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444 · Sep 2017
End it off.....
Max Sep 2017
My country and your country....
I don’t know what's that.....
I just know it's our world...
So let's end up wars and fights...

Everyday people are diying.....
Oh! Chidlren are turing orphans and all are wailing and crying....
But what is the media and government trying...
Only they make two countries wars to be multiplied...

Is  it my India Or is it my Pakistan!

No one knows Diwali as Ali and Ramdam has Ram...
It's all what they know is to use their arms...
With money and muscle power polish up their charm...
But never know during their revolts thousands are harmed...

Is it my India Or is it my Pakistan.....
We have made to learn Pakistanis are bad...
But during-"All Indians are my brothers and sisters" I feel quite sad....
Leave for it we know once India and Pakistan were united.....
But seriously what was the reason for being divided....

Youth just open up your eyes...
I know it's a tough journey but we need to give it a try......
Only we can make the dead's families tears dry.....

Wake up now or you will lose.....
I know the only correct path you will choose....

At last let's bring back India and Pakistan in their correct order.....
And obliviate racism and borders.........
Max Jul 2017
Everyone doesn't gets love and also so deep as I've got,
To get you from number of people I have fought.
Hardly matters if those golden days you've forgot,
I know before leaving me some or the other thing you might have thought.
I know I was not honest and also was quite bad,
Always made mistakes and for what you were sad.
I never listened what you said,
But for letting you go I was afraid.
Today my worst fear has come to life,
It's my life and I know without you it won't thrive.
I regret on each deed of mine,
Hope you take care stay fit and fine.
I'll miss you and definitely I will cry,
To hide my tears 100% I will try.
You always believed I will change someday,
But I never changed in anyway.
The more you stopped the more I did,
Today I miss how we talked just as a kid.
I know I won't get anyone better than you ,
And I also don't need anyone new.
You were my everything and forever you will be,
Still have a hope that soon together we'll be seen..
359 · Jul 2017
My cry.
Max Jul 2017
I cried but no one heard,
Cause of the man in French-beard.
He pulled off my clothes and looked at me with lust,
Now I can't bring back the same old trust.
I shouted and people were watching,
He twisted my hand and I was wailing.
My soul was thrilled,
With tears my eyes were filled.
No one helped,
And I was *****.
After the man went all started to critise,
Why didn't they made earlier this exercise.
Today I write my journey on this page,
Wish you all help a girl going through this phase.
I am a dream, a dream to be lived ,
Hope on my story you might have believed.
Think the girl suffering is your daughter,
Just put yourself in the place of her father and think with how many difficulties her father would have taught her.
If you are a man,
Respect a woman.
335 · Jul 2017
What I feel...
Max Jul 2017
Sometimes I feel that I should die,
But I know for me no one will cry.
I want freedom from people here,
As I am tortured 365 days of the year.
People say I am mad,
Yes,I know once you say that.
I make my tears run down my cheeks,
And from face remove those disturbing flicks.
On my little body of 5'3 you will find thousand marks,
They are the souvenir of my mistaken tasks.
I tried to be happy for I was sad,
But people thought I was bad.
Hardly matters what happens to me,
O world! Dear world! later and later everything you will see.
267 · Sep 2017
When I sat lonely.....
Max Sep 2017
When I sat lonely...
Felt I missed you only.......
But now it was quite late............
To myself I have started to hate...........
I assumed to have you back.....................
But I know my love has lacked................
I still can't belive that we broke up........
Now with whom am I going to share the coffee cup...
I creid I wailed I tried but I failed.......
And again my life was trailed...............
I wished the time would have stopped.....
How could you leave me when my heart you have robbed.......
But times have turned you're not here anymore.....
I still belive for each other we are meant for......
My eyes are now filled...
And heart quite thrilled....
Why did you left me.............?
My ways are in darkness without you nothing I can see......
Still I wait to get the warmth of your arms.....
With you I had a different charm......
I want to smell the fregrance what you have when you hugged me tight....
And want for small things again we fight.....
I want to feel you back with me forever........
Please come back saying -"Girl I won't leave you ever'..........,
141 · Jul 2017

— The End —