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As they dance around the room
to a tune they love to swoon.
An elephant moves into the room
too separate them from the earth to the moon.
#tweetpoems (will add a new one every Thursday)
As it rolls from place to place,
It picks up trace,
From every place.

As the trace piles up,
It slows to a crawl,
Where everyone piles on.

As the pile grows,
The bodies start to drop,
‘Til there’s only one on.

It starts to draw her near,
The one he finds so dear.

‘Til the point where it stops rolling,
And all becomes clear,
You found the person for you to call dear.
And red.

These are the colors,
I turn when I am dead.

And laughing.

This is what I hear,
From my friends.

And turning.

Is what happens to me,
When I fall from the tree.


Is what I feel,
When I have reached,
My last resting place,
For me to sleep.
Today I had another fight with you,
I’ll be *******,
‘Til the day is new,
When the sun shines through,
The window that you’re looking through.

I say hi to you,
And bye to you,
And all I get is a nod from you.

I ask you for help,
And help you when you ask,
But all I get is the glare,
That cuts right through me,
While I sit there in that class.

I try to apologize for my acts,
But I get pushed back,
So what will it take,
To remove this stake,
That is driven between us.
And moving from place to place.

A gray wall is coming to make your day,
And gray.

As the rain runs down the sewer drain,
You watch your sorrows,
Wash away.

And light,
Shows you that there might be,
A purpose in life.

And moving from place to place,
As you watch the storm move away,
To reveal another beautiful day.
The sun rises in the East,
And sets in the West,
And while it is in the sky,
Life goes on.

A man walks to the store.

A woman drives to work,
And back again.

The sun rises in the East,
And sets in the West,
And the sun goes out like a light,
To make it night.
And blue,
Make up the colors of me and you.

And white,
Are the colors that just might,
Bring you fear at night.

So close your eyes,
And your petals too,
And hope you will still be standing,
When the black turns blue.

So as you start,
To open your bloom,
A hand comes down to collect you.

So now you will never know,
The feel of that white light,
On the petals of your flower,
Because you are stuck in a glass,
That becomes your prison ‘til death.
Today is the day,
The day when you wake up and notice,
That the person sleeping next to you is the person you want.

You want to live with,
Die with,
And create a life with that you can be proud of.

Yet a you look next to you,
The person in the bed seems so far away,
Because you ****** up while they were away.

So as you try to put your relationship back together,
You end up loosing them,
To the void of friendship that can't be crossed,
Because your ship isn't strong enough to make it,
To the one you love unless they meet you half way,
So you sit floating in the void waiting,
And waiting,
Until they show.
The beat of a heart keeps the world going.
So when the heart stops,
So does the world in which you live.

But the world goes on.

The beat of a heart keeps people together.
So when people break apart,
The world at which they knew does too.

But the world goes on.

The beat of a heart keeps the mind together.
So when the heart breaks,
The mind breaks too.

But the world goes on.

The beat of the heart makes it hard to make decisions.
So when your mind makes a decision,
Your heart makes a different one.

But the world goes on.

So if everyone follows his or her heart,
And then all their hearts stop.
Will the world go on?
When you pull a string,
It stretches.

As you keep pulling,
It gets longer and longer.

'Til The string can't take anymore,
And breaks.

Sending each end flying,
In opposite directions.

As you stand there,
Looking at the two pieces on the floor,
You decide to pick them up,
And tie them back together.

In hopes to stretch,
The string all over again,
'Til it breaks.
As the room sits still,
It starts to move,
Spinning faster and faster.

As it starts to tilt,
From side to side,
And morph,
From one room into another.

'Til it stops,
And your staring at the ceiling,
Wondering why,
You died the night you felt alive.
Unable to stop it,
Unable to catch it,
Nobody has gone back in it,
And nobody has bent it.

It just keeps moving,
Things keep changing,
And nothing makes sense.

So why do thing live,
When it takes your life away?

Why do people care,
What time it is during the day?

When we live for such a short time,
On this Earth we call home.
Today is the day
My heart died,
My head sunk.

The day when,
Life became hard,
And friendships became complicated.

Do to the love,
That we shared,
From year to year.

As lovers become friends,
And friends start to separate,
As our lives start to trace,
Their own separate paths.
1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start walking down this path.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You see the fork you must pass.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start walking down the wrong path.

1 step forward,
2 steps back,
You start back down those long steps.

That led you back,
To the place you tried to forget.
Only thing faster than the light,
Is the night.

The only thing faster than the night,
Is the mind.

The only thing faster than that,
Are the hopes and dreams,
That everyone has set,
In hopes to move forward,
In the life that they’ve led.

But because the night is faster than the light,
And the light is faster than the day,
Nobody is able to catch,
The hopes and dreams in which they set.
I broke the computer you were saving for college.
Forgive me. I was drunk,
And I wanted to see if it would fly.
They sicken everyone,
Who comes in contact with them.

They spread like wildfire,
That can’t be doused.

And the only thing that stops them,
Is the body,
In which hosts them.

But the world has a problem,
With a virus,
That can’t be stopped.

It affects everyone,
No matter how smart.

It kills more people,
Then guns and wars.

But it is never the answer,
To why things happen,
Because stupidity is the virus,
Which nobody cares to acknowledge.
I sit waiting for her at the door.

I wait for a text ‘til it’s late

I see her walking through the door.

I asked her on a date.

She walks back out through the door.

I have died here on the floor,
Before I could walk her out,
Through the door.
Day by Day,
I sit waiting,
For the perfect one to come.

I see her everyday,
But I still can’t touch her.

She lives next to me,
She flirts with me,
I think?

But she is still out of reach.
So I wait.

I see her walking down the halls,
She’s in my classes,
And she sits where I can see her.

She sits next to me in band,
She flirts with me,
I  guess?

But she talks to all the guys that way.
So I wait.

Now I have a problem!
I like them both,
And I don’t know which one to choose.

What do I do?!
Do I ask them if they like me?
Do I ask one on a date?

I am not sure!
I am confused!!!!

So I sit waiting,
Day by Day.
Two by two,
They walk through the door.

Moving from left to right,
And across the room.

To a wall,
By which they stood,
In hopes to see the light,
By which they hope to follow.
Wall one is weak,
So when someone breaks it,
Not much harm is done.

Wall two is solid,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel the blow.

Wall three is strong,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel pain.

Wall four is stronger yet,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel anger.

Wall fives is the strongest,
So when someone breaks it,
You feel the depression of having to rebuild.

After the fifth wall,
Come the most fragile thing to all man kind,
Yours emotions.

Where some people seem to get to,
Through the back door,
That we all know is there,
But dont want to admit.

Allowing the person to control,
The emotions you feel,
Leaving you wondering,
Blindly through the dark depths of your mind.
Is it the Love,
That fallows your heart,
Or is it the love that fallows your “head”.

Is it the Injustice,
That rules over the justice system,
That we have confidence in.

Is it the Fees,
That we pay,
For everything we do or say.

Is it the Energy,
That you put out to change the world,
In which you live.

LIFE is none of the above,
It is the study of who you are,
Who you want to be,
And what you have become,
In the time you have left on earth.
Little by little,
It moves down the line,
One person at a time.

Each person adds a little,
‘Til it has grown,
Into a lie,

A lie nobody can handle,
And nobody will try.

As you try to end the lie,
You tell the truth,
Which doesn’t thrive.

So you tell another lie,
And another lie,
‘Til you finally die,
Which puts the lie,
In the box,
In which you lie.
Why does it hurt,
When I try?

Why does it hurt,
When they dont?

Why does it hurt,
When I give oppinions?

Why does it hurt,
When they dont?

Maybe there's an answer that fits it all.
Maybe there's not.

So why do I keep searching,
For an answer that will never come,
In this life of mine.

— The End —