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 Oct 2013 Mayang Sari
Dambo Ricky
Am all alone
I can see them staring, but they never seem to see through
Can anyone hear me scream? Do you even hear me call?
Am on my knees
Is anyone there to lend a hand?
You think I got it all? You think I attained perfection?
What if I got it all? What if I never attained perfection?
Yeah! I am pretty
What if I wasn't?
Would you still look at me? Would you even look again?
What if I was poor?
Would you take trade places if you get the chance to, would you at all?
And if I was rich
Would you be the shade of my shadow or the light of my glamour?
Do you even love me or just my accomplishments?
My mind is troubled
Do you see the agony or just the painted smiles?
Do you read the doubts, do you even feel the emptiness in me?
Do you? Do you??
Would you want all of this or none of me?
What if it never works out, would you still hold me close?
And if it rains, would you hold my hand as I walk?

Honestly I seem not to know, even if I do, I don't no more
All these questions are walls I try to climb,
but am all alone and they are crumbling.
The illusion of life before me
The grandeur of the spectacle
Appear to disappear before me through time

I see myself in the reflection
Blinded by who I see staring back
It cannot be me
Who is looing back
I do not recognize the mirror
For, it has changed

What am I to think?
What am I to see?
Has it been too long
Since I've seen you?
The one I've been all along
To Judge what I've become

I've lost all resistance
To how I feel
Time is against us
And breaking my reality

Love is a dream
And an illusion
And yet, it is all I can describe

And at the same time,
Be the one thing I lack and long for

Wake me in this illusion
To save me, for I know not
What is to come
If I continue to exist
In this existence

The longing to feel real and belong
Is a pipe dream
And something I crave

You are the love I see
And I do not know why
Do you see me?
I see you
Illusion or not
I feel what I feel
Unsure of the direction we follow

I know the sight of you
Is leading me to follow
Embrace me?
Feel me?
See me?
Love me.

I do not know
Too much to mention
If you must,
Then hold him tightly;
If you must,
Then pray 'til your heart's content;
Whisper unto him your sweetest desires,
Beside either
Raging or dieing fires;
Hold fast his irises in your memory:
Brown as rolling rock,
Green as that Last Homely House west of the Moutains...
Adore the man, then,
Purely, honestly, hotly,
With every muscle and hair and bead of sweat
Your body can bear;
Love the man,
If you absolutely must,
And by all universal means,
Sing to him a song as gentle
As the very breath he breathes-

Unless, of course,
The man already belongs to me.

— The End —