He's standing on the docks of love
The waves are crashing up above
She went in first took off her shoes
He's standing there in his boots confused
Should he jump or run for shore
It may take his life, is she worth more
He hears her calling out his name
But if he jumps nothing stays the same
Duty calls him from safe and dry
He doesn't save her, he doesn't try
And when his duty is all done
He will find another one
One that finally pulls him in
The sea of love against his skin
As for her, her shoes there still
She found no love and never will
Because it take two in a treacherous sea
And even though he heard her plea
It's silent now her heart beat strong
She made it to shore it took so long
When she finally made it there
She realize he didn't care
For she found his boots with a different pair
She wept an ocean in despair
Now a new love ocean rages
She'll be remembered through the ages
As the women who carried her shoes
And sank to the bottom of the ocean blue