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McKinley Jan 2015
the further i walk on
the farther i get from
getting over
the things I've left behind me.
McKinley Jun 2014
He had a fan in the window
and my figure standin on his bed
in a not much of a room
he had a certain obligation to keep the music playin
in the back ground
with my back down
on his bed in a not much of a room
I think he might have liked my puerile, sometimes-nervous company
when he was laughing by my side next to me  
there a part of ourselves got exhumed
in the not much of a room.
McKinley Mar 2015
What we're all after is simple n' rare
Might of had a successful swing at it
If anyone chose to care.
McKinley Mar 2017
Don't you get mistaken
thinkin you got some sort of obligation
needing to walk me home or carry my crap
McKinley Dec 2015
You spoke of another time
of true love
of true comedy

of carelessness
of bravery

of less fear
  and more care.

Listening to you was a walk along narrow water
with a steady start
but it got denser

Now if spoken
is of prison
of medicine
of sleeplessness
of loneliness
of the cage
of the age

youre suppose to always be there.
McKinley Jul 2015
A suspicious learner
against being a minion of another's opinion.
The way to learning is questioning.
Yes - it's an unpractical practice
because what is taught may be truth and time is trashed when used for investigation
but I rather have the satisfaction for knowing for myself
rather than accepting secondhand information.
But.. we're all probably wrong
McKinley Sep 2017
like a dog chasin
cars long the fence,
after a travelin something
that seems to make sense
to be with,
but without
is what we get
McKinley May 2017
beside me
but not together.
separate worlds.
you don't try to reach me
McKinley Jan 2015
how 'bout me showin' you back to my place
take you there and put you under.
and everything that goes
heaven knows
McKinley Nov 2016
does my touch ever
wake you
take you
to how it was sometime before
In the air
am I there
just how it was somewhere before

but that was before there was
how it wasn't working
how it wasn't worth the hurting

now this is how it is
and how it was lost
McKinley Jan 2015
I will not meddle in human affairs; there are other godlike matters at my attention that I care more for.
McKinley Mar 2017
You all waitin
so am I

I'm not ready.
truth ain't easy.

can't say you understand
when i dont know myself
McKinley Jan 2016
Our signal is poor
when indoors
ceilings caught us off
we are left with small thought.

When revealed to the sky
and looking into it's enormousness
we taste the universes endlessness
there we think large
McKinley Feb 2015
Had to make my head a windshield wiper
so I'd always give side to side
disdained answers
to all them head turners,
whiskey drinkers,
and no-good smooth-talking hounds.
Some 'er **** strays
throw their bone once
find that they'll never go away.
Then.. there's that rare finding
that takes all you've earned for what you hope is a keeping
and once it's too late you discover what you've been missing.
Turns out the best four legs are the best at leaving.
So by throwin' the towel in with all I've got
like a last second shot,
I win whether made or not.
McKinley Mar 2017
You have the power to prove.
potential energy is physics and *****-ups can't have it removed.
If you miss to watch your step
n' slip,
don't send yourself home dear.
'cause you got everything going for yourself here.
McKinley Nov 2014
Tonight's dinner is served with too much talk-
not enough truth-
but expect it to arrive shortly
just after Miss curiosity bites off more than she can chew;
the disloyal saint, just as long as his meal is finished,
will not to care to feed her a lie

then after the candor comes the check.
McKinley Jul 2015
Every time the impact of aging hits me
my death sentence comes back to me

so any day now
McKinley Mar 2015
She hasn't a problem with fast and easy I wont direct her but I never let her thank me. because she'll get smart and she will go, she'll get smart and I won't know
cuz I'm not here when she is with me.
McKinley Feb 2015
something you can't deny
and I can't destroy
and I didn't know what to do with

so I it dropped off
McKinley Mar 2017
"and my waitress pours me another glass of trouble"
McKinley Dec 2013
in and out of being steady.
now ill sneak out your back door,
with a stern look in the eyes.
leave for a couple hundred years.
with our sentiments undefined.
McKinley Dec 2013
I slept with silence, the peace was something of a new. completely out of mind was  everything ive gotten into. things haven't turned out the way the child from the past planned who would have wanted to dream of a day where one no longer believed in the promised land. if i wake up in the same bed i fell asleep in how can i ever feel like im getting somewhere
McKinley Aug 2015
Don't want you to be
but I want to be on my own again
McKinley Aug 2015
A talent to imagine
the beautiful est of things  
She could makeup a man
out of what was really nothing
I'd never jeopardize
such a great impression
I'll shrug off the compliment
and keep my distance  
To keep it so that when my world goes
all that'll be left of me
is everything she thought of me
the very best of "me"
McKinley Dec 2013
I'm disassembling my skeleton and rearranging the bones. Building myself into something that will be immune to sticks and stones. replacing my eyes with glass, so that there will be a mirror-effect. so no one gets the chance to see the soul that I protect.
McKinley Sep 2015
cannot explain the reason behind
why I'm so certin there isn't someone out there who's "mine"
my destiny
wasn't to be a lover.
therefor why would the creator
waste time on making my other?
Along the way I must have made a mistake
because now and forever I'm cursed with having a void I cannot shake.
If I come to my senses long enough I see
the selfishness that comes from trying.
Because promising my love to the wrong face
and waking in the wrong bed
only assures me that this lifestyle is something that isn't for me.
also it leaves me feeling guilty
for depriving a pair from uniting
all for the sake to relearn something I already know.
all the while, in all I do, it comes from a place true.
I have hope despite my disappointments.
McKinley Sep 2014
An angel of slumber
laying at my side
The sight:
gentle and even breaths
like witnessing a cardiac monitor and a sunrise at the same time.

Sleeping into the afternoon..
But my day must began at some point
And the strongest thing I must do today is the first thing I must do after I wake
I must get out of the spot that I'm in.

I'll absorb as much of you in before the act,
I'll not be soon enough,
I'll wake you.

I'll stay
and when the day begins again

I'll put in another effort.
McKinley Aug 2014
My devils make good impressions,
Scoring me high-ranking relations
with those of hereditary positions.
The fuel that sustains my First Class livin'
is their series of sinning
like the wagers I'm winnin',
and eluding from arrest for the felony of larceny,
and disporting Molly's spellbinding potency.
My lovin' is expensive
and luckily not at all pensive
Play, though cards are folded
Love, though fingers are crossed
Dance, though eyes are closed
McKinley Mar 2017
Walking backwards
to find what I use to know.
McKinley Mar 2017
            like pencil
on edge of desk
McKinley Mar 2017
south for the season
leave with no reason
'cept the feelin'

wasn't here before
at home though
McKinley Mar 2017
once I find where I left my spine
I'll stop holdin' up the line

make myself a deal
let you go for real
McKinley Dec 2013
Love is makin its way into the backseat. We've got no reason to take things seriously. The way we talk we keep it discreet, but the actions fly impetuously.
McKinley Aug 2015
try to admit
there's more behind it
than a simple irritation
Conversation just chat
falls flat
or creates between us friction
I'll pull in
away you shy
eyes get colder as you give out a sigh
I ask where you've been
I hoped for you to have thought of me
but you proved to me there was no guarantee

— The End —