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844 · Dec 2013
A forfeited love story
I knew that I was Icarus
flying to you my sun
I knew that I would burn,
just as we thought but mine
is never ending like that in the book
Oh Hani, I maybe
writing this letter, words
that wont take effect
because I somehow know already
that you are never for me
still i write this because
i feel that it could be something
of significance in my life
because your effect to me
Is something so obscure
yet it hit me so hard

My heart stopped... when I saw it
then it started beating this
weird and lovely rhythm the
you talked to me
I barely cant write a song about
it, but this makes just
my mind go crazy
and I realized that
my words now got lost.
I'm struggling in these
waters, waiting and
hoping for you to save me
but I know you just wouldn't
Even if this paper crowds-
-full, this ink runs out
and though I have already
poured my feelings out
I somehow know in fear
that my feelings and your
feelings will never be
the same. Just two lines
that don't meet each other
Parallel lines, we are
walking in this world.
More difficult than math
and asymptotes that don't collide
I'd rather vanish. but
nothing would change
-I still wouldn't matter
and my thought would blur-
out still not crossing your
life. But I know it will
always be here
For you
585 · Aug 2014
I am imperfect
an imperfect person i am...
frequently late,
physically weak,
totally unattractive,
a little crazy sometimes,
un-well spoken,
quite impulsive,
every bit of a loser,
a poor soul with no treasures,
at all...
you wont like me for my imperfections

NO. i might not like you ALL the times but i will
love you knowing that you'll love me too...
484 · Aug 2014
Dramatic verse 1
I drank coffee
from that shabby fast food
Thinking it would void my reaction
to the damp weather due to the gloomy rain

When i took a bath that evening
My tears started to fall, i'm weeping
and Not only my skin starts to feel cold
My chest was gripping, and my heart cracks

It felt like it was about to get frozen
Or maybe it already did
I was just hurting because I found out now
that i am next to worthless

A meaningless stone
without life walking a miserable path

We always fought, every now and then
And every argument is emotional
Those instances send me to thoughts  
of Quitting my life by slitting my pulse

My soul is wounded
My thoughts are bleeding
My spirit distraught
But I am strong, I'm just confused

It was not like those fairy tales
where the princess is in distress
though her mind was set on pure hearted goals
We're not the same, I'm just a poor and confused girl

and i don't even know where this story goes
sometimes i think that im not meant to run my life
reinforced by some people's words
i am just meant to live it
359 · Dec 2013
A poem to my heart
You, should stop this foolishness
By never listening to my brain
Causing this crucial madness
Of feelings that war and cannot contain
327 · Dec 2013
Change, could be better
A writer wants to go to a
coffee shop to think
connect, share, think, talk
drink, eat, enjoy
the air, the night, the light
and have a taste of
all the coffee there

— The End —