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Meg Bowen Sep 2012
Say anything.
Just don’t say nothing at all.
Don’t keep me waiting, don’t leave me hoping
you might say things you never really were.
Just say anything.

Say anything.
Say you never really loved me at all.
Say that it was all a game, all a joke and you got me well.
Say it had always meant more to me than it had to you,
That I had taken it too far and pushed you away.
Say it, if it’s true
Say ‘I never loved you’.

You won’t say anything at all.
Weeks of waiting have turned to a month of hating.
Hating everything about you and what I had been with you.
You won’t say anything.
You closed us like a book, never to open it again, never to speak of it again.
Was this your plan all along?
To say all the right things
And then say nothing at all?

— The End —