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Jan 2012 · 663
Shoe Box
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
And after today,
We will just become,
Another box of locked away memories,
I never wanted us to be.
Jan 2012 · 786
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
You lied to me last night,
Becoming someone who I do not recognise,
For the love has gone, hiding out of sight,
You're too lost to ever hold it once again in your eyes.

Over time I let you behind my walls,
Took the risk of trusting you with my heart.
What a fool I was listening to a fake lovers calls,
In truth I did more than just play my part.

I played yours too, compensating for your lack of words,
Gave you everything I had within myself.
One day you chose to fly freely with hundreds of black winged birds,
And left me lifeless, on the dusty, broken, single shelf.
Jan 2012 · 570
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
This day has meaning that goes unnoticed,
Celebrations that would have happened,
Instead become lost.
I doubt we shall even speak today.
Jan 2012 · 561
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
Wheel spins carry me further away,
Deep into the blackness of my dreams.
Flash to an unforgettable scene,
Bright lights dance like fireflies.
A touch instead of comforting, stings,
When will I start to feel again.
Jan 2012 · 526
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
Hiding behind these sunglasses as you,
Hide behind that smile.
I'm staring at an empty screen with just your name for company,
I'm Pretending perfectly to be alive.
You would know the truth, if only you  searched behind my eyes.
Jan 2012 · 531
On the outside
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
We once saw each other through clear eyes,
Time has passed,
You're so good at giving up.
I peer in at you through tainted glass windows.
Jan 2012 · 480
War In The World
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
In The rubble he stood and watched,
As the beat of her heart slowly stopped.
He knelt down beside her side,
And feeling guilty cried and cried.

His fragile world had fallen apart,
All he had made broken.
Her face was bruised, black and blue,
The memories gone, away they flew.

Out of her body, into the sky,
It was her unique way of saying goodbye.
She told him just to let go,
But all he could think to say was NO.

Then another hit him as well,
All the ground around him fell.
Closing his eyes he softly sighed,
With one last breath he too died.

Is this the meaning of War?
People dying, a country sore.
Isn't it to help people be free?
From evil men and poverty.
Jan 2012 · 366
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
Dear friend this is my last word to you,
I am going soon and will not tell you where to.
For it would hurt me too much and hurt you aswell,
So I will never, truly say farewell.
I'll leave you and you'll never know the reason why,
Just think a while and please don't cry.
You won't see me for a time but dont think on it,
You'll find out when I am hit.
My world will fall and I'lll remember how,
I left without saying goodbye, I wish I had now.
My final sigh is the last I breathe,
When into the sky my body I leave.
My final memory is of you and me,
The way we are and always will be.
Jan 2012 · 3.8k
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
Physically dominant.
Unargueably aggressive,
So unnoticed.

Recognisable colours,
Hidden behind,
Covering deceit.
Deceptive courage,
Fake smile,
Grimacing strength.

Submission is granted.
Obvious circumstances,
So misunderstood,
Access denied.

Apologies don't exist,
Escape artist,
Mascuerading as the helpless,
Only the strong,
Survive in,

Sudden movement,
Hard, cold floor.
More questions,
More lies,
No truth,
Is ever uttered.
Jan 2012 · 1.9k
In Excitement
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
In excitement,
What's been said is said.
Unspoken whispers which hide so deep,
Plague the mind.
Diseases included in imaginary tales,
Wishes which shall never become true,
Fade into the shadows.
Turn back time,
Relive the moment,
Make changes.
**** distances,
Make miles seem like metres.
Spaces should be filled,
Shadow of love shimmers,
Behind the one who waits,
Dreams offer fulfilment.
That never comes.
Jan 2012 · 557
I do not fret
Meg Kyffin Jan 2012
My friend it seems we've parted,
you left me so quickly,
so broken hearted.
But I do not fret at night anymore,
For the pain that was there
Is now not so sore.
We speak again and all is well,
Friends like no other,
There's no need to dwell,
On the things that were once so true,
Advancing together,
Onto something new.

— The End —