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Megan Grace Dec 2014
h o n e y
                               a   s
in the shape of a
banjo, a skyscraper,
the palm of someone
else's                   hand.
when the sun   rises i
am no   longer afraid
to      u n c u r l      my
technicolor limbsand

like i never did when
i was with you. the
ache i used to carry
in my chest
in my         arms
in my                 veins
has finally subsided,
finally warmed,
finally sealed itself up
to allow for new fingers
to run themselves over it.
this is how it feels to no
longer be in love with you.
Megan Grace Dec 2014
though i  k e e p    thinking i should
be    kinder, i should care more, i
should give more but h o w do i
do that when i give    from the
inside out, reach all the way
down to the      bottom   of my
stomach and    dig  out anything
anything anything     that might be
of use or want until   i   am    scraped
raw and uncontentingly           empty.
but if you want more i will   f i n d  it.
i will     stretch my arm further, i will
pull out every     inch   of whatever is
left in there if you need it that  badly.
Megan Grace Dec 2014
it smells like
chicago and deep
not get enough of,     l i k e
a thanksgiving spent playing
with your hair     while you took
a nap on your grandma's      couch,
like  exploring   your   mouth  on  top
of the parking garage on black friday
between  my two shifts at work, like
telling you goodbye  in my favorite
coffee shop while you drank your
black tea and made promises
promises   promises   that
even then i knew you
could never keep.
I should get a new shampoo.
Megan Grace Dec 2014
you built a house across the
street from my apartment
on the roof of the parking
garage where we shared
part of your last hours in
this town. i asked you if i
could make your space our
space but you shook your
head, did that squinty eye
thing i have come to love,
said "no, gorgeous, not yet"
even in my dreams
you do not settle
Megan Grace Dec 2014
i would have given
you every ounce in
my body if you had
wanted it, if you
would have taken
care of it. i only
wanted my name
to be safe in your
mouth, but you
tangled it with hers
and toward the end
it all started to come
out in a garbled
mess that i (and you)
had trouble making
sense of. i'm so glad
you no longer are
allowed to look at
me like i taught the
sun how to shine,
that my skinny arms
don't belong to you,
that i am not- and
never will be again-
in love with you.
I saw your mom yesterday.
I did not ask about you.
Megan Grace Dec 2014
i am an expert at
unrequited love.
i like to eat it for
breakfast in the
early morning
light of my
kitchen with a
spoonful of sugar
to help it go down
this might change.
Megan Grace Dec 2014
i swear i  felt     y o u


in                          my
chest      before i met
you, like all the time
i  thought   i     w a s
staggering on      for
him i        was really
justheadedtoyou, to
where my feet never
lose            their grip
and the  ends of  my
fingers  won't forget
what your  face feels
like    in   the earliest
hoursofthe morning.
you   h a v e   tied    a
string around        my
lungs    a n d    trailed
it all the   way  across
the ocean with     you,
looped your promises
every twenty miles or
so along the  way so i
have  no choice but to
follow you to find out
where they     end and
w h e r e    we    begin.
i'm officially legal today.
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