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May 2014 · 674
Matty Graham May 2014
I can see the sun is rising,
After all, you only stay set for awhile.
Your beautiful rays, and eyelashes gaze
Over the oceans and into my heart.

The laws of physics,
And gravity defy
When we see our sun
Never opposing our rhyme

The rays that gaze
Allow me to see
Your beautiful face
And hair in the breeze

We may be similar, but different in ways
The texture of laced fingers inconsistent
But I'll tell you now, and please remember:
"The opposite of love is indifference"

Goodnight x
I just hope we defy gravity, and never see the sunset again.
May 2014 · 589
Matty Graham May 2014
Brighter than the sun
is the treasure i've found
but to wait another year
would you still be around?

Though i'm drifting through this ocean
dark blue, and deep it seems.
Waiting isn't the problem
because you mean more than that to me

My sails caught the wind.

And traveled further beyond than my two eyes
Could ever have seen.
May 2014 · 347
Matty Graham May 2014
This conversation serves a reminder,
to how close we'll never be.
If i tried my best i don't believe,
there would be much hope living in me.

These veins are somewhat shrinking,
as the life just stops to flow.
Cause every time i come around to you,
all i'm greeted with is no.

Like an old friend we say hello,
and i shouldn't be surprised.
We know each other so well,
for i've met you so many times.

Any movement of pursuit
results in a dead end.
Every time i move toward you
On this wall i'm hitting my head.

No steps forward, no steps back,
i'm stuck here all the time.
So my hearts to just stop beating,
for will ours be able to rhyme?
May 2014 · 390
Our Lifetime.
Matty Graham May 2014
You don't have to run from me anymore
You don't have to hold back
See i'm just as real as anyone else
and i can be just as:

But, do i have to be more for you?
Or am i just enough.
Around all others, through all storms,
Will you love me just as much:
(For Being Me)

You check all the box's
You fill all the blanks
And i'm not giving up
Because for you, your:
(Worth The Wait)

I don't always know my heart,
But there's one above who does.
And when i'm lost and insecure
And we both need a cure:
(He'll catch us every time)

When the day comes that every thing is perfect.
I can guarantee our love will be as well.
I'll wrap you in my arms, to never let you go
and ill hold you so tightly, as to tell:
(I love you)

Our hands will lace, just like our paths,
We will walk. Run.. Sing and Strum.
We'll kick off our shoes, and cast away our fears,
and i'll be the one to catch:
(Your Tears)

Not only through our path,
but purpose we'll unite.
and we'll praise our God
for giving us:

And when your feet have no where to go
Ill carry you when you fall (not by my strength alone).
So when the day is rainy, and your swept up in the tide.
Ill kiss you on the cheek, and stay:
(By your side)

But i know if i hold on too tight
Ill miss my given life
If i never ever let go (And lose everything in the process)
But if i'm true to myself, and true to my God:
(Then our life will come in time)
November 2012
These words were intended to be song lyrics, however i never used them, so ive re-vamped them (because they we're pretty unstructured) into a poem (So some of the words are original, some words and lines have been added in). Despite the date this was written, it still sums up a bunch of my thoughts.
Aug 2013 · 865
Shallow Seas
Matty Graham Aug 2013
In shallow waters small fish swim,
Circling to get their feed.
Desperate and needy, with no one for comfort,
They grew no taller than me.

When you sink your ankles just enough,
so that your hands can never get wet.
You'll find yourself open as the dark night sky,
Yet stained by its clouds of death.

A heart is worth so much more,
than all shallow sea's have to offer.
Sail close too close where the waves always break,
and you'll find it hard to break anchor.

In shallow sea's ive drowned,
My heart it had sailed away.
But in the deep its been found,
I just hope that your here to stay.
This poem is about uncommitted and shallow relationships. Its something i used to deal with years ago. I just managed to reminisce and write about how it used to be.
I notice as well, I like to exaggerate lots of ideas in my poems as well. Saying that, my past isn't anywhere near as bad as these words could make it sound.
God has a plan and will for our life. Not a shallow, distant, unfair, or bad will. His will is perfect. (In the bible God is always portrayed as our Father, because that is exactly what he is). God being our Father, has the best plans for our life's, plans for good. Plans for GOOD! So don't go selling yourself out to relationships that aren't good, that will bring you harm, or that you don't want to be in. The more we try to find that special person ourselves, the less room we are leaving for Gods plans to flourish in our lives. And no matter what our past is, God can make us clean again.
Hope these words (not just a depressive poem) helps someone out :)
Matty Graham Jun 2013
I'm just trying to leave this one to God.
... And your unforgettable.
Matty Graham Jun 2013
After all you only stay set for awhile.
I just hope we manage to defy our gravity,
and never see a sunset again.
May 2013 · 314
I'm coming home.
Matty Graham May 2013
This wound has been re-opened
One by one the stitches fall away
And this **** that I feel left with
Is leading me astray

My mind looks for a friend
My heart looks for the woods
A dark place to bury my feelings
Though I don't believe I could

My heart is hurting; my insides...
I don't want to feel this way anymore
The pieces of this broken puzzle
Remind me of before

I don't think you see how much pain
That this is causing my heart
But every time I run away
We go right back to our start

But i remember I don't I need to hide
There's one who knows it all
He's just around the corner
Waiting for me to call

And like a child I'm going to run to you
Because children don't have to worry
You'll take all of my fears away
And slow me down from my hurry

Anything in this world
That we care so dearly to choose
Means absolutely nothing
If we're not in it with you

So my lord, don't worry
I'm coming home to you
Your all I need in this life
Your the one that gets me through
Matty Graham May 2013
It's in the journey not just the exit
It's out the window through the rush
I'll take care of you always
You don't need to ask.

Through all of the distractions
The wind blowing through our hair
All it takes is our eyes
To see you everywhere

How magnificent is your city
The beauty of creation
This is what you wanted
For us all along

An overflow of creativity
For no one to be a like
But through love that comes from you
Together we're unified

As for human intentions
We may not be so sound
Still the glory goes to you
I can see it all around

Like a river you spirit flows
With peace, love and hope.
Through you all fear goes
And all it's chains have been broke
24th of May
6:34 PM
May 2013 · 1.1k
Matty Graham May 2013
I've eaten no food in days,
Nor have drinks to sustain.
And yet inside me grows a well,
Flowed with poison and shame.

Eyes lead to the soul,
And my insides, they are churning.
Why would I think this a good idea,
My senses are all burning.

These sleepless eyes, are open wide,
My conscience soon to shut.
But before I go I need to see,
That this treachery will come to a stop.
April 6th // 2013
May 2013 · 906
Little Scars
Matty Graham May 2013
How can these little ones
Bear so many scars
Like So many weights
Dragging Along the past

These little eyes
Have seen to much
For the giant world
To silence their fuss

We think they see nothing
And they think that too
But they see more than us
And there's nothing we can do

To erase their past
So they don't know what they've seen
All our Worldly efforts can do
Is help patch up their seam

Soon there will be no fairy lights
No wands to disappear
The best I can offer, A real true friend
Who can take away your fears

In surgery a heart is opened
So it can be repaired
Please listen carefully, you won't stay lost
He has a love to share

And somethings pulling, a string inside
I hope to promise in special time
I'll help to save you from this wicked world
And let your light to shine

— The End —