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365 · Dec 2013
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Do you believe in destiny?
Whatever it may be?
I like to think I'm free
That this misery
Wasn't by decree
Of a higher being
Beyond me
That I could flee
If I please
I think you would agree
If you could see
The smallest and largest degree
To which I am my own detainee
But whether I am drifting in a boat at sea
Or rooted to my fate like a tree
At least I think I'm free
364 · Oct 2013
Thinking Of You
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I don't think you would understand what I would mean if I told you.

I don't mean that you are hot, or I like your makeup, or even an admiration for those amazing things you were born with like your eyes, your lips, your cheek bones.

No I mean that you are something else entirely.

When I say you are beautiful, I mean that if there ever were such a thing as an angel, it would look like you.
363 · Jan 2014
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
If I built a tower
Stood atop in power
Took every ounce of gold
Filled every house I owned
Flooded streets with my name
It wouldn't be the same

Because the things we own
Don't warm our bones
And the attention we take
Won't stop the ache

But when I saw you smile
It put my heart on trial
And I knew for better or worse
A truth that filled me to burst

I knew that every moment I chose
To pursue that beautiful glow
Was one I could never regret
A moment I could never forget

Every gift I place in your hands
Helps my heart to slowly expand
And every laugh I can set free
Was worth every bit of me

And I knew it made perfect sense
For every effort was at no expense
After the moment I began to see
The revelation welling in me

I simply never knew
I've waited my whole life to love someone like you
362 · Oct 2013
Ask Me
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Ask me to hold
The world in my hand
Ask me to grow old
Waiting to see you again
Ask me to stitch
Wounds so deep
Blood all lost
To the floor it seeps
Ask me to fight
Your burdened mind
Hold everything tight
That I could find
Ask me to stand
That I may lose
Never hold your hand
So bad I want to
Ask me to do
The things you won't
Ask me to choose
When you don't
I would do anything it's true
But never ask me to give up on you
355 · Jan 2014
Controlled Descent
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
Fight fire with fire
Flame with flame
Ignite my pyre
And curse my name

Throw a gift away
And burn my throat
Maybe if they stay
They'll never know

Maybe if I see
It'll never show
And if you knew me
You would wish it so
349 · Nov 2013
A Hundred Shades
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
It looks gorgeous short
Of course
But I want it to be long again

Not to see it long again
But to see you pass through
*A hundred shades of beautiful on the way
343 · Apr 2014
Dawn to Dusk
Matthew Nichols Apr 2014
Once all I knew was night
Every day was fight or flight
Then from dark I saw so bright
A glint of hope at the edge of sight

So I ran as a cold heart pounded
Warmer as the rising beat sounded
Haste had time I could not waste
This was nothing I had ever faced

But I noticed as I poured in
It had no effect on what I saw begin
The more I gave the more was lost
But I gained no reward for the cost

Instead it rose above my head
Out of my reach high instead
So I basked in its glow
All my troubles fell below

But soon it came, a turn of tables
I had to accept it, if only I was able
You began to fall away again
My feet soon knew the speed of men

But my heart knew the harder truth
There was no way to get to you
A thousand light years away
Is where you would always stay

Now as you grow dimmer still
I feel the dark begin to chill
Maybe I'll be fine without your light
Maybe I'll never see anything so bright

I still think of how hard I ran
That joy that had began
I think of you as you fade away
And hope to again see the day

I wonder why I write these words
My dreams have always been absurd
Like a man chasing the sun
I fight a war that cannot be won
342 · Oct 2013
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I don't know why it's so hard to admit
To tell you that you're so hard to forget
Summon the courage to give up and submit
Just look into your eyes and I would find it

Why can't I say I just want to kiss you
Maybe it's because I already miss you
Maybe it would just get worse
Or maybe only at first

Maybe I'm afraid of what you would say
That you would look down and turn the other way
Think I'm just a kid with a game to play
Rainbows and flowers if he had his way

Maybe I don't know if you're ready yet
It's a lot of chips to place on a bet
But I know that isn't true
If anyone's ready to be happy it's you

Maybe I'm scared to hope its me she chooses
I could just be scared it'll be me who loses
Or maybe one day these words will have their uses
And they'll spill out when I'm all out if excuses
342 · Sep 2013
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
If you are the one
And I for you
Then stop being one
And let us be two
We could be three
Maybe one day
Four or five?
Who could say?
A Four letter word
Between us two
Worth more than a million
I could give to you
If roses can be red
And violets blue
Than who said
We couldn't be two?
A hundred days
Equal our one
A thousand moons
For one sun
If a heart grew
Twice it's size
For just once
That I saw I your eyes
Then I could say
In just three words
In every way
I love her
338 · Nov 2013
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
I've studied beauty all my life, and it's a strange and unpredictable creature.

One never knows where they'll find it and it can go as quickly as it comes. But you seem to be in possession of it at all times.

Unreal, like a character from a book, each line elegantly and carefully written, down to the letter.
331 · Nov 2013
Trust Me I Tried
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
I put my heart on paper it's true

When I try to explain my sadness with this art

My heart looks so much like you

I just can't write anything dark

So I suppose I want you to know

Though it's too soon for it to show

In so much dark you are the light

So for you I continue the fight
331 · Oct 2013
Just Some Words
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I'm short on words I'm afraid
Only fragments come to mind these days
But there's a story to be told
In the few I hold

Far, this one for you, to start
Sometimes miles, mostly in heart

Waiting, not my favorite one
But it has to be done

Falling, you and I 
In different ways sometimes

Doubt, has me plucking apart flowers
She loves me, she loves me not, for hours

Hope, bricks to build our home
Though hard to do here alone

Beauty, on my mind all the time
Your lovely fingers laced in mine

Embrace, I felt something in you
Did you feel it too?

Lastly Happiness, the reason I'm all out of words
Hard to speak when you smile so hard it hurts
331 · Oct 2013
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
If I had one more tomorrow
No time to waste or borrow
One chance to tell you straight
One chance for a seed to take
One piece of life left to give
One moment I have yet to live
I would say what I meant
Though you wouldn't understand
If the message was sent
I would know I died a man

I would tell you I love you
Though you don't know why
Never taken a date for two
Never held you as you cried
Never been there for Christmas
To give you a gift
Just what you needed plus
So heartfully picked

Never protected you from a storm
Keeping the rain away and the covers warm
Never spent the summer together
Looked into your eyes under the stars forever
Never pulled you out of trouble
Just to get you deeper in it
Never ran a bath full of bubbles
Never played a game just to let you win it

Never laughed at how cute you get
When your mad and I know you want me dead
Never slipped out of time
Never made you truly mine

But you see, these things I don't need
To know you're worth loving with everything in me
Because it doesn't take time
Doesn't take moments
Because in this heart of mine
You don't have to grow it
All I do is look with a heart open wide
And I see you and I swell with pride
Because there's so much to love in a beautiful soul
If this last moment is the only time you'd believe me
If unconditional love would pull you from this hole
Then my life would have meaning
328 · Nov 2013
A Warmer Winter
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
These winter days are warmer it seems

But you make me think


Maybe it's me
326 · Oct 2013
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
This hell is yours
No one forced you here
They only showed you the door
And you chose to choose fear
320 · Apr 2014
Royal Langnickel
Matthew Nichols Apr 2014
I can't find my words
When I always could
It feels absurd
But it feels so good

And then I awake
And you weren't there
The dream was fake
But I still feel your hair

You're still in my head
I can't deny
That what you said
*Wasn't goodbye
319 · Oct 2013
Take A Chance
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I can't say I know how
Neither that I know why
But I feel it even now
Wings lifting me to the sky
Can't explain how you do it
Can't say you even know
How you break me bit by bit
Then build me up from below
Why do I get so nervous
When the weekend draws near?
Do you do it on purpose?
Letting me hope you'll be here
Do you mean to make me smile so?
To melt my heart with a glance
I wish you could only know
So I could someday have a chance
I know I shouldn't feel this way
Hardly know you in perspective
But I'm sorry I'm not sorry
It would all make sense if you'd let it
Perhaps I'm a fool
And you're just playing it smart
But to know someone's perfect for you
Isn't that how true love starts?
315 · Oct 2013
The Most Amazing Curse
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I know they hurt you
Cheated, burned, and caged you
I'll be just like them soon
Only with a twist or two
I can't wait to cheat
It won't be fair
When I make you laugh
Even in your darkest despair
Can't wait to burn you alive
With the passion that consumes me
Can't wait to tell you a lie
When you ask if I know what we'll be
Can't wait to make you hurt so much
With a smile to burn your cheeks
For all you'll be wearing it
Every time I dare to speak
Can't wait to cage you up
No freedom in sight
From a loving embrace
Holding you through the night
How many tears you've cried
I will never truly know
How many more will spill the night
I vow to never let you go?
How many lies have been told?
But the truth always hurts worse
You're the most beautiful being I've ever known
Oh how will you live with such a curse?
304 · Oct 2013
Reading Between The Lines
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
            Are the most amazing person I know.
            You take my hand and light my days?
            Leave I would miss you so.
            The one to light my heart ablaze.
            Everything I could ever give.
            To help you learn to live.
274 · Sep 2013
Hard To Forget
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
I feel like you're the girl I never thought I would meet
I've spent years thinking I was being unrealistic but I believed
Now here you come showing me I've spent my entire life settling
And that is something I won't soon be forgetting
257 · Jan 2014
I Have a Dream
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
The first time I kissed you
And looked into your eyes

It wasn't real I knew
Just ghosts in my mind

And when my twelve hours were done
And I got out of bed

I couldn't wait to leave the sun
And fall back into my head
256 · Oct 2013
My Addiction
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Just let me see
I don't need to breathe
A flash of white
A blinding light
Filing rows
Bright it glows
Lips that flow
And down I go
Weak at the knees
Light in the head
Got what I need
But I missed what you said
Cause you took me miles
With those perfect smiles
243 · Oct 2013
All In Hand
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I've got it all in hand
I'm doing all I can
Just follow the plan
I'll show you how to stand
Let's swing this spot light now
Yea we'll put on a show
I've got it all worked out
Just jump and then you'll know
I fall upon deaf ears like a crashing wave
Cause no one hears me shout when they start to cave

I've got it all in hand
The magic of motion
Lead you to dry land
Just feel some emotion
I hit this darkened town
Strobe lights to bring it down
I fill streets with happy tears
To drown out all your fears
I hear the sirens call
But they don't bother me at all
No they don't bother me at all

Don't cry don't cry
Just for tonight
You could say goodbye
If you give up the fight
How would I say
If I had the words
That it'll be ok
Even if it hurts

— The End —