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Max Neumann Jan 20
Everything evolves from awakening
Thus a dream is beginning
A dream made of love and lights
A dream for all my children
I am the father of cries
Father of dreams and lights
Faithful father of dreams

Pass me the bowl of awakening
Uncountable words are in this bowl
Spoken by the deceased Welshman
A gentleman of courage and light
A gentleman for the children's voices
Who stemmed from my dreams
To die in the lap of my love
To recur in a dream
Dream of dead and colorful words
Spoken by children

I feed the nation of resentment with love
Because I was born in a dream
In this dream benevolence triumphs
Benevolence of love and lights
Words live under my skin
Spoken by a dead Welshman
Constituted of love and lights
To deliver the nation of resentment

I was born in a dream
Dream of love for my children
Who sleep in the streets
Vanishing under the colorful sun
Crying and grinning and raging
The children came inside my dream
Dream of love and lights
Words under my skin
Spoken by a deceased Welshman

Free of remorse is my promise
Consisting of my dream's lights
My children wrote it down
Under the walls of oblivion
Below my parent's graves
Where my children were sobbing
The children's tears became words
Languages evolved from these words
Wandering over the planet
Among the mouths of dreams
Children yelled the words into the sea
Where they vanished in the waves
Thus a dream was beginning
A dream of love and lights
A dream by the father of cries
A dream for the goodness of my children
A Dream Made Of Love And Lights
Dec 2023 · 73
After The Power Games
Max Neumann Dec 2023
Every time I stop existing
While closing my eyes
In another life we're lovers
I took care of everything
Chastened the sick angels
Nobody crawls over this endless street
Ninetynine white birds
My undershirt's made of iron
Sweat is silver for the love

So I elevate you easily
Under the horizon of dunes
I came yesterday morning
From the land of guilt
Where heads roll like super *****

I got here yesterday morning
From the land of gulit
Red balloons were destroyed
Tunnels lead to tunnels
I'm writing in an iron undershirt
So you'll be reading about escapades
I'm alive for your life of reading

All is been taken care of
Reddish clouds are gonna yawn
Between midnight and dawn
Lukewarm seawater early in the morning
Tiredly you are giggling
Exhaustedly you're falling asleep
After The Power Games
Dec 2023 · 146
The End Of The Wind
Max Neumann Dec 2023
I saw the end of the wind
In a loop of time and dreams
For the birth of the benevolent
The love in a balloon's belly button
Between fingertip and string
In the grin of a canned child
Who is a belthead
Who ran through deserts
Among fathers and mirages
To pick up desert and water
To forget the sand and the water

I impregnated the end of the wind
With the cludgel of avarice
My head was bursting in wishes
I would spot demons made of gold
Dancing through the channels of future
Dressed in the loss of real love

I saw the end of love
Amid a chaos of winds
Within the fathers of mirages
Blown through the lips of the flying ones
In a mesh of tunnels
Tunnels are good for the dawn
The people of broken angels recover there
Come into my hug of winds
Deserts and waters belong to the wind
I got love for the luggage of your dreams
Red, round, real, racing, ripe love
The End Of The Wind
Dec 2023 · 99
Max Neumann Dec 2023
Get me out of this hell!
Blood running down from walls
Sick angels dying in meat
Their wings are burning
Living for one second
In a sunken drawer
By the forehead of water marbles
The day falls into moments
While you're standing at a fence
A red glistening on the neck
Truly honored and truly degraded
Beat me up with your wings!

The thick finger on your lips
Your saliva is silk-colored
The angels recovered in a red night
In the channels of olive-green waters
Star-painted toenails
Engaged in discussions
Keep me in your wings

Lead me to the paradise of Eden
To breach heaven's wall
Back of the blood
I emerged in a crow; I became silence
Evanescence is good for the night
Walls and dungeons are dreams
I have no idea about that
At night you wake me up
Fragrant as the flowers of Eden
The snake becomes a giant
Dec 2023 · 118
Let Me Sign!
Max Neumann Dec 2023
Let Me Sign!

Prepare the contract
I am a fat vulture
Heavy from the garbage of money
Flesh is gleaming in the mirror
The flesh of my songs
So I walk pregnant
Rs and bs hanging down
No one saw it coming

Let me sign!
Loads of flesh are steaming
In the haze of my songs mmh

Come into my womb!
You depend on my stench
I live by the night-colored gate
The pregnancy takes time

Don't jump the gun. Ever!
Draw the contract up
In the shade of the pine leaves
At some point I wrote on them
So you would track us

Let me sign!
With an aquarian's blood
All ****** were killed in action. Do listen!

Let me sign!
Paint the contract with your hair
Trace visions in it
Visions of a sick angel
Who came to Earth for bliss
Getting jumped by vultures
Hounded through nights
Abandoned in the rain
Reborn as a balloon

My arms are wide open
Receptive for paradise breath
Addicted to vultures
Their long tails are tongues
Hissing like fire at the horizon
I came and yet crushed the embers
Do listen!

Let me sign. Tonight.
With the blood of the aquarian.
Do listen! Chimpanzees reign our planet
Wearing golden tie pins
All chimpanzees are bawling

Let me sign!
Lef Me Sign!
Dec 2023 · 94
One Day
Max Neumann Dec 2023
I will return here one day
To dig out my bones from the grass
I buried nails and pens and books
Together with a lion's claw

Bloodsuckers hide beneath my bed
In clouds of dust and fumes
I hear their panting in the deep night
On my chest a cat is sleeping

The cat is slowing my heartbeat
Come sunrise monkeys will fly
Leaving pennies in my eyes
Meeting her good kids in the sky

I will return here one day
To dig out my bones from the grass
I buried nails and pens and dreams
Together with the wings of a seagull
One Day
Nov 2023 · 80
The Maze
Max Neumann Nov 2023
I built this maze for us
Now we are straying through it
A kid's hollering guiding us
A pitchwoman or hide and seek?

Numbers drift through blood
Among exclusive glass fragments
Splinters in a diamond's reflection
The hollering kid hauling torches

Yesterday the lake's bottom raged
Since then we hear a gentle silence
A little girl from paradise
Hollering with a grin:

Gimme a part from the maze!
That's basically already mine
I do love the maze so much
I want to keep the maze forever!

We don't hear that anymore
Deeply straining through thorns
The girl's voice is vanishing
In the freezing night wind

Then I spot your eyes in the gravel
Glistening among black stones
Diamonds from glass fragments
At the shore of the silent lake
The Maze
Nov 2023 · 95
Max Neumann Nov 2023
I grew up in the corset of fear
Among bitterly poor actors
Who used to get high on words
In rooms with colorful walls

Nobody watched me walking
So I used to walk all day long
The actors slept at day
I often stroke their hair

Until the moon of life was rising
The actors got up
Chatting in the kitchen
Coffee and cigarettes

Stage plays filled their shelves
Peoples of envy and goodness
Names dripping from paper
On the actors' tongues

Mob of rage and love
I wanted to be an actor
Searched their hair
To find a life's dream

The actors were gently snoring
Asleep they belonged together
Their sleep obeyed a rhythm
So I laid down between them

To awake in a fortress
Grey and barren rocks
Cold wind whistling
Mountains and avalanches

This was a lonely place
Nowhere a sign of life
The actors were lacking
I wanted to be like them

Long since the actors died
I preserve their hair
In the fortress of my wishes
Mountains and avalanches
Nov 2023 · 120
The Cave by the Sea
Max Neumann Nov 2023
A red path leads to our cave
To a secluded place
Far from everything forgiven
The cave surmounts the sea

Years ago I built it from stone
So you'd place pictures there
Left behind my odor
Among your ***** hair

The cave grew into our lives
Our children were born
The cave is located in Eden
Between sea and heaven

I didn't sense that
So I resisted the cave
Therefore I destroyed our cave
Burnt your hair

You remained in the debris
To rebuild the cave
Soon it smelled of flowers
Friendly with life

Meanwhile I searched the sea
Diving through bitter saltwater
At night it was freezing
Remotely our cave was glowing

Defiantly I was yelling in the sea
Since I wanted to be a great god
Triumphing over the sea
Until I stopped breathing

So I awoke on rocks
The sea was yelling brutally
Blood in my mouth
I had lost this battle

Finally I gave up
Half dead on the ground
Looking at the cave
Our cave by the sea
The Cave by the Sea
Nov 2023 · 244
Max Neumann Nov 2023
Slide to the last red island
Beach under rainbows
By the dragon of self interest
Who unhurried spits fire

Slide between my words
I'll carry you to this island
The real red island
In the heat of my quest

Slide down by my side
To my bellybutton's land
The huge red island
In the terror of fragrance

Slide with me into life
I'm staying at this place
I stayed on this island
In dreams and memories

Slide into the sea for me
Sea in front of our island
Sea of souls
Slide there under me

Slide like the train of life
Greedily the dragon sips fire
Slide with me into the life train
Violently hurtling through the light

Slide! The island is yelling! Slide!
The dragon ruins the rainbows
Slide! Jump into life!
The raging island gets silent
Nov 2023 · 147
The Dream
Max Neumann Nov 2023
I came into the world in a dream
To awake amid a storm
Red leaves flying around
Storm in my breath

Everything wanted to dream
Of an Edenic place
Refuge of a dateless self
Among shattered mirrors

Full of dust I was dwelling
Deep darkness
Sprayed walls
Dirt under my nails

Eden in front of the windows
Impregnated by lights and rich
In the garbage I was dwelling
Apart from hope

Iridescent Eden
Remotely nearby
A bell was ringing
The journey began

I smashed the mirrors
I smashed the walls
Cleaned my nails
Washed my face in the sea

To awake at a shore
Between colorful birds
Singing a song of freedom
In this dream I fell asleep
The Dream
Oct 2023 · 223
Color of Innocence
Max Neumann Oct 2023
Through the loop of time
Hereby I am disappearing
In here I am sinking
My death was a birth

I sat in a fly's eye
Like in a bathtub
Flew around waters
A quest for innocence

The walls were opening
Ancient voices talking
The fly buzzing day and night
I jumped out of her eye

To the bottom of a lake
Deep below all words
Where the ancients died
A death like a birth

I stay on that bottom
Among stubborn fishs
The light of life shines
In the color of innocence
Color of Innocence
Oct 2023 · 84
Icy Heart
Max Neumann Oct 2023
Melt my icy heart
Remove it from the loop of fear
I'm itching because of the heat
Although it's bitter cold

I gotta *****
Memories are gone
My body goes to the floor
Melt my icy heart

Wake me up for the arrival
My curls are dying
This becomes a new start
Melt my icy heart

Kids are yelling in the alleys
Tagging walls with colors
Writing names in a new way
To hide from glances

Melt my icy heart
The kids are locking theirs
Is this the arrival?
Melt my icy heart
Icy Heart
Oct 2023 · 89
Max Neumann Oct 2023
Home is a smile in the face
Home is your dearest dream
Home is in your mom's dish
Home is for you and her and him

Home is in your child's voice
At home I'm gonna be tonight
Home is my birthplace
At home I'm gonna sleep tonight

Gimme a wide grin
Gimme fruit and cream
Giving you a house of stars
You gonna call that a home

The sirens hushed long since
In my head they're screaming
I gotta go and drop something
So I can keep my home

By day I walk through alleys
Incessantly I do things
To live consistently and good
Finding soil for a home
Oct 2023 · 89
Max Neumann Oct 2023
I emerged from a light
The light you been carrying
Light shining ever within us
Obscured by old words

Light of several languages
Melded with colorful names
My birthday is on the walls
Among deep bullet holes

Bring my light back to me!
In the gutter it shall burn
Burning like scars in the face
I am bringing my light to you

The light's name is within me
Hidden in the bog of feelings
Pitch dark bog of feelings
Light never burns there

Many people went to its bottom
Thought a lot of themselves
These people were like me
The feeling's bog gulped them

I will not go to this place
Staying inside of my name
To fill it with lights
To discover love within me
Oct 2023 · 75
Max Neumann Oct 2023
A stranger was crouching down
On a sun-filled day
Among parking cars
In front of the skyline's ravines

The stranger was picking something up
Encompassing it with his hands
He was raising his head
A smile of benevolence

The stranger was still smiling
Soon lowering his head
Towards his opened hands
Swiftly a bird was flying out

Ascending into the air
Where it used to fly around
Alone but not lonely
Until it met its kind

A swarm of colorful and swift birds
Flying around as it did
United they were now flying
In the sky made of freedom

The stranger was gone
In the skyline's ravines
I remained among the cars
Under the sky made of freedom
Sep 2023 · 80
The Awakening
Max Neumann Sep 2023
A lion escaping from his cage
Under the golden floodlights
Among screams of the curious
To get out of their eyes

Stars have disembarked
To scatter glistening dust
Filling gloom with happiness
Earth is an altered place

Rays wandering above the city
Concealed in the doves' blinking
Everything evolves from awakening
Thus a dream is beginning

A man spoke of that yesterday
His light shining in the wheelchair
To carry love to the sick ones
Speaking about awakening

I took his light into my hands
So it got to my skin
His words became fireflies
At night they defuncted
The Awakening
Sep 2023 · 85
Max Neumann Sep 2023
Embrace me with words
Words of a forgotten life
I give you dreams made of words
Words from the red shore

I was born inside of memories
To awake among words
Words of light and dusk
Words in gaps and corners

Protect me with these words
Words surround me all along
Words become words from words
Do you know our birth date?

I transformed this day once
So it became a secret word
Strange to all other words
I lost that word on my way
Sep 2023 · 91
The Street To Hope
Max Neumann Sep 2023
I was walking the street to hope
Street to the green Land
Behind me trees were burning
Blood was stuck to my hands

I was walking the street to hope
Street to the eternal Land
Leaving behind my alls
In the house of my dying brothers

I was walking the street to hope
Street of the imagined land
Under my feet it was glowing
Gloom was melting and became love

I was walking the street to hope
Street to the land of my quest
Passing walls covered with pictures
Spotting myself on them

The street to hope leads to myself
Street to the land of my soul
Guide me! Show me the truth
On that very street to hope
The Street To Hope
Sep 2023 · 202
The Quest
Max Neumann Sep 2023
Look for me in the siren
Cause I was, I am, I stay
Look for me in the mazes
Where I use to write and sleep

You will never find me
I swear to you in a burning oath
Cause I always walk behind you
Grey jacket and murky glimpse

Look for me in the great storm
Between the shreds of screams
Look for me in the debris
I will be a shadow

You will never find me
Cause I watch you walking
A dad watching his little child
You will never find me
The Quest
Sep 2023 · 262
Ghost Lights
Max Neumann Sep 2023
How the lights are straying inside
Watching, floating, seeking
In the gaps of inner walls
There the ghost lights are glowing

They are from the red shores
Where I used to bury child's photos
Among the waves of wishes
Ghost lights within my pupil

I swore that I am gonna come
You swore you would stay
An ancient man was our witness
Our oath turned into ghost lights

Welcome to the frantic train of life
The stops are our souls
What is the soul? What is the soul?
Are our souls ghost lights?

I trapped a chimpanzee
To tend it within my chest
For decades it has been waiting
In the thicket of seeking ghost lights
Ghost Lights
Sep 2023 · 174
Max Neumann Sep 2023
How clear that very moment was
I save it in my memories
To preserve it forever
I forgave myself by the fields

Writing a list at my desk
Unplanned my name was emerging
Put it on paper with quiet courage
How clear that very moment was

I forgave myself in a house by the fields
Where a man used to mumble at night
Another man would yell all day long
How clear the salt of tears tasted

Leaving a trace on the paper
This day was just a day
In my memories I keep it
The clear moment of forgiveness
Max Neumann Aug 2023
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
In the streets the unheard are rioting
Dashing stones into shop windows
Bam! A sound is banging in my ears

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
At nighttime I will stay home
Kids robbing dreams from boutiques
Leaving behind a **** of blood

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
Somewhere I'll be waiting for you
Look for me behind cars shot to pieces
In the silent tunnels of the subway

Go placidly! Go!
You're not made for this life
I am coming in peace; Leave in peace!
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
Go Placidly Amid The Noise And The Haste
Aug 2023 · 480
The Encounter
Max Neumann Aug 2023
In front of my face rain is floating
Like frozen in a kind of break
Slow motion for the fallen
Everyone is dying of hunger

In front of my face the sun is lisping
Sounds like decades ago
Kids raving and yelling and raging
Far off from my homeland

In front of my face a dog is yawning
Loafing about and panting
I scent the soul of this dog
Within my dream it is alive

In front of my navel there is a sound
A siren is telling me something
At the red shore of the long arrival
The waves are swallowing her chant

In front of my feet sand is drifting
A smiling face is in the sand
I am this face
The water is washing it away
The Encounter
Aug 2023 · 362
How To Find Memories
Max Neumann Aug 2023
You know how to find memories?
I am from a place remote
From a quite different world
There I forgot the memories

Sit up and come to me
There is no detour to get home
Just a path made of stars
Strewn by the thieves of light

Find the words in my eyes
I wrote them down way back
Buried in years of waiting
So you finally come to me
To Find Memories
Aug 2023 · 199
The Scarf
Max Neumann Aug 2023
Within the gap it's whistling
The whistling wanders through me
Sing to me the song of love
It comes and goes and comes

How silvery your lips are twinkling
A name stands on them
I forgot it long ago
Looking for you

I'm not trying anymore
Tie a scarf over your eyes
Follow! Follow me blindly
Because I became a shepherd

In the valley of memories
Between soil and rainbows
There I could remove the scarf
Vanish in the covert with you

Is this day gonna come?
It passed and you know that
Lies consist of dust
Grab the scarf
The Scarf
Jun 2023 · 291
How Clear
Max Neumann Jun 2023
How clear that moment is
Fulfilled by a day's hush
Surrounded by grandpa's wrath
Permeated by a child's grin

How clear that moment is
Hold it in your hands for us
Put it into the bowl of instants
Preserve it for our night

How clear that moment is
Sensed it by the red shores
While dancing on pictures
Ahead the ravine of our old life

How clear that moment is
Once I was reborn
In the house of a dying man
To watch a movie there

This moment was not clear to me
I limped to the toilet and I weeped
Without knowing without feelings
Hope was getting into my heart

How clear that moment is
I will not give it away
A living within a bowl
Contained in this moment's heart
How Clear
Jun 2023 · 599
Max Neumann Jun 2023
In the dark luster of the last arrival
Wrapped in the oblivion of our fathers
Surrounded by false promises
They hemmed the tracks of life

Waiting for the train to return
The train was delayed and didn't come
A swarm of sparrows flying above us
Whistling a song about summer

Spread the light; be the lighthouse!
Shine thoroughly within oblivion
Shine! Shine as bright as a lighthouse
Lead the light through the valley's gorges

I do need your shine urgently
To forget about oblivion
Shine! Shine as strong as a message
Come into my embrace at the tracks
Jun 2023 · 512
Max Neumann Jun 2023
***** a wall behind that wall
Stitch wires made of fear's thoughts
Strive for totally spiky prickles
Polish the cusps of the metal daily

The servants of fear have to be on patrol
Protecting the wall and the wire
Not one dab of audacity must be here
Banned to live in the land of the dabs

That's a new and sheltered existence
Encircled by eternally high walls of wire
I do love these walls prodigiously
Walls are the state of my origin

Although I'm from the garden of flowers
Where in spring the elderberries are fragrant
At night the cats make love there
Where mazes are made of wind

Inside of fear I am free and cheerful
To become more estranged from myself
***** more walls for more walls
Ensure me razor-sharp wire
Jun 2023 · 638
A New Repetition
Max Neumann Jun 2023
How the things get further away
Disappearing in the haze of a day
Undressed and bare naked
Trash made of freedom's desires

The vanishing of things remains
I threw up the yesterday
Cause yesterday served it's time
There is no movement in things

Present me a kind of a nightly dance
Move between the clouds
In the veil of everything imaginable
To dissolve with me at dawn

Today's soldiers are very young children
Fighting battles for accolades
Exchanging sweet freedom against things
Giving in to the opinion of strangers

How all the things fade in sheen
Among **** dreams and fear
We watch it or we look away
That's a new repetition
A New Repetition
Jun 2023 · 316
Journey Through the Light
Max Neumann Jun 2023
Bring out the last blues of this day
So I'm going to hover through the night
Above the pit of repressed oblivion
Come to me amid hours made of light

We been wasting years of waiting
It's now time for the very escape
To arrive in the shades of our time
Yesterday was just a dream for us

I do need more truth and more love
From love finally evolves more truth
I skinned myself in your eye's glance
To be armored for the cruel day

Got back to life from a long war
While you were standing at the window
A song was flying out of your mouth
To drop down in front of my feet

So I cleaned my lips from the dirt
Remains were sticking to that old skin
Wise man used to call me a boy
Cause I always grinned in combat

Put this day's last blues into me
I'm gonna warp it for our journey
Come and sit down on my wings
Let's leave for a journey through the light
Journey Through the Light
Sep 2021 · 1.8k
Adventures In Wondaland
Max Neumann Sep 2021
64 hours passed by in a flash, sister
are you tryin' to sing and ****** me?
my hebrew sillables are all-black as bmf
sunset over wondaland, the magic city

residing at excelsior hotel, flowerfull mouth
french rap intro playin' me like harimah
sending me nudes from dubai to wondaland
shaped like a statue, willing, please, pleasure

booked dat ticket, let's go for it, babe
harima is on her way, in the meantime this cleaning lady is flirtatious like crazy, yeeeah her colleague a.k.a. boyfriend ain't working

last night, she gave me an intense glimpse
and her dude was in the same room, yup
so it's time for punishment, seldom signs
alrighty, passing babylon-thru, thruuuuhhh

wondaland keeps me trapped, i can't leave
you gonna see #trance24/7 on most walls
fiends dwell on pathways or they begging
beatdowns, runners, packs, rubix cubies

but on a hill, there is a house and in this
house, there are gangstapoetz, hihaho
in an iris, you might spot our place
simply take note of the... reflections
Aug 2021 · 4.0k
Max Neumann Aug 2021
splinter of existence creepin' thru skin
when judgement day is scarin' ya guys
temples beatin' 888 beats per minute
as dreams of shelter be passin' by

remember merciless bob, the hyena?
used to shoot bullets like rashid stoogie
always mind da project's family tree, b
watts to frankfurt via lima, diz how we be

brothaz, almans, multihood, escalade in chrome
osmans *** some, naber abi, bana parayi ver
you won't survive the massacre of greed
palms grow inside frankfurt's wildlife

dey be too fierce for dem knocko boys
no jammin', silver colts in montenegro
special forces, dejan, heroine, grenades

choki predicted da richness, we be floatin'
ari goldman tower, sandstone, platinum coke
yugos, habibis, moruks, almans, pashto
marokks, habeshas, albans and kurds

man bites dog, anti-traitor, snares
lacerated cable, flashdeath in red and blue
palermo, cosa nostra, secret shipment
da antagonist be chained 'gainst ya brain, bro

we tear up pavements since we rule da planet
massacres, new age, 36ers, crenshaw, headrush
day of vendetta bros, senait forgot how to *** back
street dust be what ya smellin' in da projectz

bent body, similar to deceased city doves
her soul be glintin' among da 5-0 sirens
large scale operation, silverblack corpses
black dots in front of ya eyes, sista

harlem river houses, homeshadows, dough
the ghetto raises fierce and bloodthirsty men
2 for 60, flip it into 90 and mind the cut, kwame
ya peeps gotta eat, and don't forget youse momz

let's build towers from all dem stacks, luv bellywood
our camouflage be immaculate like 90% pure
rides on champagne in times of evil blood
we light up the night and rightfully keep turf

our home be 36 souls away, slums and the hamptons
in the kitchen, da fiend's addiction is boiling
e guitar sounds, we overrun ya people
and don't ya fear jail, we reign institutionz
Max Neumann Jul 2021
take a close look at daniel blue: thievin'
tommy's wallet floats thru his garden
camouflage of a secretive spirit, bricks
and daniel does it all for loads of blow

milly meantime desperate since
her square drawings grow into strife
but that's how she acts out, love ya girl
yayo, tho, remains the white magic...

catch my thoughts, old friend, come over
yesterday's enemy, now platin mutants
lay down, relax, breathe deeply, 16 seconds
eagerly governing are kingpins & eagles

feel me in the midst of purple mist
among dusk, dawn, and dusk, 108 hours
insomnia, trance, return, greed, insights
months vanish like hours, but still here

you get me? this is much appreciated
this is a highly desired lifestyle, kiddo
especially when the mouth ironly hurts
and you spot the shadows of memories
Jul 2021 · 2.2k
The Addict II
Max Neumann Jul 2021
fear and sweat, flashin' gear
writin' rapz in hectic, but: yeaaah!
detached paramedics, but: yeeeah!
tizz alive, he and me, didn't die

who am i? will i be a version of me
free from dat ******* of abuse, b?
who would tell you the truth? me?
dunno, demons inside wear masks

they hide, whisper, mouth odor like gas
i'm behind, they passed by, they see,
know and feel dat i'm blind -- what is real?
and what's not? i know diz be god

"good" and "god" are like moon and sun
but if i use, then i run, will forget wise men
and it's bleeding through my eyes when
i'm unable to arise and sling like five men

codes from the land of oblivion
demons sending messages: dey fo'
da trashcan, you may be from aspen,
or a child of da bronx: good remains good

wrongs remain wrongs, stuck in-between
writing songs like cage fighters, man bites
dog, my weapon may be a pen or a glock:
if i do, use, take or abuse drugs: i'll fail

the loft, the jail, the yacht, the hate
hell ain't a snake pit but a desperate living,
shivering, lonely, no homeys, suffering
ignorant and angry, indifferent, cranky

still: a flickering, glimmering, somewhen

rock bottom, i hit it, my addict: i'm wit him
he within' me, steely and sneaky, peace
of ****, b, chasin' the thrill just to **** me
i will be dyin', will be fightin', skies brighten

no bullshittin, johnny weeks, so high,
delusional: "i'm a viking", drugs are unusual
why do i used dem as much dat i felt like
jim carrey as "truman" -- observed, being

followed; diz a good state to be in?
ya know da answer, my friend, shake
your own hand, accept ya name
leave da climate of coldness

diz requires boldness, but ya know what?
the addicted demons hate us like themselves
do not let 'em do dat
lock em in an inner shelf, wit a key

call it as you like, dear friend, i call it
"SELF-LOVE", ooooh boy: what a word,
what a term, your stomach may rage now:
fierce, furious demons being in flames

heaven yeah, let em burn, it's your turn,
put your life into god's hands, soft hands
clean yourself, wash ya hands, the
end of this poem must not be ours

**********      **

Jul 2021 · 236
The Haggard Ones
Max Neumann Jul 2021
i am hauling the ruins of war
the haggard ones passing by
fat wrinkles under the chin
they never were, but will be

the haggard ones will be
without having existed, on paper
leaden faces shining silverly
they don't know about existence

from the bazaars of being, they
steal the fruit of red dreams
sometimes they come to us,
walking around in cities, strayed

multiple faces, unrecognizable
a teint, hidden under cornmeal
they are hauling the ruins of war
heads hanging down to the ground
Jul 2021 · 2.0k
Creation 96
Max Neumann Jul 2021
Wondaland, a.k.a. The Magic Metropolis
June 13th, 2021

Esteemed Readers and Writers, Gangstapoets and Hangarounds,

Gangstapoetry proudly declares that CREATION 96 is now the second unit of our Global Movement.

We are welcoming our new members. You are now a part of us. Much Love.





*  MOTH  *  DR. ****  *  KOBA COBRATONGUE 




Jul 2021 · 204
The Movement
Max Neumann Jul 2021
mighty children of wondaland:

blessed be metropolis, blessed be you
we are witnessing a day of change
sunrays shine on addicts and pushers
dawn dissolves into dust and trance

the streets are flooded by disciples
in packs, they are chasing rainbows
moon man, thco, fabienne male dog
ghosts of the past glow in their eyes

none of 'em will you find, they find you
mob of shadow faces, untraceable
the scent of humans betrays them
round corners, pink hoes, fat **** frank

just call da man who knows his uncle
relate to tizz, all best to his family
but don't watch him carefully, kin
isn't always what ya expect, tho'

i burned holes in my skin to taste god
meanwhile, rotten kids killed rich kids
the income gap matters, my old friend
may the esteemed reader decide at night

24/7 trance and insomnia, you feel me?
regardless of your background & race
regardless of your ****** identity & age
the movement is booming and global
Max Neumann Jul 2021
glimpse of repressed desires, in rain
as i met dominique northstar on a platform
life trains passing by in slow motion
and we are smiling at each other

end of existence's hectic, silver heaven
leaves flying around her head, swooshing
two hours later, her sounds, my *******
and we talk endlessly, films, food, songs

the following weeks are waves in our souls
we don't sleep with each other, but laugh
in times of hunger are we gathering greed
a massage here, a soft embrace there

northstar starts to glow more often
one day, she wears a darkyellow blouse
telling me about it, throwing tender codes
and i catch them, and we get closer

sleeping with you is wordless, dominique
last night i dreamt, you would write to me...
Jul 2021 · 168
Wondaland Verses
Max Neumann Jul 2021
wondaland verses, 3 am, sliding thru fog
don't judge me, us, dem goons, eazy legs
mikey, coba cobrahead, **** 13.8, trisha
young are our martyrs, hyped my moves

burning shoes, raging thoughts, mad luv
veni, vidi, vici, viciously beatin em down
brothas and sistas, thank you all for coming
dusk creates nights of lambos and revenge

hihaho, the drumset drowns in dark water
monica matadora, deal, trance disciple
as glossywhite as onyxblack are the rocks
and gems in the voltgreen bottega bag

wondaland verses from the gp heritage
roots and boost of gangsta poetry, yeeeah
Jul 2021 · 2.5k
Max Neumann Jul 2021
stuck between pride and ****** mood
lurid lights, laughter, ladies, lively lips
we are 96 souls away from the magic
and we nevah wake up or get up, nope

i swear on my momma's grave and pray
may she rest in peace with good ghosts
wise man told me to wear a black suit
me, tho', forgot if i did so, can't help it

was i trippin from dawn to dusk again
probably but ya gotta triple that time
and consider the weirdness of my speech
dem words stumble other words upon

meanwhile me and milly made luv to luv
luv laid back like rasta villages, jah songs
she's spreading her legs and licking
13.8, worship the fountain, that's basic

gangsta poetess & burglar, membah 108
while meetin milly, i imagine her naked
64 minutes later, lolling on silver satin
the lips such big perfect matches

by the end of the day we float over glaciers
our months vanish within a few days
hihaho, tickling trip, totally toony, truly
milly and tizzy equals eccentric & woozy

steering dreams, mysterious mixtures
golden goblets, served on light tables
we falling into the floor, a voltgreen maze
wondaland's gardens, we reach 'em

frozen loops of yummy yearning, yeeeah
all dem blankets and pillows, hundreds
in a bed spacious like a football field
a quarter of milly's back is my tattoo

parking lot at 4:16 am, 24 k bracelet
gotta look at it under the light of the sun
reminds one of eazy legs & adorable greg
we come, observe, read, blast and leave

stuck with mental blankness, in limbo
block party of creation 96, 2056 souls
oh my, sweaty forehead, i'm so cold
burning bloodshed, beasting bloodbath

marriage of mystery and skyline tales
sparkling are the eyes of yayo vampires
8 days awake, bangin in sky dunes
schmock, dinosaur, sole talker
Jun 2021 · 156
Keys And The Underworld
Max Neumann Jun 2021
sugar hill, broken glass on the ground
splinters of daily folks, corners and tails
keys to the underworld, raise or fall
banging sounds in a goon's cough

fences, sirens, polish bus stop, rush hour
lol and jacob move **** crakov-frankfurt
three shops across, dem nador traders
rif mountains, morocco, global tons

meetings in melilla, jet sky armies
measuring waves in zipped packs
smuggling route barcelona, merchers
hashtag hyena minds, transformations

the key to peace is chained against rocks
blank buildings occupied by crack units
the day of dead idols, dusk till dusk
insomnia becomes a habit, well put

glaciers, paste, the andes: toxic faces
silver layer on the skin of the chosen few
96 hours are over, fifty for hundred racks
counting on the law of silence, omertà

graffiti, street art, scratchings and markers
freeze the second of youth, look back
eagerly talking are those who rule corners
doves witness gospel choirs and thorns

underworld's keys buried in sand
beach elevators take you into the past
they only go downwards, among stones
murals of sicilian ancestors on the walls

look, the last trains are leaving for good
you will never see this light again
saw, final destination, impaled yuppy
arms, intestines, flesh and bones, now

the underworld is key to bearded ones
no understanding of fear, officer
razor blades will open your mouth
bloodred letters from the ancestors
Max Neumann Jun 2021
tizzy looped his past: he had looped it and then looped it howevah, whoop to diz
gangstapoetry boosted its duties newly
we simply gs, whose duties include

slowmoflow like snoop, or p, ain't no thang
i create slang in the hate center, last trip i flew thru loops, break dancers and readers
want answers, so we give straight answers

lyrics of fame bangers, one rhyme for eight
don't take chances, tizz stylobate, sunrise
poems born from crime, give it some time
gotta come right, sell it all at one price

my blood cries in rough nights, plagued by
enough of tough stuff, but me ain't a fluff
i bluff and take what's rightfully mine
tizz is frightfully nice, he neva comes twice

coco loco, monica matadora tending
first song jeezy's "poppin" pimpin pimpz
red-blodded hamza comin ova to test me
subtly intimidating, i just call him "habibi"

ice breaker, you feel me, we good, truly
check out jammed jay, pushin designer
hamza on the toilet, yayo, his girl, bunny
snugglin wit jammed jay for real by now

close to my dj area, rubbin *** gainst ****
tina staring camly into her secret intention
i expect something vaguely, forget it, tho
as hamza al-mighty gets back, explodes

he beats up jay, promptly breakin' his nose
jay looks at the blood; pulls out a cudgel
bashin hamza's skull, flesh splinters
hamza strikes back wit em bludgeons

wondaland's red light, serving proudly 24/7
hamza's pack, yousif, said, wassim and mo
ready to battle the enemy of the enemy
lego goon, antwone, bobby butchah, juan
Jun 2021 · 1.9k
Max Neumann Jun 2021
back in the days, tales from lauderdale...

yakuzzi gang from oakland park, 308
nightly waves flowin' thru brain channels
the traitor of my memories will judge me
no other day, 38ers, toni der assi, stoogie

two existences, eager brothers at arms
shake em the shake, rip and run, zippas
platin zippos, trip-apache, brave bear
the tents of the past remain as debris

as long as doom's grace feeds us lust
struggle on, lights out, turn me on, baby
shivering is the silver sun at dusk here
and gangsta poets speedin' thru alleys

fat **** frank oversees all oceans, inc.
friends at the thames, partners in crime
the green shining, ultra fresh scent, yeah
bodegas are useful for distribution

nevah, tho', enter these places at night
brooklyn heights, floor 64, 65 & 66 locked
merciless fred, sumptuous leather jacket
cuban necklace jeezy boostah, spiderman

dead blueline pitbulls, ****** cages,
rageful is the age of ours, my friends
sunday's dawn opposes my design
in the corner of my room, hidden
        *** 48 SOULS ***
    ***  CREATION 96  ***
Jun 2021 · 1.3k
Wordless Poem I
Max Neumann Jun 2021
walking thru the valley of words
speechless are our soldiers in war
times of creative breaks, shootings
the sounds of slugs overpower rivals

gangstapoets stand tall in gory hoods
we dunno what fear is, bloodhoundz
as we only need 8 minutes to gather 80
0 traitors, giving bread to hungry ones

one tower, one pit, one block, 1LOVE
feel me rushing over sparklin' glaciers
south florida, 64th floor, ocean fiends
snake charmer in crime, 20 to 55, flip

kobacobraface scammed one of us
unknown were the ties among tizz and gp
in the background, jeezy and assi-toni...

"still on it", "the realest", "kommenzi"
the beats merge in gangstapoet's minds
dominique northstar's silky skin on mine
tissop, the war zones, fallen gangsta poets

dead baby mommas, vamoosing bullets
stop! tizzop is yelling, falling on his knees

and branko, tizzop's red horse approaches
juicy our promises, as sweet as fulfillments
olives, red wine, m2 tec bluetooth babe
red light district, wondaland's lost avenue

in the corner of agony and mania, dey fail
gangstapoets gradually winning turf

to be continued...
                      ***  48 SOULS  *** 


***  EDEN & NICHOLAS  ***         




Max Neumann Jun 2021
1.) tizzop introduced gangsta poetry february 2021
     no man ever before created a poetry genre alike
     gangsta poetry, robust melting *** of languages
     and ethnicities, as it reflects the united states

2.) the idols of gangsta poetry are rooted in the
      underworld, blacks, hispanics, italo- and irish-
      americans, asians, arabs, germans, kurds,
      yugos, albanians, afghans, northern-africans...

3.) multilingual are the core, heart and soul of
     a gangsta poem: glockz, rubix cubies, 31er
     salam, jebeš igru, habibis, brüder, fo' sho':
     rapid months, frozen silverfruit, whole ones

4.) every letter of gangsta poetry becomes the
     side effects of our brand's real-life greed and fury
      mourning the end of beloved baby mommas
      deaths caused by strayed bullets that vamoose

5.) gangsta poetry aims to be published among
      all ethnic communities of the 50 united states
      deadline 08/16/21 stresses american willpower
      gangsta poetry scandalously hits us's curriculas

6.) each of the 194 remaining countries is urged
     to promote and govern gangsta poetry for
     the neglected, weighted with glacial contempt
     these males and females discover their kind in us

7.) tizzop established a saying: "treat every being  
     with an open mind, but fight back, baby, if anyone
     disrespects you, the gps, or our hangarounds"
     at war, we remember our families before we blast

8.) bar none, each gangsta poet is free to connect
      affiliate and distribute with and for the gp's
      brothas and sistas -- gps create examples of
      social diversity and historical dimensions

9.) female gangsta poets are a quarter of us
      some keep it gal, united sisterhood, astute flow
      in memory of leery leyla, chalondra, kateyy,
      mountainbird, ivanka cociç, ashima abraham

10.) genderfree, gangsta poets are chosen
        undertakings composed by thugs & artists
        the spirit of a few meets strife of hood speech
        gp evolved from a movement to an own identity

11.) restrictions do not apply for written creation
        strategic outgrowth and unshaken cash flow
        gp embraces brainy ones, and our soldiers
        narrators in conspiracy, art nouveau trips

12.) gangsta poetry admires the following people:
        jeezy, killa cam, toni der assi, iron sal, dmx
        anton chigurh, sigmund freud, rashid stoogie
        larry hoover, elliot york hp, kevin of allpoetry

13.) taktloss, luis fonsi, blockmonsta, all bolivian
        and peruvian farmers, te amamos, our brothers
        187 strassenbande, senion mogilevich, nirvana
        john murphy, dem dudes alpha hotel frankfurt

14.) much love to all global units, poets, thieves
        traffic architects, hackers, true skippos
        german bakeries, all-black betting shops
        jews from brighton beach, hispanic halos

15.) benny da bandit, tony tarantula, gambino, brate
        hamza al-mighty, fat **** frank, jens, das brain
        fred merciless, familia escorpio, ruben and levi
        ali firefists, kimbo slice, scarface, oleksiy, dejan

16.) daim, loomit, dns 1up, **** my **** crew
        berlin kreuzberg 36ers, playboys hannover
        yard bird 1955, taki 183 n.y.c., basquiat, level
        dbl ffm-skychildren, bomber, city mission
17.) gangsta poetry overwhelmingly shaped by
       our ancestors who boosted the poetry of ages
       train bombers, rappers, trappers, taggers, cutters
       we descent from them, honor their names

18.) gangsta poets die for poems that struck
        gps, fans and critics in a possessive way
        limits of real talk and boasting are in flux
        trance batters the face of reason, at dusk


Once upon a time at March 22nd, 2021
Kreuzberg SO 36, Berlin, Germany...
Dedicated to all Gangsta Poets Worldwide

Heaven and hell yeah, disciples outpace seconds
Greetings from Wondaland, a.k.a. The Magic City
                      ***  48 SOULS  *** 


***  EDEN & NICHOLAS  ***         




Feb 2021 · 151
Max Neumann Feb 2021
every time i close my eyes, i stop existing
my existence consists of pregnant word shells
the eight sisters of forgetfulness remind me
the eight brothers of memories are forgetting me

in unity, they are driving the engine of myself
they are rooted somewhere in the unconscious
my will is made of soft wool and heavy iron
the contours of my existence form it daily

impregnated words are yelling at the real me
the silence of the morning created a wish
the longing to drift through reality like a river
but then i look into the eyes of my children

in them i recognize the value of human existence
they are beings who can laugh with their eyes  
my daughter's babbling is full of curiosness
in my son's curiosity i discover his quest

i open my eyes and i start to exist; i am
Feb 2021 · 1.6k
Under The Core Of Time
Max Neumann Feb 2021
under the core of time, there's the beach of dreams
bathed by the water of wishes, attachments and fear
nothing can you bring to this place, it's all there
guarded by ancient creatures, made of clay and stone

everything a being knows will be forgotten there
all abilities and skills will be unlearned for good
misunderstandings will be solved, time stops ticking
the word "why" loses its function under the core of time

pearls of rain fall on the ground to stroke people
to redeem them from the arrogance of living on earth
and a mist of gold and light belts the sleeping ones
under the core of time, space becomes infinite and clear

a kingdom, where love shall be king and law, peaceful
Feb 2021 · 1.3k
The Red Wolf Of Isolation
Max Neumann Feb 2021
isolation is a redly glowing wolf
it is too close to me, get away
how can i believe in myself?
the night swallows self-confidence

i am waiting for an angel sent by
the tall and wise heralds of my fate
they are riding the train of future
i don't know how to hop on, no clue

eden's sounds are distracting me
but in her eyes i can see where my train
is supposed to stop and to arrive
ancient existences are floodding her pupil

they stem from a place called nirvana
it is the deep core of a human being's soul
light suffuses their shape, goldly shining
they fight against the demons of our world

and as the years passing by, they become
our nostalgic memories and our sentiment
i want to be there for eden, protecting her
the red wolf will not come between us
Jan 2021 · 4.8k
Ashima's Wishes
Max Neumann Jan 2021
in the middle of nirvana, ashima wakes up
she doesn't know how she reached this sphere
full of silver lights and black silhouettes
everyone she knows seems to be present

greyly shimmering leaflets are floating
through the air, gently, like mist
and red fireflies are clapping their wings
the crowd of shadows is starting to sing:

"ashima, you have come a long way to us
we are the voices of nirvana, listen
nirvana is the deep core of your soul
the land of your most secret wishes

sometimes, in your dreams, you reach out
when you are waiting for a train and the
rays of the sun are reflecting your thoughts
you never find us but we know where you are

you may call us your wishes, we belong to you
as ****, as branko and your mom do
are you the imitation of your dreams, ashima?
or do your dreams imitate you, our girl?

certainly, you will become the thing you dread
we know that you took revenge recently
when you were slashing the *******'s throat
as his blood was slowly flowing into the sheets"

in the middle of her apartment, ashima wakes up
she becomes aware of a crinkled and dark leaflet
it is more than twenty years old, informing about
something that ashima can not read anymore

the letters on the leaflet have become dust
ashima is taking a deep breath and sighs
her pitbull branko is strolling towards her
his wet tongue, ashima thinks, feels cute
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