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matt r 19h
the Mean Eyed Cat climbs My
kittentree legs and says "stay
on theme Man good writers stay
on theme" so i cough a furball
mucusball hairball skinball
whatever Man im gonna cough
again and again and again
and rid off this Sick Cat ****
**** breakdown writing. needs to come up though.
matt r 23h
she is
       the almost-there

    in the middle of
                this cosmic
rodeo show
matt r 1d
love is dog-eared, and chases
rabbits like playdates. love is
an astigmatism hung from the moon.
love is written in lemon and sugar.
love makes up questions just to ask
you something. love borrows books
& love listens to mixtapes. love wears
your hat and doesn't want to take
it off. love is a secret handshake.
love is the kitchen in which you
make her soup. love is a listening
booth in 90s cinema. love is all
here in red blue green. love hides
in shoes & does the long walk.

love is the 'almost-there'.
matt r 4d
air like frozen glass
on fingertips brothe
down our necks,
when you turned
to me and mused

just want
to be

which caught
in my throat, like
a popcorn kernel or
a spoon of cinnamon.

who are the words
i could use to
capture you? to
translate you
to all those
who'll never get
the chance
to see you do
those giddy jumps
you do when we
walk together.

i could start with
your hair; just above
the shoulderline that
taught honey how
to flow. your cheeks;
flushed like a late
spanish summer. eyes
and lips like a dare,
your dimples like
a prize. every bit
worth a page.

i couldn't forget
your collarbones
or your waist
or your navel
or your hips
but you are more
than whatever
my poetry
can describe.
you are moments
i see throughout;

the pixie-ring of
tulips, the heron
patiently fishing,
the cloudform
pareidolia i see
from my rooftop.
i feel about you
how i felt about
the mediterranean
sea in my lungs.

those poor *******
can write
and describe you
how they wish.
i will carry on
catching you
in the corner of
my eyes and over
my shoulders
until i can see
you again.
for you, j x

also yeah, i made up 'brothe' but breathed never has and never will sound right.
matt r 6d
the hot-fingered taunt
of a name picked up my
stomach in its safe
hands; knucklecracked, they boot
-ed it down the corridor...

do you remember
the sweetgrass scent?
i rolled from there down
the stairs of patience
to here, blind fear,

where clocks tick
an arpeggio of angel
texts; numbers repeating
until they desync -
your 11:12s. 13s. 14s.

there's no more walking
in polyrhythms; there's no
slide to Her. i have my own
two hot fingers and some
paper i will tear like hell.
a bit more experimental. or a ramble if you don't think

its good enough!
matt r 7d
it'd be a shame for love
to break so easily; yet
even magnolia petals
fear my springtime heel.
matt r Feb 26
the rain sways me like a
hymn - some freestyle
jazz drumming melody.
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