEL­LING                                                          out­ of ideas

      but take me by the hand                   drape me across my bed post
      use the other to pick me up  GOD   tell me to stop crying and
                                                     come home

Forgive me
I know sorry c doesn't always

  ­                                                  WHY is it when I run to stains on the carpet You find me with even more force than the last. I never thought You were .........
                                                       ­                                          such a clean freak

                                                          ­                            I hope You know
                                                            ­                          that I keep pushing
                                                         ­                             You into last weeks trash
                    but the trash has a certain aroma
                                  [[[Corinthians 2:14]]]

sometimes Your Fabreeze winds are the only thing that
let me smile
                                                                ­     I can't thank You enough for

                                                            ­        r
                                                       ­               e
                                                ­                         a
                                                               ­             c
                                                  ­                              h
                                 ­                                                  i
                                                               ­                      n      
                                                                ­                         g
                                                               ­                                out
                                                             ­                                  letting me hear the train whistle
                                                         ­                                      imagine the cloth cubicles  
                                                      ­                                         even while I
                                                                ­                               blatantly ignore it
                                                              ­                                 and keep walking
                                                                ­                               this long road

                                                           ­                                      on my own

Stop handing me ~tickets~
I'm scared one day I'll take one
and board
Megan Hundley Apr 2012
My nose scrunched
                                                                ­     unsure of why my
                                                              ­       monkey bars mother slapped  
                                                       ­                        my curious nails
                                                           ­                                                                 ­         away
                                                            ­                   but I wanted,
                                                                ­                       but  just, I want
                                                            ­            to see what it looks like
                                                            ­     underneath the deep red patches
                                                         ­        it hurt when I saw the

                         ­                                       and
                                                                ­      not
                                                                ­          the
                                                   ­                            slippery
                                                        ­                                  yellow
                        ­                                                                 ­            slide
                   hitting the mulch wasn't ever
                   part of the flight instructions, those were
                   written by the kid who never stops
                                                           ­                             p   la y   i   ng  ----------          t   a g  

                               catch me but you won't know what to do once
                                                            ­    I'm   It

I'll be sent to the bench for my carelessness
reckless                                  of my attention

then my nose will scrunch
when the centimeters of her ruler straight hand
slap away persistence
                                                                ­                                                     but but, just, I wanted
                                                                ­                                                                 ­     just wanted to

                                                             ­                                                            peek underneath

                                                                ­                                        at all the soft loveliness
                                                      ­                            the fresh renewal  
                      of skin that has never seen a bad day
Megan Hundley Apr 2012
A problem was detected in the letters of her name, there was too little a space between
the first and last letters too many mistakes in the ink, the punctuation was
closing the end of the sentence before she could remember who was crying
who was waiting for the crunching gravel who was waiting to find a fresh box of tissues
so that the gift wouldn't look like they were closing on their own,  I stood on my own I held a pose  steady in front of your eyes and watched them shake with
closing from lack of sleep to keep away from the mystery of my weaknesses the mystery of why I
run but it's not to keep away but to keep in pace with the questions: yes and no
many times I have wandered into such stuffy neck collars and straight backs
they say no. sometimes I believe them sometimes I believe me. I say no
then you gather me into the right side of the room and speak about the word "it". you say yes
it is mine, I am it, but not even I can define what that means and I will say that yes sounds more like a seasick captain than the right choice in the right side of the room
I have talked about "It" and I have let my hands do the talking lazy sign language impossible to interpret impossible to not lift my head to the ceiling and beg for understanding
Don't you realize I need to feel a slip of cursive in my back pocket from when I was distracted
like you said I would  find
or perhaps a round wave of blindfolds that reveal a place of such perfection because it was
made for me
like you said I would see
There is a certain kind of happiness that resides beneath the rusting pumping veins that surround my pulse
can you feel it
can you find me
is this it
they are stacking up against the
and your unknown middle name
I realized today that I was never found after I took a leap of faith into your arms
I arose a ghost of smiling excuses-it will be ok it will be ok it will
one day, out of business
out of chances- your board broke the trick tricked us both
the two halves, will you hand one to me? I want to stare at the ragged edge  
how will you write about it
miss the charm? or will it rant about the unlucky
hand dealt. there is always the next game and i'll bet on you
and your poker face
I can serve the table and you will have the split second of eye contact before returning to your
"oh so successful life"
and I will grab my coat and
walk home
Megan Hundley Apr 2012
I didn't like the smog
so I curled up deeper into
the corner of your pocket

when you reach for chapstick
to fight off the dry
there might be lint
there might be
paper leftovers from the cut outs
holding hands
there is still some white
under my nails

I hope you didn't see

I fell out of the hole
along with the coins
singed my sleeve with surprise
I had to avert my eyes when the
check came

I hope you didn't see

put your head higher
toward the sun and you
could be blind and deaf
everything is pretty
when you just don't realize
what you're missing

I'll reside beneath the ceder
wise about what is beauty and
what is molding wood
don't call for me
when all you see is
a rotten bench

I hope you see I'm missing
Megan Hundley Mar 2012
The river drank gallons of ripened water-the color of aging bananas
mouth gaping wider, fishing for more of a glass half full
tired of the filthy laundry piling beneath the surface
waiting to sketch deeper into the canyon and discover
a cure for boredom

sunset: gazing at the back of the horizon
easy to notice the tiny spit of pointillism
which gave focus to the clouds
maybe there are more finer details
than a ragged pair of sneakers and
eye lashes that tickle ears

hoping that the crisp iced air would help
remind tall lagging legs that the unexpected action
would be to keep 3 extra soft layers waiting for
the dirt encrusted pink toe nails to feel the promise of
making a right choice

thinking perhaps that writing down little
snip-its of the way curls only twist closer to
each other in heat will keep the electricity in busy brains
buzzing just long enough to avoid the bills
but only if someone describes touching lace

thinking even more that there
are better ways for you and I to figure out the word
if by midnight strawberry swirls don't melt down my arm
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