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 Apr 2017 Megan Grace
haven't seen my dad in almost
three months, so he came over
to talk about the weeds
and the dandelions
the lilacs that i haven't
planted and the creepers
tangling around the
fence posts,
he touches the leaves
softly like he does with
most things, circles the
yard and scuffs the gravel
with the heel of his boot
inspecting for the usual--

How've ya been? and I
nod because my dad hasn't
known a single thing 'bout
my life since I was 16

i'm getting a dog. I say, holding
my hands out from here to there,
half Shepard and somethin' else,

i still expect repercussions for doing
things on my own but he just smiles
and goes on about dog doors and
how i still don't have a gun in my house

branson was saying i should think about not
gettin' a  .22
and he pulled out
his glock for me to feel per the norm

where've you been?
how's work? while i pull the slide back
and slip out of my sneakers
you know how you walk into a room
and they treat you different?

He's leaving now, his gun back in the holster
holds out his arms for a hug.

they don't like you much, huh?
no. and i laugh, to stop from cryin' and
mask the shake in my voice
it's alright, though, pays the bills and stuff.

i have no desire to tell him about the
things that have been happening lately
about Matt and the bars and the trip
to Walgreens for a two minute test
i want to ask him why he didn't
tell me more about boys and men
when I was little but that's a
silly question when I'm grown

we never tell each other love you
we just go, so he leaves,
his bikes packed in the bed
down 19th, truck grumbling
the way they all do.
 Apr 2017 Megan Grace
we so worried about
bein' left or how little spaces
are even bigger with just us
the way
er'thing looks starin'
at our backs in the future
'cause we spend the days
hopin' someone'll stick
close, and when they ain't or aren't
we rubbin' sticks together
watchin a lot of TV and stars
things are alright
already, we ain't dying or
nothin', got clothes and food
just like that bible scripture
but one question always
on our minds-- why are there
so many people, then?

why there so many people, then?
written to To Go Wrong  and Wash Me Clean by Lillie Mae. Two songs I really like.
 Apr 2017 Megan Grace
t h i s  i s  n o t  
p o i n t l e s s
t h i s  is  n o t
(c) Brooke Otto 2017
 Apr 2017 Megan Grace
Everytime I caught
A glimpse of the rafters
I saw you leaning over
The matte black railings
With a red solo cup
Lanky arms folded
Staring down across
The floor,
But then it wasn't
Just you in the corner
You were in between every
stool, in your many forms
And I wondered if this
Is what it was--what it
Was when people say
They've seen a ghost
But you are so very
 Mar 2017 Megan Grace
it's hard sayin'
if those I love you's
were true, because
you try to do the
right thing for
yourself and
can't stand
it anymore
the wind picks
up and takes them
away, you're alone
'cause you're still
the only one standing
in the foreground, there's
this cement beneath your
feet, and you're still a little
weak, you got a little drunk
and he held your face,
kept askin' if you were okay--
'cause no you ain't
'cause no you ain't
he says you're good
at pretending but that's
not true

just good at deflecting
and actin' like it's fine,
he always talked about defenses
but never asked about mine
and I tend to lose people no matter what
by choice or not

so i guess i just figured that's what love meant
stickin' it out, holding it in,
but i guess it really is as easy as that,
if he's not for me, and i am for him.
 Mar 2017 Megan Grace
after the storm
he stroked my hair
back and told me
my pupils looked
like Tiger's Eye,
no, really
real soft like
he does best
maybe that's
why I let him
(c) Brooke Otto 2017
 Feb 2017 Megan Grace
i gave him a key to
more than just
more than just the -
the key, with a little
green stopper, with
his soap in the shower,
the drawer at the bottom
of my dresser, and the bed
because he took it all up and
I didn't mind, so the house
and the key, and his boots
in the corner, morning light
all over his back in iambic
pentameter i'm tracing
I love you down his
spine, where everything
started-- because back
in September when I
asked him to kiss me
I didn't think i'd fall
in, in, i  n, lo--              
key, the one that he
has, with the green
stopper to more than
more than, more than
just the house.
based on how I always stutter.
 Feb 2017 Megan Grace
i'm still thinking about how mama
said hold fast to your happiness
white knuckle the chain and strap
it to your shadow--
how i'm still so reserved, as if joy
were a bird or a butterfly, a flightless
insect trapped between my fingers,
who i've peered at many times through parted thumbs
and blown wolf whistles just to force the gale winds out
of my soul, to gust the incorporeal detritus out of the corners
plunk giant oars into soft green waters, to dive, dive, dive
where the waters rush in, in tremendous gulps
slamming into the walls, curling into the middle--

he'll never find any of my body there, the hips he loves
have never bathed beneath these floral pastures, i am truly
none of this and all of it, nothing but the amalgamate of
sounds, of heartbeats, clicks and murmurs, of sudden silence
of comfort if such a thing were to be seen

if he could see, or hear or dive
he'd know i've never worn happiness
not as an extra limb or a shawl, rarely
as a smile, even he has called those short
slips banker dimples to emphasize my
lack of authenticity

no, it's smaller, wider,
smooth warm stones, the heaviness of rice
the grain of oak, the gentle selah in Psalms
it has never been attached to a body
trapped between fingers or ribs,
has never made an appearance--
i sometimes think I expend it
in movements as if it'd
be found around me in
backscatter, or slowly
shrugged off my shoulders
t h a t  i s  n o t  t h e  p o i n t
he worries about my happiness
as if it were precious but if it
were I wouldn't comb it through
his hair or whisper it in secrets
while he slept, brush it over
his skin or tuck it into his
pockets, he does not
u n d e r s t a n d
how much he
I wrote this at the end of January.
And yeah, it's about you. And yeah, it's still true.

(c) Brooke Otto 2017
 Feb 2017 Megan Grace
he jokes about tuscaloosa
and being buried in dixie
shot in his truck near the border
or set on fire for a better purpose
had gone down in a tomato fight
somewhere in texas,

and when he's mad he dredges up
all the things he secretly hates about me
but'll ne'er admit, 'cause sometimes he doesn't
even know what he's feeling, has got all his
spirit out in ten arms searching for the best
way to put down one sentence--

he's pretty scary when he's angry
looks like might just lash out or
shoot through my redwood patio
'specially with the threat of his truck
runnin' in the background, rumbling
in the driveway ready to take him away--

he used all my favorite things to get inside
but starts to take them away one by one
I tell my mom same, same cause it's
the same story, different page, different chapter
same book, same shelf, same dust

he once said I was what he was tryin' to get back to
told me he was takin' his mom to church
once brought up the Lord in a dim light
but now he don't see the point
I'll tell you what,

I'll tell you *what
(c) Brooke Otto 2017

pretty much.
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