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2.3k · Dec 2010
Ode to 3 A.M.
Maximum Capacity Dec 2010
Oh, three- in- the- morning,
how you snuck up on me, so craftily.
I don't want to go to sleep.
I'm having too much fun.
I set the clocks back to twelve;
just to see if maybe it will turn back time
So I can finish my videogame
before the alarm goes off in the morning.
2.2k · Dec 2011
Maximum Capacity Dec 2011
Broken foot
leftover fish and chips
Friend who I should talk to more
tried to commit suicide
And I don't care
as much as I should
Because it's ******* Christmas
But there's no mistletoe.
All I see are broken people
Living out their technicolor lives
With their eyes closed.
780 · Sep 2011
Not a Love Poem
Maximum Capacity Sep 2011
This is not a love poem,
I don't even know your name.
You might as well  be a figment
of my overactive brain.
I don't know where you're going
when I pass you on the stairs.
But I know there isn't any place
I'd rather be than there.
You have great taste in music
Yeah, you're really good at art.
Although I do not know you,
You've stolen all my heart.
And there is only one thing
That I know to be true;
You will never notice me,
the way I notice you.
731 · Dec 2011
Maximum Capacity Dec 2011
Hold the smoke
in your hands;
Eat the love
that the others feed you;
hold your children
in your poison arms;
You know you've got something to live for.
Feel the heat
warm your fingers;
Let the sadness
pierce your soul;
But just pretend
that you're happy;
Like you've got something to live for.
Touch the burner
on the stove;
Let the pain
just resonate;
Cause in your head
You cannot see;
A single thing to live for.
Close your eyes
and go to sleep;
Pick your poison
steal your breath;
Eat your heart out
on this decay;
You were right, what's there to live for?
607 · Sep 2011
Maximum Capacity Sep 2011
The best advice I've ever gotten
Is to view yourself as an equal.
Even the ones who seem perfect.
They've got the same
They share your problems.
Your heartaches, your pains
Are theirs.
We are too wrapped up in ourselves
To notice everyone else
The same way we are.
But if you take a second,
And step out of your own pain and misery,
You will realize.
We're all the same
at heart.

— The End —