"To brave the Northern Pass
in dead of winter? Thou has
resigned thyself to death."
"We fear not death, nor hardship
for we are fighting men.
War calls us North and we shall
go to defend our homeland."
The cold was hard, but not as
the sight that froze our blood.
The Beast, he roared and shook its
mangy head. A muttered curse, an
oath swore to see the hellspawn dead.
Our swords like fire, sang a song of
lethal steel. The beast had met its match,
five strong warriors who fought back to back.
Alas the Beast would not so easily be slain,
and saw I him four my brothers maim.
"He took my eye, but I his head. A small price
for him to pay. By his hand four my Brothers dead.
So hear my tale green young lad, and heed its
meaning well. For that pass in Wintertimes
holds no horrors steel can't quell."