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 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
i wish you didn't
treat me right,
because i'm so
******* tired
of loving you
more than you
love me
i thought it ****** the other way around, but i was wrong
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
i hate katie
for making you
cry, and i
hate your mom
for making
you feel like
you deserved
what you got,
but mostly,
i hate that
you and i
are so far
apart, that
i've become
your last -
resort call

i want to
be your best
friend again
i'm just trying to be honest more
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
the sparrows
followed me
down the hill
wrote scripture
in their trails
and the wind
blew against
my skin.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
' Look at the birds of the air:
they neither sow nor reap
nor gather into barns, and
yet your heavenly Father
feeds them. Are you not
of more value than they?"
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
can you see
the candles
f  l  i c k e r
through my
sidelights, I
am trying to
let that light
shine before
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
I wanted to hear the words echo and so I said them three times a day with a full mouth and a hungry ear: I love you.
and a hungry heart
Sing with me,
I've slept with bloodshot eyes
I've dreamt of a sunrise
that erases everything  
Oh, every thing

Move with me
You won't have to be alone
Wrap your hand around a microphone
And sing with me until the sun comes

Sleep with me
Talk to me about yourself all night
We'll grow tired as the dawn bites
And lay side by side,
with no where to hide

Too tired-
we can pretend to be dead
Too bad it's all in my head
It's all in your head
We'll never be dead
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
His niceties were inherent,
as were his empty bed
and the empty chair
placed next to his
at the small cafe table.

His women were nice,
clean and crisp,
but they only undressed
in the dark,
and they never
stayed the night.

He woke up
and reaching
for no one;
praying for nocturnes
that never end
or a noose
that wouldn't slip,
when there was
nothing else
to be done.
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
 Sep 2014 Megan Grace
I stand, face to the sun,
waiting for the ******
promised to me
by great, ancestral stars
and false prophets.

Your time will come,
and you will be free.

But their predictions
forsake me.

What I thought was freedom
was only a larger cage.
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