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Dec 2018 · 374
He is my Poetry
Maybelline Dec 2018
He is the pen
that spilled inks
to my pages
and the words that
filled my poetries.
Dec 2018 · 183
Sadness is in the Eyes
Maybelline Dec 2018
Sadness is not
always seen in tears
and empty highways,
it is also seen in the dark clouds,
in the pouring rain,
in the eyes of the people
happily passing by.
Dec 2018 · 261
I Waited
Maybelline Dec 2018
Waves crashed against the rocks nearby
as I waited for your ship
to voyage my ocean
but the moon has pulled tides
and still,
you never came.
Dec 2018 · 126
She Showed Herself
Maybelline Dec 2018
She tried to rip
the mask that covered her tears
and began to show
the scars and stitches
that she was hiding
everytime she denied who she was
but now,
she's not afraid anymore
— so she showed herself.
Dec 2018 · 497
Possible Things
Maybelline Dec 2018
I wonder
what possible things
will cross your mind
if you hear my name from someone you don't know.

— The End —