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May 2018 · 373
Blistered Soul
Tara McLeran May 2018
The unfamiliar creek ever knocking in my brain
Splashing me with boiling silence, loneliness can stain
Blistering with endless thinking of the nothingness within
A touch of kindness finds me in a place I've never been
Should I open up the door to help my blistered soul
Or in the silence fall asleep within the burning coal
May 2018 · 238
Everlasting Love
Tara McLeran May 2018
Trying to save my life by closing my eyes
Don't give in to the morning lies
My love's embedded in his world not to rescue this dying girl
He is stuck and she must save though her soul is in the grave
Nothing lost and what is gained, her heart on fire still remains

everlasting love remains
May 2018 · 204
My Soldier
Tara McLeran May 2018
He's standing on the docks of love
The waves are crashing up above

She went in first took off her shoes
He's standing there in his boots confused

Should he jump or run for shore
It may take his life, is she worth more

He hears her calling out his name
But if he jumps nothing stays the same

Duty calls him from safe and dry
He doesn't save her, he doesn't try

And when his duty is all done
He will find another one

One that finally pulls him in
The sea of love against his skin

As for her, her shoes there still
She found no love and never will

Because it take two in a treacherous sea
And even though he heard her plea

It's silent now her heart beat strong
She made it to shore it took so long

When she finally made it there
She realize he didn't care

For she found his boots with a different pair
She wept an ocean in despair

Now a new love ocean rages
She'll be remembered through the ages

As the women who carried her shoes
And sank to the bottom of the ocean blue
Apr 2018 · 203
Tara McLeran Apr 2018
Sleepless night
I love you
Dreaming I see you
And I cry myself to sleep
Dreaming you see me
I hate you
Endless day
Apr 2018 · 176
Forever Sleep
Tara McLeran Apr 2018
There's anger bleeding from my heart
The blood is black, it's thick and dark
It covers my soul and muffles my scream
Drowning my body floats downstream
In a place so lost no one knows
How does one get here, follow the crows
On wings bringing death I fly
If only I could give up and die
The anger within me then would cease
Praise the Lord and forever sleep
Apr 2018 · 224
My Yin
Tara McLeran Apr 2018
A path not unseen but not yet followed
My heartbeat stills in the acoustic's hollowed
Sounds of the unknown whisper fear
Please come closer my love, my dear
My trust in you but not my faith
Thou shalt not steal you broke the eighth
You stole my heart with your embrace
When I'm with you I know my place
Don't let me go, don't run away
My biggest fear is you won't stay
Forever white is missing black
Because I'm afraid you won't come back
Apr 2018 · 303
Never Too Old
Tara McLeran Apr 2018
Does a smile cease to be lovely
or does the heart become bitter and cold

Once I thought the world in it's beauty
would give me a strong hand to hold

Is my face so weathered by all the storms
are my eyes no longer bright

The world in it's cruelty & malice
stole my beauty on a dark stormy night

Where once my joy turned to laughter
now tears turn to furious sobs

I weep on the floor not controlling
the unsightly emotional mobs

Chronology is determined in numbers
and numbers they're always kind

It's the letters in every language
that say my dream I will never find

Too stubborn to give up on my searching
even if beauty I've already spent

The world will give me my true love
because this is why I was sent
Apr 2018 · 183
Tara McLeran Apr 2018
What if tomorrow were never to come and break away the pain
The sun was broke and refused to shine, my heart would fade to gray
In all the faces passing by all I'd see was gloom
If the sun refused to shine and tomorrow didn't bloom
Apr 2018 · 163
Fenced In
Tara McLeran Apr 2018
The fence I climbed nearly touched the sky
I've never seen a fence so high
Tried to escape, tried to leave this town
Now I'm sittin' here cuz I can't jump down
Waiting here for a peaceful soul
To reach for me with a hand to hold
Get me off the fence, feet on the ground
And after I am safe and sound
I would like to help you down

— The End —