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Aug 2015 · 362
Megan Galema Aug 2015
Aren't we all just lost souls?
Trying to find the missing pieces.
Aren't we a little scared?
Trying to find the strength within us.
Aren't we all a bit curious?
Trying to find all of the answers.
Aren't we all a tad delirious?
Trying to mask world disasters.
Aug 2013 · 688
Leap of Faith
Megan Galema Aug 2013
Go for it.
Don't hesitate.
You'll soon unveil what the world conveys.

A tad frightening.
Yes, I know.
You'll soon unmask the things not shown.

Smell the air.
Feel the cold.
Explore the journeys that remain unknown.

Go for it.
Don't hesitate.
You'll soon unveil what the world conveys.
Aug 2013 · 736
Rainy Days
Megan Galema Aug 2013
Everyone needs those rainy days
when water droplets greet the day
to collect our thoughts, to ease the pain
to the sweet, sweet symphony of falling rain

Everyone needs those rainy days
when you look outside and see no rays
to mend our wounds, to keep us sane
to the sweet, sweet symphony of falling rain
May 2013 · 722
Stone Grave
Megan Galema May 2013
She lost the love she could never replace,
sitting at her lover's cold-stone grave.
Fifty years of unconditional love,
now, left with a burden too hard to carry.
She talks of golden memories,
and of grandchildren's tantrums.
Remembering the moments
that she couldn't stand him.
"They remind me of you," she says.
Nonetheless he still has her heart,
not even death could keep them apart.
Feb 2013 · 504
Megan Galema Feb 2013
What is it about you, that draws me in?
Perhaps its those blue eyes that gets me every time.
Beyond the forces of gravity,
much stronger than the pull of the waves,
This drawing of me to you,
gets stronger everyday.
Feb 2013 · 823
Crashing Waves
Megan Galema Feb 2013
Even in the misty white,
and in the dark of the darkest night,
the waves crashing, is beautiful.

Even if the skies are gray,
and on the coldest of winter's day,
the waves crashing, is beautiful.

Even in mid-December,
where the weather misses the warmth and better,
the waves crashing, is beautiful.

They'll soothe you to sleep,
it's quite a sight to see,
the waves crashing, is beautiful.
Feb 2013 · 812
Megan Galema Feb 2013
I saw you coming from afar,
you kept a steady beat with your feet.
My heart started racing,
knowing you'd be my defeat.

I refused to give up.
I refused to let go,
but you made sure no one was watching
to stay for the show.

There were no witnesses,
when you knocked on my door.
Next thing I know,
I'm bleeding on the floor.

I tried to fight back,
kicked and screamed my lungs out.
before you know it,
my eyesight gave out.

In the far distance,
I hear the cops' voices.
They come closer and stop,
startled and distraught.

"Who would've done this?
It's messy to say the least.
Who ever done this,
has unleashed the beast."

"There's one thing,
that doesn't quite add up.
They took the body,
didn't bother to clean up."

It wasn't a ******,
just a thief at its best.
I tried and I fought,
but my heart couldn't detest.

We walked away,
hand in hand.
The cops say it'll be a mystery
they'll never understand.
Feb 2013 · 443
Megan Galema Feb 2013
No such power exists
that can defy irrevocable love
No being is more grand
then the being in heavens above
and by one glance I resist lust
because my eyes fixate upon you
So know that with every entity, of
Who I was
Who I am
Who I hope to be
Is only caused by you.
Feb 2013 · 539
Megan Galema Feb 2013
I woke up this morning,
and time seemed to stop.
My body was moving,
my mind not processing one thought.
One moment I was here,
the next I was there.
I couldn't help but just sit,
with a monotone stare.
Maybe it's a hangover,
from thinking 100 miles per hour.
Maybe it's the lack of sleep,
I only snuck in an hour.
I woke up this morning,
and time seemed to stop.
I figured it out,
it was only the clock.
Jan 2013 · 819
Cobble Stoned Wall
Megan Galema Jan 2013
Go ahead,say the words that I've longed for,

It won't have an effect,
on this cobble ****** wall that protects me.

You can say all you want,
but your actions will suffice.

Quite frankly, do it fast,
before my heart turns into ice.

A steady pitter-patter,
turns into a syncopated tune.

The clock ticking down,
only time heals my wounds.

So, go ahead,
I advise you to choose wisely.

Because I am the gate keeper,
to this cobble ****** wall.

You can say what you may,
I'm not ready to fall.
Jan 2013 · 775
Makes me Wonder
Megan Galema Jan 2013
Empty and cold
Numb I feel.
Life's a backwards
Highlight reel.
Highlight the real
moments in time.
When time to time
love shows itself.
An intangible wealth
found by the blind.

acting, hoping, searching.
Acting without thought
Hoping ignorance is bliss
Searching for the

The power to change your fate.
but if ignorance is bliss,
then knowledge is power.

It creates a paradox in which
intelligence and happiness cannot coexist.

We're doomed from the start
and the end games unclear.

Makes me wonder,
why I'm even here.

-David Abreu
Jan 2013 · 755
Megan Galema Jan 2013
I'll never understand the struggles you've had
or the depths of hurt on your worse day.
I'll never know the hurt that you have felt,
or the pain and the suffering that left you with welts.
I'll never know how strong you can be,
after knowing where you stand in social hierarchy.
You're inspiration at its best,
exceeding expectations, none the less.
I aspire to be strong like you,
to endure the things you have gone through.
And when the day is done,
I will rest my head, knowing that I have won
I know that I can be strong, persevere on.
All of this, I owe to you.
Jan 2013 · 550
Megan Galema Jan 2013
I sit around in a circle of people,
with the least bit of common interests.
Who find a way to connect.
That only they can feel. Effortlessly.
They're perfect,
with every imperfection.
Oct 2012 · 416
Not so Much of a Poem
Megan Galema Oct 2012
This is not so much of a poem,
but rather thoughts scattered here and there.
Is it possible to know ourselves 100%?
I think not.
I believe that even if we die,
we still don't know.
Every fragment that we know,
has only been revealed by the experiences we've had.
It's okay if you don't.
But no matter the length of life,
we will never encounter every situation.
We discover new things about ourselves,
through the power of experience.
I think I know, but do I really?
So, I'll ask again,
Is it possible to know ourselves 100%?
Oct 2012 · 420
Nightly Shadows
Megan Galema Oct 2012
There he goes in the midst of the night,
creeping quietly, silently out of sight.
He disappears without a trace,
he's just a stranger without a face.
Running away from tears and pain,
running towards something to gain.
There he goes, swift as flight,
creeping quietly into the night.
Sep 2012 · 446
Megan Galema Sep 2012
I said some words I wish I could take back,
But time moves forward not towards the past.
I wish I had a filter, or maybe be mute
Then maybe, just maybe we'd still be good.
If I were you, I'd hate me too
So I understand all the things that you do.
I'll ask for forgiveness, hoping for the best
but don't you fret, I'm prepared for the worst.
I'll say my sorries and I'll do my part,
I just pray that you find some reasoning,
to forgive me from the bottom of your heart.
Sep 2012 · 527
Scented Memories
Megan Galema Sep 2012
Your scent lingers
through the night
never leaving me.
It ripples across the bed sheets
only as a memory.
It tiptoes across the shaggy carpet,
scurrying through the house.
It's the shadows on the walls,
that creep in my sight.
Your scent is an entity.
There, but not there too.
It's mixed in with my sweet perfume.
Your scent, it dances,
across the wooden floors,
leaving a hand print
on each and every door.
Even when you're gone,
you're never far away,
because your scent it lingers,
in each and every way.
Sep 2012 · 814
Megan Galema Sep 2012
I'll never forget that day.
It's stuck in my mind,
like a record put on replay.
There's nothing you can do.
It's intertwined into your brain,
infused just like glue.
It started out normal.
Then, boom!
I was swept off my feet,
except without a broom.
And I understand,
that things happen.
Things out of your hands
and I try to take control
then all of a sudden,
my heart turns to cold,
but I'm not dead.
Blood flows through my body,
except in my head.
The record stuck on replay takes over.
I don't remember,
the last time I was sober.
The memory persists,
and I wish it didn't exist.
But, I'll always be reminded of the day.
Because the record is stuck,
and it's playing on replay.
Aug 2012 · 412
Megan Galema Aug 2012
Mistake after mistake,
just can't seem to get a break.
Bringing stress to the family,
oh look, another tragedy...
no surprise.

So I'll smile after smile,
and it hurts after a while.
Shot right on target,
no chance to dodge it...

No worries, no way
because tomorrow will be a new day.
For mistake after mistake,
then a thought ponders through my head.
As I lay my body to rest,
How much can a person endure,
mistake after mistake?
Aug 2012 · 449
Megan Galema Aug 2012
I'm torn apart
and I don't want to try
just to break my heart,
cause I'm stranded out on sea
full of tears that you started.
It gets harder and harder to breathe,
it feels like I'm drowning.
I just have to catch my breath.

I'm broken down,
and I don't want to try
if I'm bound to drown.
I'm standing all alone
the wind knocking me over,
I try to stand my ground,
but you keep knocking me down.
I just have to watch my step.
Feb 2012 · 644
A Tune Unheard
Megan Galema Feb 2012
My body is there, my mind is elsewhere.
My ears are hearing, but I am not listening.
My eyes are open, but I am sleeping.
My nose is sniffling, but I am not crying.
And as you speak, yell, or babble
all I experience is a never ending song,
with a droning syncopated tune.
Feb 2012 · 3.2k
Megan Galema Feb 2012
Taste buds engraved on my tongue
feel emotions of salty, sweet, bitter entities
the heart instilled in my body
taste flavors of aggravation, happiness, and sorrow.
Bittersweet is not just a combination of flavors,
reserved only for taste buds.
It somehow has explored into the world of the soul,
Because emotions are twisted in a circle,
that only a true oxymoron,
like bittersweet can fulfill it's complication.
Bittersweet has diffused into much more
something that can't be described by other emotions,
but rather than a description of situations,
like a good cry or a good pain.
and don't think I'm completely insane,
but for the longest time bittersweet
has been the epitome of what's left of my sanity.
Jan 2012 · 2.3k
Piano Keys
Megan Galema Jan 2012
Fingers elegantly swimming across a sea of black and white keys,
each one unique and substantial to each melody.
They speak to the ears that long for a tune,
as people entangle themselves until they are consumed.
Let me play the depths of my soul,
in each crevasse and story that remains untold.
When words fail to vocalize all that I feel,
I turn to this instrument so that it may reveal;
Every emotion and memory that lingers in my mind,
what only these keys can only define.
They're like any key it's simple to see,
but I understand if you're having some difficulty.
A key opens a door and These keys open my soul.
Jan 2012 · 802
Megan Galema Jan 2012
The willow withered as day turned into night.
No drop of sun, no drop of sun light.
It crept into the dust of dirt,
That protects it and keeps its worth.
Awaiting the moment night switches to day,
anticipating the first breaths of sun ray.
The willow dreams of everlasting life,
swaying its branches in such delight.
Who would have thought willows were like human beings,
but let's not stop there we'll include all trees.
As the willow withered when day turned into night.
I became uplifted in unusual insight.
Whether it's a tree, animal, or human being,
All living things have some sense of feeling.
Jan 2012 · 672
I Need
Megan Galema Jan 2012
I need someone to sweep me off my feet,
Who'll lift me up and make me fly.
I need someone nice and sweet,
Who would never dare make me cry.
I need a soul compatible with mine,
So that the bond never diminishes.
I need a soul, a soul divine,
So that our love never thinks to finish.
I need strength to carry on,
in times of hardship and despair.
I need your hand to hold at night,
to show that someone cares.
I ask of you to be my light,
to guide me through and be my sight,
and if I ask of too much,
erase everything above with just one touch.
Then maybe I can sense your love,
an emotion so electric I can't get rid of.
Jan 2012 · 1.1k
Megan Galema Jan 2012
Take that leap of faith, let the waves of the ocean carry you in all despair.
Take that leap of faith, let it strip you of all fears til you lay bare.
Take that leap of faith, hold in your breath and simply close your eyes.
Take that leap of faith, spread your arms out and feel the rush of the flight.

Leave all your worries, do not dwell upon them.
Leave all your anxieties, do not allow hesitation.
Leave all your hurt, start brand new.
Leave all your hesitations, be untouchable.
Jan 2012 · 567
Time Travelers
Megan Galema Jan 2012
I hoped for a thing called time travelling,
so that I could go back to the memories held so dear.
The memories that intertwine me with my past, present, and future.
I thought perhaps time travelling would instantly take me there.

There's no such thing as fairies, they can't grant your wishes,
It's not complex, I promise you this...
but the simplicity of reality has it's magical ways.
Close your eyes, think of the memory, and simply reminisce.

So you see, it's easy as one, two, three
time travelling isn't all that it seems
you can do it while you sleep
you can do while you dream,
because memories are forever,
its magic eloquently.
Jan 2012 · 566
All I Ask
Megan Galema Jan 2012
...Don't put your foot through the door if you don't intend on staying.  
   All I ask is for your plain security.
   ...Don't put your hand into mine if there's a chance of you going.
      All I want is for you to stay.
      ...Don't look me straight in the eyes if you intend on lying.
         All I seek is the truth.
         ...Don't lay beside my body if you want to cheat.
            All I ask is for your love, irrevocably.
Jan 2012 · 706
Indescribable is the word
Megan Galema Jan 2012
Sometimes I get this feeling that is pretty much indescribable,
that not one word in the English language,
can truly suffice everything that I am feeling.
      Its that feeling where at that moment in time,
      all you want to do, is be alone.
      Shut the world out in hopes of blockading the issues.
      Because maybe the world is a little too overwhelming.
            Its that feeling when all you want to do,
            is recollect your life, perhaps reminisce.
            Trying to find some sort of direction.
                  The battle between tears and laughter,
                  where you would cry about anything,
                  and laugh at everything...
                  laugh at the fact that you cry about anything.
                        ...I guess it's just one of those feelings.
Jan 2012 · 601
Nightly Routines
Megan Galema Jan 2012
As I lay myself asleep and close my shades of light,
   My mind opens its wings so great and prepares itself for flight.
It wanders in an ocean, aimlessly trying to find a way,
   Searching for the answers to all of my unspoken thoughts.
They break the rules of society, defy all the laws embedded within our universe,
   and somehow it resembles the rotation  of a merry-go-round.
And as this thought process becomes one of the nightly routines,
   I find myself dazing off to a sleep that's serene.
Nov 2011 · 647
Teach Me How to Love
Megan Galema Nov 2011
Teach me how to love by example,
by loving others,
making them smile,
and going beyond all the galaxies of the universe.

Teach me how to love through experience,
by falling in love yourself,
giving all of you to her,
and by taking a risk that many don't.

Teach me how to love firsthand,
by making me fall for you,
making me go weak in the knees,
and make me love you back effortlessly.

Then I will know what love is,
and I can perhaps teach you too,
by sharing every essence of joy together,
if you teach me how to love.
Nov 2011 · 2.2k
Green Eyed Monster
Megan Galema Nov 2011
A little green eyed monster,
it possesses me.
Manifests itself within my body.
I think you may have met him,
he's a sneaky one you see.

I tried to fight him off.
I guess I lost the battle,
because my mind fell short
and emotions took over.

He's too strong.
I need to build up the strength,
to have control of my mind,
once again.
At the end,
you did nothing wrong.

It just happens to be,
that this little monster
has overtaken me,
he goes by the name,
Mr. Jealousy
Nov 2011 · 562
If Only I Could
Megan Galema Nov 2011
If only you had the courage to swallow your pride,
then maybe, just maybe you'd still be by my side.
If only you had the strength that I needed,
then maybe, just maybe our love would have succeeded.
If only you carefully picked out your fights,
then maybe, just maybe you'd be here tonight.

Only, if only I could forgive all that you've done,
then maybe we would be together as one.
Only, if only I could see the good in your heart,
then maybe we would have never been torn apart.
Only, if only I had the strength,
then maybe we would love another once again.
Nov 2011 · 1.0k
A Penny for Your Thoughts
Megan Galema Nov 2011
Dear Man,
Do you think of me like I think of you, or does it waste your time?
Do you long for touch just as much as I, or does it linger on your skin?
Do you wish you could stand inside our memories, does it fade away slowly?
Do you need someone to talk to at night? Do your ears listen for my voice?
Do you miss me, and the way I laugh, or do you take every essence of me and leave it behind?

Dear Woman,
Thinking of you doesn’t waste my time, because you are never a waste.
Your touch does not linger on my skin, because it lingers in my heart.
Our memories do not fade, because they consume my every thought.
My ears do not listen for your voice, because they have it playing on repeat.
I will never miss you, or the way you laugh, because I never will leave your side.
Nov 2011 · 603
Forgotten Lover
Megan Galema Nov 2011
She sits solemnly, observing her surroundings,
Her wrinkles engraved into her aged face
As she stirs the spoon along the tea cup's boundaries
The rhythmic pace suddenly comes to a halt.

Her eyes wander along a passing couple,
as they hold hands, she reminisces..
of those days before they slowly crumbled
those days where her and her lover shared kisses.

The twinkle in her eye,
matches the twinkle on her finger.
That love of that one of a kind guy,
forever with her will linger.

Her sadness is exerted in her expressions,
One true love is all she needed
to teach her a bundle of life lessons,
an "I do" ,they pleaded.

To profess their love was no crime,
They were hopelessly devoted
the time flew by.
Only to grow apart and forgotten.

She is a forgotten lover,
who wears her past on her fingers,
and forever will the love of her life,
always linger.
Nov 2011 · 608
Megan Galema Nov 2011
I hold my breath as waterfall tears flow down from my eyes
The overbearing emotions take control of me, imprisoning me.
As a prisoner at your whim I tried to submerge into thoughts of joy.
I put my all into you, my trust embedded in every kiss.
Only to result to the consumption of all your lies, excuses, and alibis.

You built me up, only to shatter me into a million pieces.
Now I surround my heart around soldiers prepared to fight.
Take this as my last goodbye, a simple adieu.
Thank you my soon forgotten lover,
for teaching me that I deserve someone better than you.
Nov 2011 · 618
I Lay Myself to Sleep
Megan Galema Nov 2011
Wind brushes upon my skin,
I kiss the day goodbye,
Hello sky, hello to starry night.

The stars come out to light the sky,
Making it luminescent as the day,
I become so mesmerized.

The sun kisses the tips of my fingers,
I live within the depths of the day,
Hoping that the light lasts, lingers

To lay again to dream sweet dreams,
And to wake up in a world,
I call reality.
Nov 2011 · 573
Just Friends
Megan Galema Nov 2011
My heart skips a beat to the melody that I call love,
Every hug, every kiss, every touch melts into my skin
And after all these years I stand by your side,
Forever always, only as a friend
I wish you would see into the depths of my soul
So you could perhaps understand what I truly want.
But see you are blinded by the world and all its lust,
And I know for a fact, I will never compare
But if you would just see the diamond in the rough,
Then maybe, just maybe, you would see
How much I hopelessly love thee.
Oct 2011 · 600
Megan Galema Oct 2011
Dear Stranger,
Hello to you as you walk by,
a head nod, a smile, or wink of the eye.
Black, white, brown I see,
but through the depths of your essence,
it is the soul that I seek.
Laughter and struggles,
we unknowingly shared,
at a moment's glance we tend to compare
the "you" and the "I",
the day and the night,
or the wrong and the right,
Only to be strangers again,
at a blink of an eye.

— The End —