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 Dec 2017 Meepbeep
Wandering stars
Like a shattered glass bauble
Broken like a promise
Or... actually, did I break it?

Did I say I'd stop forever?

Those glass shards are still falling
There's still time to catch them
To pick them up and put them back together again
To breathe new life into an idea that was once thought to be dead

While it may never be the same as it was before
Its new form has the potential to be even better than the last

It just depends on how you actually look at it.
 Dec 2017 Meepbeep
This is it.
My ending.
My epitaph.
I am exhausted.
I have explored every idea I wanted to explore.
I have told the stories I have wanted to tell.
My imagination has been stretched to its very limits.
It's time to call it a day.

For now.

Perhaps, someday, I may return.
To write a second chapter.
A new beginning.

Until then, farewell.
 Nov 2017 Meepbeep
Street light's red
He fondles his girl
She appreciates his touch
Love is in the air tonight
The ****** tension is unbearable
They cannot wait to get home
To explore each other's bodies in bed

Street light's amber
The car behind honks its horn
He is caught off guard
His girl gets up to look out of the sunroof
Her denim shorts rest against his face
He is distracted by her glamour

Street light's green
He slams his foot down on the pedal
The engine revs and the vehicle jerks forward
He hasn't even grabbed the wheel yet
His girl loses her balance and falls into him
His hands knock the wheel
The car swerves into the intersection
He curses and tries to gain control of the car
His girl tries to regain her balance
But a semi ploughs into the vehicle from the left
The vehicle is tipped onto its side and scrapes against the street
His girl screams and tries to get back inside
Another car speeds by in panic and it hits his girl
Her head is ripped off by the impact
He is knocked unconscious
Their foolishness caused this scene

Sirens ring in the distance
He regains his consciousness and climbs out of the wreck
He evaluates the damages to figure out the costs
But he stumbles upon a sight which will haunt him to this day
The body of his girl spread out and mutilated by the crash
Her blood pours out of her neck and pools in the street
This night was to end in splendour
Yet their actions only resulted in misery
 Nov 2017 Meepbeep
This place is just too perfect
It's begging to be wrecked
It leaves no box unchecked
It makes me want to disconnect

All of my sins I've confessed
I almost feel oppressed
For I am imperfect
Trapped in this flawlessness that I detest
Trying to meet these standards, it's making me stressed
I know I'll succeed at a couple things at best
Before I end up ripping my heart out of my chest




 Nov 2017 Meepbeep
 Nov 2017 Meepbeep
Smog lingers in the streets
Neon lights flicker to trip hop beats
Tears of the homeless pool around the people's feet
The alleys are chock full of perverts and creeps

These people have never even seen the sun
The only ones who have are on the run
Only to be killed by the gun
By the ones who find no elegance in fun

A chain link fence surrounds a complex
Developed to promote society's prospects
Through the act of turning victims into objects
Enslaving them to work on the government's projects

The prisoners are fed soggy biscuits
And can only hear the sounds of artificial crickets
Forced to work just to see something explicit
The only thing left that can raise their spirits
 Nov 2017 Meepbeep
Let them all down
Let them all drown
I brought them this far
I don’t need them anymore

Let them all run
Let them all burn
From here onwards I walk alone
For I am now the free man I want to be

Cut the shackles that bind me to strife
Cut the shackles that bind them to life
They are no longer a burden to me
Now they can only torment the worms

The only difference between me and them
Is life and death
Life and death!
Life! And! Death!
 Nov 2017 Meepbeep
You’re too close
Move away
I want to get out

This cage you trap me in
I appreciate your will to protect
But your embrace only restricts me
You render me vulnerable
I hate it

In this position I am powerless
I am forced to rely on your warmth
Of which you could use against me
In this very moment

Please let go.
 Nov 2017 Meepbeep
 Nov 2017 Meepbeep
I will guide him up a rope to the sky
I wish for him to see the world how I see it
I wish for him to feel the stars how I feel them
I wish for him to hear the wind how I hear it
I will guide him up a rope to the sky

For us to tower above the ego of man
For us to look down on the petty war
For us to cherish the thought of living
For us to find the happiness we all seek

But should he fall
Should he slip
Should I fail to grasp his hand
It’s a long way down
He will fall the greatest depths
Fall further than we have climbed
Fall beyond the conflict we strove to escape
Together, we will be no more
I will be in the sky
He will be down below
Hanging by a long, twisted thread
As he snaps out of it
A flower trampled into the mud

— The End —