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Oct 2012 · 958
Max Hale Oct 2012
Art or at least my art is cerebral and visionary
I never wanted it to be a quick fix
Timely and considered but flowing and free
Carefully looking, seeing, recording
Not in a photographic way
But my interpreted placement of shapes and brush
Engrossed in a silent world of gathering
Taking the subject feed and channelling it
Through my eyes and round my joyful heart
Stroking my soul and stimulating my whole body
Finally the exit of passion and feelings as placement
Of pigment onto canvas, carefully yet with a flourish
All that time within me
A collection of emotions, moods and cells,
Racing them down through the handle, ferrule and bristles
Then I pour myself out as a painting
Every one a self portrait
Jul 2012 · 539
Max Hale Jul 2012
How many of us realise
How many of us see
The freedom we are allowed
To live and to enjoy the best things
How many of us take for granted
Each sunrise, each tree, each flower
Often spoken about in essence
In reality, I wonder?
Jul 2012 · 1.1k
Max Hale Jul 2012
Almost ending the day winds down
All reflecting on their simple pleasures
Soulful singing sits within the heart
Making faces at the final hurdle.
Max Hale Jun 2012
Complete idiosyncrasies that have prevented our living
Possible enjoyments have been suspended
Pending, invisible and perceived
Barriers of every day
Give up the waste of time
Stand back from the grind
Give in to your heart and let's run.
Make the most of our togetherness
Enjoy the freedom and stop living a lie
Harness our powerful energy
Hold it within and channel the force
Make it soon not sometime
Step on that magic carpet and let us fly.
We must have our dream
Turned into reality.
You did that for me...
Turned my reality into a dream
My inspiration my love, my life
Let our dream be what we live
.........not someone else's.

Max Hale
For my Jan, because not only do I love her but she lifted me from a painful reality and gave me a dream. ***
Apr 2012 · 2.0k
Come Glastonbury
Max Hale Apr 2012
Come Glastonbury, demand your suitors
Eliminate the negatives of their days
Show the signs of cheer and promise
Crystal clear and sun bright
The walkways between the tiny shops
Where escaping through to back doors and out
Inside spirits claim your soul
Wrestle your pathetic reliance on consumerism
Your slavish concern for fashion
And your unhelpful TV dinners
There in Glastonbury only truth is spoken
Revealing the weaknesses of our human frame
Our minds that suffer from prejudices and bigotry
Cleanse your soul, become yourself
Give up the senseless living that has dominated
And driven our daily chores and lifestyle
Discard them all and believe that man
Is just a tiny part of this cosmos
A spirit and energy of the completeness
Not the embodiment
Not the utmost but a small part
Perhaps a much lesser being than any other...
Despite everything we are special
You are special in your individual capabilities
Each soul a grain of stardust
Waiting to be reunited in the cosmos
With the rest of the wonderful plethora
Be calm in the knowledge that you
Your heart and soul
Are one and only
Even today in Glastonbury
Feb 2012 · 2.2k
Just the two of us
Max Hale Feb 2012
Just the two of us
Is enough
Just the two of us
For now and always
Just the two of us
But especially you
And especially me
Just the two of us
Is all we need
To keep our love fresh
Bright and warm
Wrapped up close
Your arms and mine
Just the two of us
Today, tomorrow
Until the end of time...
Just the two of us
For my Jan especially today on Juno Februata ....Valentine's day xxxxxxxxx
Feb 2012 · 1.0k
Camp fire
Max Hale Feb 2012
The camp fire burned brightly in the cool air
Flames leaping to touch the sky
Our eyes transfixed as we sit entwined
Watching the little sprites dancing around

The yellow glow of phosphorescence
Bathes our faces and gives a strange
But healthy brightness, eyes sparkling
Lips drawn back in a grin, watching

Many times the central flames danced in unison
Then on their own, looking to be the best
The tallest, the most active, the restful
Flicker in the night then streak  upwards

Competing with the stars yet such a new light
An old light, primeval and reliably warm
Protective, dissuasive to wildlife, they too
Enthralled by the crackle of the hot licking flames

Three feet away our toes curl, enjoying the heat
The comfort of the enveloping energy
Every element a paradox of danger  versus cosiness
Gripping our fingers, soaking up the radiated waves

Hands stretched out at arms length, spread fingers
Rubbing together and pushing back the hair in our faces
Cheeks rosy, clothes giving that just ironed smell
Evocative and basic, life-giving and wondrous
Feb 2012 · 640
Just a kiss
Max Hale Feb 2012
I long for your lips to touch mine
A tender feeling as we breathe each others breath
The closeness is intoxicating
I miss this most when we are apart
Along with your arms
Holding me and clutching me to your body
I am afraid that this is just too special
I want your body near me always
the smell of your hair and the touch of your skin
Takes me to places I never knew existed
Love can bring us together but never
As close as physical touch
As I wait for you to come home
and envelop me as always
I can feel my heartbeat quicken and thud in my ears
Your smile breaks the moment
We face each other
Just a kiss, a kiss, a ki...., a k...., a......, X
For my Jan ***
Feb 2012 · 733
Forward together
Max Hale Feb 2012
Come and keep by me
Give me the your hand of love and heart
Filled with emotion
Keep me from the days that spoil
Our marriage of minds
Here is the first of our great loves
The one and only togetherness of spirit
Clear and true and fresh like new
Make me lie down and rest
Send me the thoughts of your still mind
The casualness of your demeanour
And the demonstrations of hands
Over daily patterns showing
Push away those fears and trim your dread
Back to the endless visions and the horizons
Of a new born child
Unfettered and peaceful in the ignorance of
Daily disappointments and upheavals
Open your clear eyes and see the face of the future
Staring at you with its mask of confusion
Tear away that façade and feast your vision
On making wonderful and great strides
Ahead of our single footsteps where
Imprints in the sand calculate our pathway
We have come far in our quest as two
Into one and have become strong and justly so
Keep your face forward and don’t bend or turn
Step forward and feel the coolness of my touch
On your warm arm guiding you into
Even more love and caring
The whole world is ours and true love
Is the strength that holds us gently in its arms
Breathe deeply for the world is ours
For my Jan ***
Nov 2011 · 1.0k
Max Hale Nov 2011
Every day, every day, every day
Every night and always
Your love surrounds and embraces me
Far from here my last life weeps
Knowing it failed me

Days were long
Dreary and upsetting
Dull, pointless and without
Days, days, days

Falling into you
Making you my solace
Has saved me from sadness
Saved me from oblivion
Rescued my body and my soul

Making it easy to laugh
Fulfilling our desires
Emptying our minds of pain
Focusing our thoughts
Lifting our hearts

Four years it has become
Who knew we would be here?
That time has flown, yet,
wasn’t it only yesterday
I met that girl and fell in love?

Days now are crammed with emotion
The desire to make each other strong
Giving back the light, opening
The door to freedom and
the confidence to believe in, days
For my Jan..Four years of absolute bliss. Thank you for everything
Sep 2011 · 1.7k
Weekend walls
Max Hale Sep 2011
Weekend walls come down
containing our free will
navigating our minds and meeting
us on the way home
dragging our thoughts and vision
mothering our bodies and liberating our minds
weekend walls are boundless
despite their presence and their substance
weekends would be dull without their fall
freedom is a state of mind and letting
us move and think without measure
is just too much as the goodness they hold is exposed
not walls but views of the world
as we want it and how we make it
peaceful and requiring no support.
Aug 2011 · 774
Max Hale Aug 2011
Finally you came to me
Ever thought of you
Coming and rescuing this soul
Shame that it took so long

Seemingly forever you were not close by
I yearned for your touch
Deigned to be an empty first half
Of my life

Carefully I will take you
Hold your soul near and keep it
Face the future and smile
I will not lose you now
Mar 2011 · 1.2k
Max Hale Mar 2011
Claim the right to be mine
Discard the old notions
Feast your soul as we speak
Listen to your heartfelt rhythms
Clone your passions and keep them
Next to you and available to touch
Mother yourself and resist the temptation
From everyday door to door tedium
Even now you don't need the plan
You require nothing but vision
Look as we walk and stay focussed
Our hearts are much greater together
Our minds phenomenal
If we fall we rise above the left-over threads
Because home binds us and caresses us
The silent notes of winter
Frozen and hollow we disregard
Their implications and welcome
The spring and all it brings us
Manifesting fraying in the cold passing
And firming the winds of summer
The bright new year is at last
Holding hands with our souls
Eternally warming between us
Mar 2011 · 1.1k
The cut
Max Hale Mar 2011
Simply lain your hair sits proudly, cut
Creating a crown of beauty
Feathered, the strands which pour
rivulets down your smooth neck
Your shoulder shelving the resting place
of curls
the deep dark light now kinder as you sleep
still but vibrant ever full of sweetness
merry as the moon shines
lighting the room as dreaming
you are complete and at one
with the world
Your brown hair
rests whilst you slumber
waiting to become the glory again
Feb 2011 · 742
It happened one day
Max Hale Feb 2011
Some time ago
In lands of mists and cloud
Our eyes claimed a space
Above the deepest gorge
Overseeing the depths of our hearts
The span of time since then
Has melted into brilliant sunshine
Completely we have come through
Eons of revalationary idylls
Backwards and forward we rock
Whilst we gather our thoughts
The fleeting time holds us
Moving our visions from whence we came
To our place now
Swirling, dream-like

Facing you I catch the light
In your eyes and focus
But dazzling me with your mind
You lay back on the cool grass
Arms outstretched
Stooping I collect your hands
And bring them close to my face
Softly kissing your fingers
The scent of your skin
Excites me as the warm sunlight
Suddenly bursts through the cloud
Strokes my back and lifts my spirits

As I stoop further
And gently take you in my arms
Lifting you, as light as a dry feather
Swinging you round
Making your hair stream outwards
You laugh and I laugh
Hysterically we collapse
And lay holding hands staring at the sky
Bodies heaving as the laughter subsides
Electric passing through us
The spark of life invigorating
Max Hale copyright
Jan 2011 · 2.4k
Yuletide Essays
Max Hale Jan 2011
Yuletide essays read poorly of spiritual love
Save of winter concerns of cold hands and feet
But to me my warmth is from within and without
From sensitive elements and looks of expectancy
All through the year I am loved and brought home by generous arms
Holding my tender heart with simple fingers of gentleness
At Yule my fears are ones of inability to conform
Yet I know that my love will be kept holding small edifices
Of temperate thoughts and radiant hopes
Lest our love is exposed to the winter blast
It has no maintenance worries as we stay locked
Deeply embracing through the chill of the night
In the mornings there may be white blankets of snow
Which drive others to feel  isolation and loneliness
But here at Yule as ever our hearts are as one
Despite the dragging pressures of the seasonal presence
New Year is a triumph of milestone epic
Fantasising our minds with future conquerings
Especially as most are timid in their push for reality
Ours has been honed to supernatural  levels
Although we look deeply into bringing these to bear
We know from our hearts these are just around the corner
Upon the very road we travel
Dedicated to my love......Jan ***
Dec 2010 · 2.6k
Max Hale Dec 2010
Bring down the Yuletide smile
Of countless generations and open winter faces
Gaining frail but everlasting spirits
Feeling tender and warm at pieces of literature
Made relevant with countless references to such
Wondrous elements known to man

Not wishing to send negatives of loud examples
Moods of love and forgiveness abound
But can they last as time moves from a tiny
Microcosm of capsule-like events
Hung like baubles to an expectation
Why is this so?

Nothing is as regimented as December
True Yuletide is a celebration of an end
And a beginning,  a pagan festival
Sustainable and honest from a tangible simple respect
Banded about and tainted by commerce and Jesus
Nothing could be further from seasonal vita
Nov 2010 · 769
Night time, lights out.
Max Hale Nov 2010
Don't go to sleep babe
Stay awake with me
Don't leave me here in the dark
Whilst your body drifts into oblivion
Keep me company whilst we both
Reflect on the day, the happenings
As we see them
Tell me you are at peace
Tel you are are a better person
Because of the days events
Give me the benefit of your thoughts
Enlighten me whilst we lay
Warm and cosy in this bed
Don't go to sleep babe
Let me know the secrets of your mind
Talk to me of love and caring
Make me see through your eyes
The world of confusion and of Jan
Speak to me in that voice of reason
Soothe me and send me off
Take me to your dream
Include my heart in your night
Don't leave me alone in the space
We shared just a few minutes ago
Put your hand on my chest
Breathe into my ear and let me feel
Your body rise and fall as we ease
From this world into another
Goodnight sweet one
Love you forever
Aug 2010 · 878
Face up
Max Hale Aug 2010
Whatever went before is passed
Strictly turning away I disregard its hurt
Never before as now have I experienced
A comfort zone of love

Falling down was easy before
But I had no blanket, taut and safe
No hand to hold when times were tough
No shoulder on which to cry

Now and onwards all is well
Complete and carefree, away from the pain
Not lost as I was in a deep crevasse just trying to look up
Sinking in despair

I have you my love
All is transformed into calmness and serenity
No concerns of tripping up or falling
Because you are there to hold and care

My sanctimonious smile can be written as that
Casting adrift the boat that was hopelessness
For today I am free to live and love
You have given me so much
Aug 2010 · 986
Capture your Dreams
Max Hale Aug 2010
Capture your dreams and keep them safe
Nothing is between them and you
Tell the world your heart’s desires
It’s a wonderful place  to be
Let no-one say that there is no magic
In every day or every night
You can prove the most special things
If you capture your dream
Hold them close and make them real
Imagine you are there
Close your eyes and count to three
Spin around and round
Look up to the sky above
The clouds move by and clean the blue
Azure and brightly lit
Mornings come but dreams live on
I am sure of it
Love is but a state of mind
Just a dream for you?
Then someone comes and  holds you close
And makes that dream come true
Written for my love x
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
Max Hale Jul 2010
Sometimes I miss you in a way that it hurts
Sometimes I so need to hold you when you're not here
I pick up your pillow and hug it
Sometimes you're here holding my hand,
Your breath kissing my cheek
Sometimes I feel you in the room silently keeping me safe
Sometimes a message reaches my soul from yours that lifts my spirit
Sometimes I can't go on without you and yearn for your return
Sometimes love is a mistress
That takes you and throws you against the wall but never lets go
Sometimes my heart overflows with so much love
It drenches me
My body soaked and heavy with emotion, passion
And a longing for the brush of your lips on mine
Sometimes this life is a mass of lost thoughts
Competing with a reality of the day
Sometimes I wish I could lift you up in my arms
Take you to a field of buttercups, poppies and cornflowers
And just lie and stare at the sky with you in my arms
Sometimes,  sometimes,  sometimes
May 2010 · 977
Max Hale May 2010
Desperate light eases through the curtain
Gentle moon gives way to dazzling sun
Gorgeous baby sleeping with streams highlighting her hair
Lashes tight and dark, windows shuttered and mind forlorn
Somehow sleep seems impossible as the wings of birds beat outside
Suddenly the night has gone, it's over and passed
Everytime I glance, my eyes scan the face of her
Peaceful with regular breathing, slowly rising and falling
Breezy and cool so very typically morning
It feels good but the warmth of her body is intoxicating
More comforting, relaxing and serene

I dare not look at the clock
For even in this short period it will have moved inexplicably
As the gesture of the sun traces a path across the wall
Filling the room with a lilac presence
The tinging of the wind chime reminds me of gentle cows
Moving to and fro on the Tyrolean mountainside
Their bells swinging on leather bands
Closing my eyes again I imagine green fields
The aroma of the air coming through the open window
Describes a distant place of calmness and peace.

Jan is still sleeping and I gently touch her hand to find it cold
Having been outside the covers for some hours
She does not stir
Above me the crystal at the window is sending tiny rainbow spectrum
Dancing in mad little circles, alive on this wonderful day
I feel so at rest, so in love and fortunate to have and to be
Mornings are fresh starts and gifts for us to savour
How lucky we are to have them
Copyright Max Hale
Apr 2010 · 1.1k
The magic of sleep
Max Hale Apr 2010
Give  me your hand darling
Rest it lightly near me
Place your cool fingers on my cheek
Say gentle words as we lie together
Let me hold you close and feel
Your body relaxing muscle by muscle

Close your eyes and pretend
Pretend that sleep has overcome you
Breathe deeply and rhythmically
I know you have had a busy day
Don’t worry my love I know how much
You have felt this peace and wanted it to consume you

You are beautiful in your stillness
The arc of your mouth describes the way
Oh how much I can feel those lips and want them
Your eyelids quiver as the remnants of the day leave you
Then as your cheek calms and rests so do they
Lashes still, as you drift into rest

Delightful baby you are mine so completely
I picture you and see my love reassured
A tumble of dark hair framing your face on the pillow
Enjoying the magical senses that caress and protect you
Whilst the darkness engulfs us
Peacefully and with tender soothing

In the half light I hear your little sleepy noises
The darkness seems to magnify each sound
A bird outside in the distance calls it’s mate
It is met with silence
I place my hand on your midriff yet cannot feel your breath
Then, the mantle of the night caresses our faces
Our bodies give in as it keeps us in love as we sleep
Mar 2010 · 802
First Place
Max Hale Mar 2010
Carefully each day
Fostering each other's hearts
As we commence routines and tasks
Familiar situations are nothing
Except feelings of assurance through cognisant repetition
Taking a coffee to the table, eating a cake or sandwich
But the simplest things lift us
Your mouth makes signs to me
Beckoning me to touch you
In a moment it's changed and we laugh
Your eyes sparkle and smiling I sigh
Raising me to the highest once more
Even a moving finger or the tilt of your head
Keeps it soulful  and interesting
Distractions are few
As soon we sit as one
Joined at the hip exchanging body heat
Looking forward, feeding our souls
Crazy in love and so simply OK!
Not mundane to enjoy the nice little things
Gaining insight as our life entwines
Morphing into each other as we sleep
Do we care for others, yes
Our Pagan hearts are true and full
Revelling in each minute together
As humans should when love takes first place
Mar 2010 · 820
Max Hale Mar 2010
Greek and Latin how wonderful!
The classic life through words
People enigmatic in their historical significance
Power and glory, death and slavery
Great thinkers, philosophers and generals
Whims of the upper classes pressing down
Garish but no colour as special souls only
Were allowed to wear such privileges
Don't be fooled by literature
It was a dreadful time for most
Whilst we learn the classics
Lets rejoice in the knowledge that they gave much
To our society but then..
When Greek and Latin where spoken
In such everyday situations
They were unaware of their contribution
Mar 2010 · 781
Max Hale Mar 2010
Sunbeams play on the wall
Opposite where I sit
Dancing and moving little rainbows
The colour of the spectrum displayed
In circles and similar shapes
Swinging back and forth as they wave to me
Reminding me of our love
So bright and fresh
Full of wonder and clarity
Beautiful violet through to deepest red
How lucky we are to see such brilliance
That so many people miss
How fortunate to be in love
And have such a beautiful life
How I love you my sweet
And thus it shall ever be, always
Feb 2010 · 623
Max Hale Feb 2010
See me sitting looking into space
My emulations are not purposeful
Thinking of your joyous image and recalling the last words
Wings of birds beat out the rhythm of my heart
Waiting for the next time we meet
Umbilically connected as two so close
Maintaining nourishment for our souls
Generous hearts retain such energy
Battery-like running down as time moves on
Charging my mind with your thoughts
Feeding me, keeping me alive
Whomsoever will see me will believe
No change is apparent
Yet inside my longing for you is prominent
Especially on slow days
Keep safe my love, come home soon
Feb 2010 · 885
Lttle mssges
Max Hale Feb 2010
Such delight as a txt arrives
Tinkling phne and bzzing
Unable 2 wait 2 press the buttons
Simply lovely 2 hear from u

Miss u whilst u are @ wrk
……Hoping 4 a txt soon :-)
No 1 knows how much it means
Tht lttle mssge of love

A link 2 r hearts
Nice 2 knw ur thinking of me
As we go thru the day
Thse few words, so spcial & tndr
Thank u babe, love u 2, 4 ever :-)
Feb 2010 · 532
Tiny Places
Max Hale Feb 2010
In our house we have a lovely life
Small it may be in size but enormous in what it holds
Floor space is at a premium especially but..
It doesn’t matter because we live within each other
Our spirits locked together in a warm embrace
Physically we are close too, always
Our garden and our house mean much to us
It’s our first home together
When we buy anything we struggle to place it
Moving something else as we shuffle things around
Grateful for the chance to be us, we survive
Every day a wonderful experience
Our little house holds lots of love
Keeping us safe from the world outside
The little spaces and tiny places
Make this house just what it is…
Our  lovely home
Feb 2010 · 6.8k
Cornish Light
Max Hale Feb 2010
Cornwall, Cornwall every day
Bright sun and fresh feelings
Simple pleasures by just being here
Forward thinking into old age dotage
All our lives waiting, hoping, wishing

Never believing it could be
Out of mind with secret longing
Filling up with atmospheric  air
Sensing that emotional rush
Deep breaths swallowing cliffs and sea

Wild flowers and cows here
Hedgerows and windblown trees
Lopsided branches pointing inland
As cool salt air combs their twigs
The winding tracks disappear

Love is here all around, so strong
Heart wrenching and stomach churning
Soul and body filling up with Cornish…
Cornish, as long as it’s Cornish
It’s good!

Give us a chance to stay
Give us the chance to live
Ever on the hard granite pathways
Sounds of mewing gulls and thunder of surf
Beating on the windswept rocks and beaches

Cornish light familiar and so bright
Invading our eyes and warming our hearts
Gently massaging our faces with soothing fingers
Lifting our spirits as breaking through the clouds
It charges us with love

Fulfilled and whole
Our lives and minds gratefully feasting
The armfuls of wonder as we carry our hearts
Together,  through eternity, watching
As the sun sets in a blaze of Cornish light
Feb 2010 · 648
Asking you
Max Hale Feb 2010
Asking you to be with me forever was no decision
I wanted to say the words for ages
The more I knew you, the more I wanted you
Giving you a ring was a statement of love
Nothing more than my love wrapped around your finger
Wrapped around your heart the other end was on mine.
A circle of never ending love continuous and everlasting
Love you, love you, love you was my way of saying
‘Be mine forever as I will be yours’
A year on how much that means
Feelings so very deep and yet so tender
I will remember forever your eyes and your face
The day you said ‘yes’
Feb 2010 · 806
As it is
Max Hale Feb 2010
Couples holding hands and talking
New love so divine
Looking into each other’s eyes, laughing
Feeling stupid excited, yes in love
My darling and my precious
Can’t restrain this passion for you
The closer I am the better
Keeping you in my heart is simple….
I don’t have to, you are my heart
Soul and everything I am

Suddenly I’m awakened by your fresh perfume
Grazes my nostrils and my pulse races
I hold you in my vision as I pace the floor
I need to have my arms around you
It’s impossible not to touch you
My only salvation is skin on skin
Electric and dreamy taking me high
First time I did it I died
Died to have you near me for ever

Clearly my being is affected constantly
I’ve lost control but I keep calm
Looking into the sun my squinting eyes will never
See anything as bright and beautiful
Images of you perform dances in front of my mind
The streaming sound of your voice
Caresses me and keeps my body enwrapped
No more feelings of despair
Only deep satisfaction and contentment

Failing light is no barrier to your bright eyes
Then, moonlight fingers over the wall
You hold my hand and gently keep me near
The warmth of you stirs me tenderly
Your eyelashes flicker as you look toward me
As a smile moves across your lips, I melt.
Stretching, I keep my left hand on your shoulder
The smoothness of your body excites me
My eyes catch yours as we hold so tightly

Mondays and every day is amazing
Just as I am in you, you are in me
Dewy eyes send tears to meet our upturned lips
Keeping our love within us safe and sound.
Feb 2010 · 1.9k
All Yours
Max Hale Feb 2010
Since we met in this life we’ve been so together
The trees and the sky will tell you, just ask them
Since, frankly and completely as one
Searching our souls, discovering each other and ourselves
Loving, living and learning with no effort at all
Moulding our life to divine goals, elements exploring
Each day we grow, smoothing our rituals and tasks
Simple, small, understated and beautiful
Yet enormous, devastating and wonderful
I’ve never been clearer in mind nor more ordered
Serious or intended, structured yet mesmerised and dreamy
Child-like pleasures our little hearts

Honestly, knowing you has given an exclusive season of patience
A crown of peace with measures of muted resonance
My emotion and behaviour  jangle with excitement
Gaining speed and velocity as our developing love fertilises everything we do
If any part of me was withheld or absent it was without cognisance or most importantly intent
I was always here totally,  loving you with an undivided heart
Building our future and having the truest most delightful life
Such destiny within two earthly beings, such kismet
But is not  from where we sprung
No logic or contract by human standards but from cosmos and celestial forces
Stardust, moonbeams, sunlight and energy

Our future is viridian, cobalt, alizarin, ultramarine, carmine...
Colours drawn from a bow of happiness with arrows of true love
Thudding into our hearts every single moment
Rainbows of kindly sparkly crystals reflecting each tiny emotion
Willow tree flexibility, cool streams of pure clear water whisper in our ears
Look to your soul and to the memories of our short time together
Begin to believe that life is so very good ,so treasured like us
Darling Jan my complete lover
The wife I’ve always had, true soul provider, custodian of my heart
Clearer in the transformation from Jan and Max to a ‘whole’ inseparable
By anyone or anything for all time and eternity..
Even better knowing that as always
Now even more.....I’m all yours
Feb 2010 · 791
My dream girl
Max Hale Feb 2010
As the tree overhead drips its leaves, I sit beneath
Squinting I raise my head as the sun arrows through my half closed lids
In the distance a beautiful figure in long purple attire, looking toward me
I can’t help but stare almost at once love and care abound –
This is the first time. no other  day or night has felt this good, ever
This can’t be true......
Gazing still I watch as she walks sedately, dark hair streaming
Heart thudding as a base drum, ears ringing with expectation
I keel over and lay on the green green grass breathless
Given up already I’m hit with such a gust of  her aura
Transfixed as she approaches, silently as a vision
Yet apparent and so real
Transported as she glides but  I am rooted here
I can’t lift my head yet I am floating high above the trees
Single emotions would be a luxury, but they multiply exploding within my feeble body
Making me a god of everything and a pauper at the same time, I reel
My mind is dragged along as completely as a fish hooked from a gushing stream
I want to look and see deep into her eyes as pools of light
I hear her breath and feel her presence,  all at once she’s here
In front of me and behind and above all over and around
Enwrapped in her I lapse into sleep although I already am?
Listless and with frailty I feel her hand as she reaches, soft as wings
An angel, my powers are sapped and yet strengthened with this encounter
A warm wrap encloses me, warm as a woollen blanket
Strangely I know where my destiny is,  suddenly  in my mind I’m there
If ever I was doubtful the slate is clean and my future shown as a story book
Ever real yet can life be this beautiful, I have no way of knowing?
Lifting me my arms seem just appendages loose and failing, my head lolling uselessly
She carries me and places me gently the swish of her robes intoxicating
Upon a bed of white so soft and inviting as clouds of cotton wool
I hear a whisper yet was that her voice, my eyes still tightly shut?
Her silky palm on my forehead and the same voice utters such perfect sound
The aroma of her I want to keep in my heart and release as  every morning breaks
I believe I am just born as new as new as new
More and more I feel so relaxed, complete and whole, my weaknesses mended
I want to look but am fearful  that she will just fade away
In this state I am blissful and almost unaware, gently, so gently, her lips touch mine
Opening my eyes I gasp with pure delight
It’s you, it’s real and it’s now.
Feb 2010 · 605
Seven Hundred Days
Max Hale Feb 2010
Remembering that first time it seems just yesterday
Keeping my head together, arriving
Can’t believe how fast it’s gone by
Seven hundred days and some

Catching my breath and holding your hand
What an amazing feeling of love
Growing like a seed inside…..just
Every day more intense…. and such power!

Losing control of my life and placing it in your care
From that day I knew we were one
Together until eternity comes
The sun always shining on our souls, warming and caring

We gave our hearts to each other and we relaxed
Healing our lives and making us whole
For the very first time, we were complete
In each others arms

Seven hundred days of love
Seven hundred days of happiness
Seven hundred days of contentment
Seven hundred days of you and me

The life we wanted is here and now
The love we wanted, nay, craved was there from that first time
The future we once dreaded has become one to relish
And the best is yet to come

Thank you for being mine, for taking the trouble
To understand and be there for me
Thank you for saying the things that you say
For looking me straight in the eye when you do

Thank you forever for seven hundred days
Every one has been a special gem to cherish
Your heart is so true just like everything you are
But most of all thank you for loving me as I love you.
Feb 2010 · 1.6k
Love and life
Max Hale Feb 2010
First impressions dug deep into hearts of confusion
Messages of love so warm and vibrant
Perhaps we were fertile for such seeds of emotion?
Planted so accurately in our souls, cautious and yet receptive
As time proceeded the kernels of realisation developed roots, deep and stable
Reassuring our minds and relaxing our subliminal tension
Smoothing our lives as wonderful memories are built, daily
Simple hand touching and brushing of lips, sensitive and meaningful
Walking, talking and learning
A new experience that has become ‘us’, Jan and Max
No longer just two people but a synergy in living and loving
We get to know contentment and embrace it as a tender thing
Every day a careful brick of love is put in the wall of our future
Built on foundations of beautiful harmony and understanding
A creation of happiness and determination worn with confidence
Since no such feeling has ever before been available to us
Fortune and luck is one thing but such poignancy and roundness
Is seldom delivered in such an elegant packaging as our love
Each day is a treasure whatever we do
Feeling you close, hearing your voice, seeing your face.
Why is it so wonderful, was it the wait?
The lack of a belief then destroyed by the reality in fact?
Desperation of having no future, no plans and no-one to hold?
If so all of these are yet diminished by perfection
How close we are, how much we know of each other
Not just now but of the past and of the future we will share
Such true souls never to be parted, ever
These things are not accidental but designed with cosmic influence
Darling Jan since we met our growth has been amazing
Within ourselves and for each other, personally and as a couple
Stronger and stronger from one to a million and on
In this world and all to come
My whole being is completed, enhanced and fulfilled by you
Every day wonderful and a joyful symphony of love
My soul  and yours are united forever and my heart...?
I gave you my heart so long ago.... on the day we met.
Feb 2010 · 1.3k
Max Hale Feb 2010
Sunshine on the windows catching my eye
Fresh and lovely just like you
Filling the world with bright mellowness
Polishing the blue sky as it passes
Feeling warm and melting the morning mist
Drifting clouds waving as they bye
Deep feelings of love that overwhelm me
Sadness that we are apart today even though
We are never separated, always one
Thoughts of you invade my mind constantly
Missing your touch and voice in my ear
Yearning for home-time when you’ll be back
Gracing my vision once more
Reflections of my life vivid yet peaceful
Thankful of events and happenings
Loving you is all I need and want
Simple contentment and happiness
You by my side, together in the sunshine.
Feb 2010 · 642
Max Hale Feb 2010
Paintings on the walls showing her face
Driven by love and passion
Cared for so deeply a facsimile always in my mind
Creating her likeness on canvas
Moving my spirit as I paint
Seeing her face so clearly
Her smooth complexion
Her distinctive chin and eyes like pools
Pools of lucid water so deep and soulful
Losing myself in her charm and her love
Waiting for her I imagine the brushes stroking
Placing the paint so gently
As if my fingers were touching and caressing her
The lightness of her smile the air of calm
Sitting and contemplating
Her hair crowning her head the sparkle in her eyes
Gazing into the space in front
Soon I look at the shapes created by her arms against her body
The angle of her crossed leg and the area of smoothness
That is her thigh.
My painting complete
Yet so tender and careful
Cannot compete with the real Jan
My shining star day and night.
Feb 2010 · 4.0k
Santorini rhyme
Max Hale Feb 2010
Distant island shapes beguiling
Floating ghosts of far off land
Appear sentinel as we lay
Hot and sunbathed on the sand.

Scorching beach has tricked our minds
Ever beckoning cool seas flow
Finely placed as time stands still
Myths of people long ago

Heat above the deep caldera
Yet at water’s edge a breeze
Every wave a stroke of calmness
Drags the black sand out with ease

Pushing, combing lava rock
Once a liquid burning hot
Hearts massaged by the tender noise
Deep sighs as the day burns on

Windy gusts caress unclad torsos
Smiling we hold hands out to catch
Throwing our heads back with the pleasure
Letting our warm brown frames collapse

Lazy resting towels on bodies
Sunbed dreaming, time for lunch
Decisions on the midday menu
A carafe of red or white, too much!

Later when the sun’s behind us
Deserted beaches for the night
Couples then prepare for evening
Soon tavernas come alight

Poolside dwelling welcomes back
Two weary souls from day outside
Scorching sun takes all about us
Thanks for love where we abide

Since we came and soaked our souls
In this perfect atmosphere
Love has blossomed even further
All is wonderful never fear

Patio evenings lying out
Herb aroma fills the nose
Drifting in and out of sleepy
Eyes feel heavy in repose

Cool wet noses brush our legs
Warm fur strokes a silken pass
Feline friends have come to visit
Glad that we are home at last

Nervous ******* lying still
Mewing loudly all surpassed
Two so gentle but true survivors
Bright eyes hiding traumas past

How lovely to have given respite
As more and more attached we grew
Warm and tender stroking softly
Alongside us as if they knew
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
Birthday morning
Max Hale Feb 2010
Collected thoughts from previous years inside my head, no words to say
Ever to be so loved and thoughtful things given with care
Warmth and humbleness show through my actions of response
How can this 19th May be so very different from others?

Channelled emotion comes close to the surface as my eyes well with tears
It’s a boyhood wonder appearing - as if I was that special?
Slowly I remove the perfect wrapping and gaze with wide eyes
Equally I am unable to speak

As the card says, ‘always your Jan’ it means just that
Many times my heart has wished for this
At last the dream is reality and not just for now but  forever
Too much for one day

Each little present a token of love wrapped in a heartfelt manner
Birthdays are special but no-one is this lucky are they?
As the paper lets go of its secret, we kiss
Just thank you but not just thank you, love you and fabulous!!

My heart is as big as my body as it struggles to stay inside my skin
That lump in the throat won’t go away and the eye thing still threatens
Deep breaths as I give up my thanks to the cosmos for my wonderful Jan
She knows me so well, we love so much.

— The End —