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Megan Hundley Oct 2011
the stretch of my lungs
in and out
beats my metronome

found myself at the window
let my elbow

I let the sun
hold me today
and I prayed
I would see you
and we could be one
no confusion

i belong
to you
and the gentle brush
of memory on my eyelashes
bring the corners of my mouth
to rise
and the water of my eyes
to fall

I let the sun hold me today
I closed my eyes
and you were there
Megan Hundley Oct 2011
I tread the
crowded by the waves
and waves
of icy gray

tiny crashes
of percussion explode
against my knees
the mute sky
on my skin

of the vision
my binoculars
allow my head to
above the line

for the fire
on the shore
by the lighthouse
is roaring

will lead me
from the spot my feet
cant reach
to a curling staircase
which leads
dare I say aloud
to the heavens

a place
my sleepy being
will stop moving and rest
Megan Hundley Oct 2011
You Stand
directly across
the kitchen table
reflection blurred
on the silver

with the flicker
of flames against your back
your shadow moves

Do Not
saturate the air
with the melting sensation
of voice
it is already
too loud

perhaps the dog
chewing the laces
of stiff leather
will understand
your growls

I Am Mute
before you
because I see
the portrait
you once lived in

you belong in

You sit
directly across
the kitchen table
crystal clear view
of my empty
Megan Hundley Oct 2011
There was a day
I came to find
A deep red brick
Of fine design
The feeling smooth
It's edges neat
It's perfection was
Quite hard to beat

I took this brick
Out to the sun
Walked straight to the sidewalk
And began to run
Along the way
It became something more
And the action of running
Turned into a chore

My arms grew so tired
My legs broken down
Yet I kept on going
I ran
I was bound

I then came across
A mountain so steep
As soon as I saw it
My body did weep

But I dug in my heel
And took the first step
Surely a most definite part of the prep

The journey was tough
I almost lost hope
At times I had reached
The end of my rope
Yet my hand felt the top
And my eyes saw the land
And the words I kept thinking
Was yes, I sure can

I wondered and wondered
Could this be a trick?
Until I remembered
The weight of the brick

It was there from the start
A symbol of time
And although very heavy
It had always been mine

I grew stronger and tough
With my perfect smooth brick
I didn't know it would stay
That it's presence would stick

It is here I should leave it
Up here at the top
For I must keep on walking
I simply can't stop

For I see many adventures
In that land straight ahead
But the one thing I can't see
Is a hand full of red

Here it will stay
My own special trinket
For a brick is forever
Impossibly secret
Megan Hundley Oct 2011
Dream me a dream
A house on a hill
door red as rust
Ill peer through the window
and see if your home

give me a hand
An hourglass tipping-tipped
Sand slippery, too real
Which direction does it spill?
ill watch it; ill watch it

allow me a smile
against all the laws
A hollow thumping sound
The key is under the pillow
Hot and dangerous

throw me away
A book without letters
Useless to discover
Run fast to your treasure
go seek the great find
Megan Hundley Oct 2011
Black ink
runs smooth
down the pages
into my cupped hands
for clean washing

A stain on your blue shirt collar
runs down
the front buttons
I don't care

smooth it does glide
but broken it will spill
I sense the clock
one minute late

the pavement is chipped
at the crossroads
of right and left
do you doubt me?

My dirt road
My dark breeze
My dead log
My black hand

do you doubt me?
I doubt you
I doubt the red stain
on your high pocket

it dripped on my shoe
I just bought
now might you explain
your lifeless stare?

I dare you to sit by me
touch my fall coat
and i'll hand you a leaf
red as the stain
on your high pocket

— The End —