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2.4k · Dec 2012
McKinna Bunch Dec 2012
My best Friend
The one who is supposed to stay by my side,
Thru thick and thin
Betrayed me

She took the boy I loved
She took him and used him.
Used him against me
And I forgave her

She seems to forget that fact.
My best friend.
She didn't realize that her horrific act,
I forgave.
And she seems to think I forgot.

But I did not

Now she treats me worse than before
Calling me the bad one.
Saying I'm the fake one.
Spreading lies about me.

My best friend,
Well. she isn't best now,
She isn't even a friend
and never was a true one.

My ex-best friend,
Betrayed me.
1.3k · Jan 2013
McKinna Bunch Jan 2013
Shout-out to the lovers and the fighters.
The heart breakers and music makers.
To the kid in the back corner or
The ones who stand in the front.
Here's to the friends I've lost and gained
Here's to the believers and the ones who don't.

To my craziness and to yours
Here's to Hate I don't adore.
Here's to teachers and preachers,
(I can't thank you enough)
To the wild child
To the frustrating sisters and brothers
Here's to the believers and the ones who don't.

Shout-out to the ones past.
To the inanimate objects gone
Here's to the fake smiles and fake cries
to the who thinks it's all "okay!"
To the hurt and weary,
To the joyful and merry,
To the hungry and sleepy,
And most importantly
Here's to the Believers and the ones who Don't.
1.1k · Dec 2012
Overcoming Yourself
McKinna Bunch Dec 2012
Your anger fuels your drive.
the determination is seen
thru you
and within you
It frightens me.
It's almost like a craziness
I fear it has overcome you
and engulfed you by it's pain
Now replaced by torment,
And conflict within your mind
I take this personally
OH but of course don't worry about me
To you is doesn't show,
that every hurt you put
yourself thru
Comes right back to me.
773 · Jan 2013
Not the Sun
McKinna Bunch Jan 2013
How am I supposed to know you were
going to be like this.
Self-centered and conceded
No One likes that
It's unattractive, I promise you
I'm getting restless of it
Hearing your problems
or about yourself
Well guess what ***,
We All have problems
And you, My darling,
Are not,
The Sun.
618 · Jan 2013
For you Cannot
McKinna Bunch Jan 2013
So let him Fester and suffer his own!
He the boy of all people
Should think to himself
But in dismay!
He can not Think!
For he, smoked it all away

You can not Think.
You can not Act.
No choices should be made by you!
No important life choices can be made by you.
You are not mentally capable anymore

Look what you've done to yourself
To society,
You've become the Stereotypical "*** Head"
That's all you are and all you'll ever be.

Now you're out of control
Going crazy
Hurting everyone
Doing things you shouldn't
Treating people like you shouldn't

You try to do things
And be a normal person
But it's really hard to be close to someone
Who's high every time I see them.
This is just my interpretation of how my friend handled marijuana and what I saw in him. It isn't what I think the drug does to everyone.
598 · Feb 2013
Sick at 3 am
McKinna Bunch Feb 2013
Waking up,
in a cold sweat.
Feeling just awful
I've worried myself sick
So sick.
The stress has overcome me and taken me in.
So I lay in my bed.
In the dark
And I wish for my mother,
and the comfort which I most desperately need.
It isn't only the unsettling feeling I have in my stomach
But the unnerving sense I have in my head.
Sick at 3 in the morning makes me tiresome
It makes me feel lonely
It makes me miss home
So I try and fall back asleep
(unsuccessful attempt)
And I get up at 5:45
And I go to school that starts at 7,
Tired, worried, lonely
All from being sick at 3 am.
528 · Jan 2013
A talk with Myself
McKinna Bunch Jan 2013
You let them walk over you,
And crush your dreams and
put you down.
You stood quietly in the back
row for so long.
You felt others pain and took it out on
And you cried because you didn't know
what to do.
And all you could do was be there
In the back
I am tired of watching you
go thru this
Stop being the sad one
Stop holding back your views
Talk, Speak, Shout, YELL !
do something...
Don't tell me you are worried
or afraid
Don't say you can't be yourself
Be who you want to be!
Stop feeling this pressure
Just let it go already...
You feel sorry for yourself
I feel sorry for what your missing.
505 · Jan 2013
One of my sisters
McKinna Bunch Jan 2013
She is the middle sister
My younger older sister
Third child but 2nd daughter
She may have to fight for attention sometimes
And she is one of the biggest smart ***** I know
But put paints and colors in front of her
And she becomes the artist
Give her a pen and paper
And she becomes an author
I tell her a lot of things
I ask her a lot of things
She is the sister that loves ghost stories
But can't stand the thought of actually seeing one
She is the little girl who is wild and crazy at home
But shy with new people
She always has a horrible smile in pictures
But she has the best laugh
She is the middle sister
The younger older
And I love her
501 · Jan 2013
Open the Day
McKinna Bunch Jan 2013
I'll take my chances and run away
Some place you can't hurt me
A brand new day;
A locked door needs to be open,
I don't care what you have to say about it
I will open every **** door if I have to.
447 · Jan 2013
Light Hearted
McKinna Bunch Jan 2013
Light hearted love,
is not what I give.
I give emotional trust,
and laughter.
My love is silly,
but serious at times.
It is what I give you,
so please don't hurt
my love.

— The End —