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MBJ Pancras Dec 2011
Oh, My Soul! Where art thou when my body lies in rest
That cares and worries have shrouded it day and night?
Wilt thou guard my corpse close sitting with a rod
That the messenger of death shall take it away?
Or wilt thou sleep close to my corpse and escape cares?
For when my body is at rest I know not what happens unto me
Whether my presence on earth is real or a mystery,
Dreams flash across the horizons and they’re strange and eerie,
Is that thou, my soul, art working in my dreams?
Oh, my soul, tell me, is this rest a rehearsal of death imminent
That I should prepare the way of death to Way of Life?
Ominous dreams lash threats at me, and art thou aware
And pleasant dreams caress me, and art thou aware?
Unravel this mystery unto me, O, my soul!
Every wink of my eye carries each of the day’s cares,
Tell me, O, my soul! Where art thou when my body is at rest?
Art thou not shrouded with attires of fatigue and distress?
I know my eyes shed tears if thou art agonized,
And thou art one in me, yet where art thou when my body is at rest?
I know thou art distressed with my worldly cares and needs,
And I know my body reacts when thou art distressed.
But tell me, O, my soul! Where art thou when my body is at rest
That I shall know how mystery of life works in me.
Where is soul during sleep?
MBJ Pancras Dec 2011
What I choose I plan to do and with Satan's trap,
What I think I hesitate to choose but troubled by Satan's trap,
When I forget the Word of God I derive pleasure by  Satan's trap,
When I feel God's Grace below my soul I bargain my soul with  Satan,
How I play with God's patience that with the tool of Satan,
How I use  Satan's tool that with my love of the world,
Why I love the world of filthiness that I fail to pray,
Why I fail to pray is that laziness has sneaked into my soul,
Where I look for the place to pray that I find nowhere to do so,
Wherefore time and place are no where found but in one's soul.

Let me drop myself into the Arms of God in Christ,
And look upon Him on the Cross where His Blood still flow afresh,
And each drop of His Blood is for my sins to be cleansed.

'O, Lord! Give me strength to resist temptation and sin!
In Christ Jesus
Fallen into Satan's trap!
MBJ Pancras Dec 2011
I leap up to hug the cross of Christ,
And look at the pierced side of His,
I watch Blood and water flow in strain.
He shed His Blood once for all for man’s redemption,
The Heavenly Scapegoat of mortal sins whipped and torn,
The Father’s Only Son begotten with His Name glorified.

I leap down to touch the pride of Satan,
And look at the coated venom of serpent,
I watch the flood of pleasures sway the precious soul.
Lucifer broke the Heaven’s Holy Law,
The outrageous arch enemy of God raised on the coveted throne,
The eternal fire’s only dictator with his name cursed.

I leap up…I leap down…
For still I’m on the earthly wing,
And my every pace hath ****** and kisses.
When I leap up it’s Christ Who strengthens my soul;
When I leap down it’s Satan who weakens my soul.

Often my soul rises Heavenward;
But there lingers a devouring lion, who hacks me to die,
My soul shouts to the Lord:
‘My Lord, I fall in the quagmire of pleasures,
Lift me unto Thy Presence in Christ,
My sins are before Thee, before me.
Seek me out of the flames of fire
That I shall escape the furnace of the Fire.’

The Lord lifts me unto Him, and I know He is my Saviour
For He lay down His life beneath thorns and thistles
That I shall receive the Crown of Glory.

I leap up…I leap down…
But my Saviour is beside me with His Providence.
A sinner commits repeatedly tempted by Satan. Life in Christ is troubled by Satan.
MBJ Pancras Dec 2011
My sin hangs Him back on the cross,
And the traitor of Heaven clings to me.
I swallowed a little poison out of pleasure,
And my soul towards Him staggers to reach Him.
I let my soul stroll in filth and dirt,
And have carried the mud with me shrouded.
I look like a toad croaking from the ditch,
And I see Him invisibly looking at me,
And He shows His distorted countenance.
I cry unto Him with His Words writ,
And my soul weeps till its tears dry.
I've learnt His blood hath cleansed my soul,
And I can be back with Him with His strength and grace,
And what I long for is to live and to die for Christ.
sin is committed, Grace of God flows upon him/her, if sin is repented.
MBJ Pancras Dec 2011
Yes, HE will forgive me for what I have done,
And will forgive me for what I have not done.
I tasted the darkness and swallowed a bit of it,
And I felt everything was fine in its way.
I slept a while with the voice of the dark world heard:
'O! You! Where are you from?
Will you stay with ever?
Will you go back to HIM?'
I lost my peace in the dark world.
I asked myself: 'Why did I taste the darkness?'
I woke up and knelt before HIM.
'I did what YOU hate in me,
And I did not what YOU love in me.
Cleanse me with THY BLOOD, and take me back to YOU,
Let me be THINE, forgiven and blessed in THEE'
Yes, HE hath forgiven me for what I have done,
For I let my soul drenched in quagmire of pleasures a while,
And I locked HIS from me a while.
Yes, HE will forgive me,
For I let my soul confess the tasteless darkness.
sin is committed, if sincerely repented, Jesus Christ forgives.
MBJ Pancras Dec 2011
God made the body and breathed into it,
And the body rose by the command of the soul within,
And the spirit of the body began to act instinctly.
It is God's way that the body and the spirit shall vanish,
But the soul is eternal for it's God-breathed.

Sin entered into the world, and all sinned,
Satan reigned over mankind with his lies and pleasures,
Sorrows multiplied; diseases spread violently,
Soul loses peace and joy; body loses health and strength,

The Way of Salvation was made by HIM
Who took the form of mankind and walked around,
He shed Blood that the Way be established for all;
But Satan plays mockery still with the Holy Blood,
But God hath set the eternal destiny to the liar,
Yet, He looks for mankind to turn away from lawlessness,
And so the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross,
He rose on the third day, and lives in Spirit with the Glorious Body
That those who live in Jesus Christ shall be clothed with the Glorious Body,
And it shall be done on the Last Judgment Day.
This verse is about creation of mankind, sin entering, and salvation by Jesus Christ.
MBJ Pancras Dec 2011
I sit on mankind with pride against my Creator,

And ****** every creature of His own as a predator

I let the Anointed One of the Father shed Blood,

And I laugh at His ****** trial sitting in mud,

I know HE shall spew me into fire for I am the Liar.

Oh, The liar of pride! Thou shalt not conquer Me,

For thou art thrown out of MY Presence,

Thou art the coward of the cowards!

Thou hast stolen My mankind with thy lie,

Thou knowest that disobedient couple were drifted off Eden;

Yet I've showed them the Way unto Me,

My Son, the Saviour of the Mankind hath the Glory.

Thou laughed at His trial, yet He was patient,

For to accomplish the Plan of Heaven in humility,

And thou knowest well 'pride goes before destruction',

And humility goes before Glory.

Thy destiny hath no end, but tormented in Fire,

And thou and thy followers have no Joy and Peace.
The first part is Satan's words against God in the form of limerick. The second part is God's words to Satan in the form of ode.
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