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Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
These winter days are warmer it seems

But you make me think


Maybe it's me
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Seems as though the world was gray
With only your eyes to light the way
Only a hope that they would stay
Do anything if I could find a way

Nothing I think could feel more right
Than what I see in your face so bright
Swallowed by the sadness and beauty of life
Two of a kind we are tonight
We could never again have to fight
Like walking into the tunnel of light
Heaven would envy the beautiful sight
Took our past and loved in spite

No matter who you are or where you've been
The only way is to try again
Head first and eyes closed
Is the only way to fall in love I suppose
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Tired of this gift of sight

Fighting this war for so long

Tired of trying to know what's right

Always knee deep in what's always wrong
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
I put my heart on paper it's true

When I try to explain my sadness with this art

My heart looks so much like you

I just can't write anything dark

So I suppose I want you to know

Though it's too soon for it to show

In so much dark you are the light

So for you I continue the fight
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Sweat soaks our collars
Sons speak with fathers
Mothers wring
Their hands of spring

The temperature is rising
Distant news of fighting
Speak of revolution
Peak of evolution

Matches set to fire
Flames on the bridge grow higher
No retreat
None we need

Voices in the night
Torches quell their fright
So it begins
Road to the end

They watch from their windows
Down the ramparts we assemble
Voices boom
Speak of their doom

Soon we dawn our armor
Soldiers made from farmers
Say goodbye
To this life

Guillotines are raised
But hearts are still ablaze
Filled with hope
We march the *****

Archers man their stations
Swords shake with frustration
Soon we move
To save you

Blades against the evil
Arrows fly with eagles
Walls torn apart
All for your heart

The faces of their generals
Grim against the rebels
Away they fly
Oh they try

Drawbridges have fallen
Wounded they are calling
For a truce
To stop the coup

Don't enter the basement
They will offer any payment
But I know
You're down below

A room made of chains
Heavy with your pain
I cut through
My sword true

A ballad for the ages
Played on all the stages
They remember
That cold December

When a boy became a man
With faith he took a stand
A love for you
Was all he knew
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
What do you do?
What do you do?
When only one can live
And it has to be you

All you can give
If only you knew
What it would take
What you would have to do

Who do you trust
What do they mean
Would you **** if you must?
Can your hands stay clean?
What of humanity?
This is insanity

The countdown begins
The beginning or the end?

Memories are faded
But there was blood and gore
Violence unaided
Who are you anymore?
Lives were traded
Battles evaded
Camps raided
Doors barricaded
Blood cascaded
Light was shaded

Became the animals we were
Machines of death
Never did it occur
As we stole a breath

You and I stand apart
Waiting for the violence to start
All it takes is a little time
A little push, a little crime
And teeth are barred
Claws where hands used to be
You didn't make it far
Not from me

I am the best
You all could see
Last of the rest
Last to breathe
But I never was the same
I still see so much red
I know it was just a game
Still I feel the dread
Killed countless names
But it is I that is truly dead
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Sometimes I want to tell the truth
Blurt it out to see what you would do
But that scares me, very much so
What would you do if you were to know

Maybe that's why I use these poems
So I can speak to you, subtly so
Maybe I'm content to ride this hope
Never have to hear you say no

I care for you I truly do
If you knew you might care too
I think you are perfect, flawless, I do
But I know it's not entirely true

I know you have some problems inside
You try to run and hide
I know you're hurt, pain on your face
I know it won't disappear with my embrace
I know I must be patient
To hope to make a dent

But I also know one day
It will all fade away
So I will wait
To say what I need to say
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