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1.2k · Jun 2010
The Letter Reads.....
McCaslin Jun 2010
O what have I done?
Pride and foolishness has led me to this place,
Between love and hate I could not choose
With you I could not live
But without I came closer to death
Than you would care to know
I was forged in your fire,
And undone by the same hand
Hurt I am, and sought I did
To make you reap what you
Had sown
But when my words cut your breast
I bleed in turn
I have seen you die,
Time and time again
In my dreams and dark wishes
For the sun cannot rise
If the moon will not set
I wanted you to hurt
So you could see
But as sharp as words are
to me they lack conviction
Read this letter and know
That I am a lier
And that I am broken
Just like you
I should have told you so long ago,
Now it is far too late.
1.1k · Mar 2010
Teenage Dirtbag
McCaslin Mar 2010
A girl took me to see
Iron Maiden once.
She broke my shackles,
caked with rust.
She stitched my wounds and healed
my heart, held me close and
taught me not to fear the dark.
She kept me safe under her wing,
made me feel and let me sing.
She helped me through the dark of
night, till I was strong enough
to face the light.
She was my heart, and she was mine,
than I thought for now and all time.

But she fed me lies and made
me hate. Into my heart she drove a
stake. Then she left me
in the dark to die, with a
broken will and tear filled eye.
How can I hold my head up high?
Live without her? I'd rather die!
But then I think 'How much worse can it
get?' I wish I could just *******
forget and live my life with out
McCaslin Apr 2011
A Solemn Procession Across Ashen Fields
Marches to a Funeral Dirge
The grate of Worn Heels against blackend Stone
Onward to Ragnarök, and the Final Cou De Grace
To Sing a Lament to Stone Aether and Fire
Bring to Us Wind and Rain
To Sweep us like Dust from the halls of Time
Bring Thunder that Rips the Bleeding Sky
and Lightening that shall Split the Hallowed Earth
So that From the mouth of a Heathen Hell
May issue Balefire to lick the hems of tattered Robes
Bring the Oceans to a Violent Boil
With such turmoil that She will at long last give up her Dead
Let the Putrid Yellow Skies be choked with Ash
So we may never hope to see the light of Day
Hold to thy lips the Final Cup
A tonic to Release us from the ghosts of the Fallen
That we may embrace the Final Darkness
With open, Longing Arms
2011. A long time coming, but also probably my last, at least for a good long while.
996 · Sep 2010
McCaslin Sep 2010
I will hold you up
On your feet
Head and shoulders
You shall stand
Above those like you
And an angel falls
From the heavens
Broken wings and bones
I shall be
As broken as I am
The lowly Crutch
To heal your wounds
And mend your wings
So you can fly
And leave me behind
No matter what we think we are not men of steel.
974 · Mar 2010
Meat Grinder
McCaslin Mar 2010
Every Way, I've Tried them All
Killed with ax and fist and knife and maul
Their bones I break, Their lives I take
How many souls burn in hell for my sake?
Care I not, for I enjoy to watch them rot,
Tasting pallid flesh without a seconds thought
The cold meat so tender and sweet
grisly deed, delicious treat
929 · Apr 2010
My Fiery Red Devil
McCaslin Apr 2010
your pain is Mine
and your strEngth
you pulse through my veins
death and hardship
betrayal and scorn
stopped you not
and i Gladly tread
in your mighty footsteps
your hAtefull words
fill my ears
i Drink your poison
likE the sweetest honey
it fills my ears and sTeels my
your Hate is my strength
swing your ax
and i will follow
till the grave
you brought me back
and for that i owe
you my eternal allegiance
together you and i shall set
this world afire
so wave your red flag
my dearest devil
and know that i stand
at your side, come hell and
high water.
For one of my Saviors Dave Mustaine.
If you can guess the secret word Ill owe you a dollar!
921 · Mar 2010
The Black Sheep
McCaslin Mar 2010
The flesh hungers for Vengeance.
Beneath, blood runs hot,
Blood lust rising
Barely contained.
Black whispers with
Silver tongues
Caress fresh wounds
With shadow tendrils.
Dark wings, dark words,
Fire is fueled as
Gilded shackles constrain.
Chafed wrists bleed with
Fresh Vigor.
The Blood is the life,
Falls wearily to the floor.
Hot crimson stark
Against the unforgiving stone.
Rage fades to agony.
The weight of despair,
Strength of the Hammer,
Phoenix Rising,
Come What May...
846 · Mar 2010
McCaslin Mar 2010
Who is not aroused by
the scent of blood?
So hot and full of Life.
Together we can peel back
your face, and find out
once and for all.
What is it that truly
lies beneath?
840 · Jun 2010
McCaslin Jun 2010
O what can they reveal
That I don't already know?
Solemnly they speak the truth
Unbiased honesty, cruel to a T
For some,
and worthy praise for those
So what is it that I see?
Cold eyes, hidden behind
Heavy brows, red scars
Slowly healed
Strength, in posture
and mind, to a fault
Look how proud this one stands
Not aloof, but seemingly apart
Not different but estranged
Calm and collected
Mindful and Wise
Powerful and Loyal
But as I gaze the mirror
Is broken, or is it me?
Who am I to decide what the mirror
Will reveal?
I prefer it this way, shattered
Dangerous to the touch
Red blood will flow if you dare
To deny what is given
But just as great the tears
That carve labyrinthine across
Unwilling flesh
As the mirror reveals
No paragon
No stoic defender
No impregnable armour
But only a man
Who is as broken
and Afraid as everyone else.
825 · Sep 2010
McCaslin Sep 2010
Same Soil
and Similar Fire
Forged in Battle
And tested by Flame
Raised Flags
Unearned Fame
Killers by Trade
Warriors by Name
None would stand
And not tremble at our Name
Not bonded by Blood
But by Oath
Never to Break
Never to Bend
Strong as Steel
Shall We forever Stand
Swords in Hand
With a Cry upon Lips
For Brothers
Not only by Name
You know who you are, and it matters not that you'll never read this.
But this is my testament to you.
Lo there I do see the line of my people back to its beginning and
they do call to me....
780 · Mar 2010
McCaslin Mar 2010
How can you lead when
you can't walk?
How can you speak
when you can't talk?
What do you do when your
wasted life amounts to nothing?

The shadows, closer they draw.
I watch them creep along the hall.
I cannot hope to see the sunrise
on the morrow.

My ******* last drop of
blood is spilt and my last
earned dollar lent, just
to fuel your ever burning fire.

How can I hope to keep this
pace? I know I'm dammed to
loose this race, only goaded
on by my desire...
730 · Sep 2010
The Torch
McCaslin Sep 2010
The night burns so black
With shadow so thick
And Knives at our back

Too find the Truth
One must Seek
Tis not a Journey
For the Mild or Meek

when Others we meet
Spirits lifted
If two hearts beat

For I have You
and I stand at your side
And You have Me

The world is dark
And the night so black
But we walk on, along this lonely track
Your light is the way
Only forward, no turning back

Together, You and I
Not two but One
Hand in Hand along the Path
You lead us through the black

To guide us
To safety and the Light
Your Fire burning bright

My Torch you are
And I yours
Together we face the black
And reach the bliss of Light.
For M.J.
I don't know why, but this is for you.
712 · Oct 2010
McCaslin Oct 2010
Ill see you where the Killers and the Liers hide
Because thats where I live
Nobody cares if your scared
Or if you Die
Not that Its a concern of yours
******* *****
I'll stay here as long as I need
I'll come when you call
I'll **** if you command
I'll die if you wish
All for one
And none for all
There is no silver lining
Only the cold truth
I am here to serve
A willing slave.

So now You know,
When you need me
You can find me on
The Nightside.
Title and a lot of lines belong to: The Sword: Night City
listen to the song, its just the sort of place ***** like me
wish they could live.
569 · Mar 2010
Northern Passage
McCaslin Mar 2010
"To brave the Northern Pass

in dead of winter?  Thou has

resigned thyself to death."

"We fear not death, nor hardship

for we are fighting men.

War calls us North and we shall

go to defend our homeland."

The cold was hard, but not as

the sight that froze our blood.

The Beast, he roared and shook its

mangy head.  A muttered curse, an

oath swore to see the hellspawn dead.

Our swords like fire, sang a song of

lethal steel.  The beast had met its match,

five strong warriors who fought back to back.

Alas the Beast would not so easily be slain,

and saw I him four my brothers maim.

"He took my eye, but I his head.  A small price

for him to pay.  By his hand four my Brothers dead.

So hear my tale green young lad, and heed its

meaning well.  For that pass in Wintertimes

holds no horrors steel can't quell."
557 · Apr 2010
Through The Mist
McCaslin Apr 2010
Weary is the traveler
Who treads the stony path
Through the Mist
Whose ghostly embrace
Blots out the sun
How can they ever
Hope to find the way home?
The wheel in the sky
Turns on
They are ignorant
Lost and hopeless
Drifting for evermore
The air turns to water
They are not walking
But swimming
Not treading water
But drowning
Not sinking to the bottom
But flying
Carried on wings of ash
To  heaven and hell
One in the Same
- From Walk Through Fire

— The End —