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734 · Nov 2011
She's waiting for me across the river
Each day I row closer towards her
Dreaming of the day that we'll be together
My pace quickens after every wave threatens to knock me over 

Beneath me the river grows violent 
The waters begin to fill my canoe
And I see the mistress begin to fade
The warm river embraces me

I wake up upon the sand
The island is quiet
I look and I am surrounded by an ocean
No mistress to be seen
Just an ocean
My ocean
669 · Jan 2012
Angels and Demons
We are all just Angels that fell from the heavens
Angels trying to rescue Demons in this hell
634 · Nov 2011
The Queen and Her Slave
She closed the eyes of a serpent
After she kissed it's venom
She's nobody's working servant
She'll be running her own kingdom
Take her hand and you'll be begging
For your grip to come undone
Read these words until the ending
You'll see the wrongs of my son

She took away the voice I once knew
And kissed the lips on her that were true
She broke another window here
I'm losing faith in my fear

With every breath that she takes
I'll be lying here awake
Until I see that door open
Oh mother keep it closed
With every breath that she takes
I'll be lying here awake
Until I see that door open
Oh mother keep it closed

She walks with my heartbeat
She makes my mind retreat
She's not another voice
She has my mind in two
I don't have another choice
Im finally breaking through 

I work around the village
As I break another soul
She waits for me to pillage
I'm nothing but her troll
433 · Nov 2011
Silence (My Muse)
I waited for her in the dark
When I could have turned on a light
I denied more than one morning
I preferred her company of the night 

The feeling of her touch
It brought a wave of euphoria 
And the sight of her smile
It reminded me of the marigolds 

Her voice brought the winds upon me
Winter came and brought sweet joy
The valleys were warm with blankets of ice
And caressed with flakes of snow

There is one sound that bothers me now
A noise she spoke once before


The world stops...

The seasons die....

Her voice is no longer here
And the snow has left us
All that is seen is her eyes 
They tell me that I cannot hear her
And that I cannot speak to her

She was my night 
She was my day
She was my light
She was my clay
She was my fuse
She is still 
My muse
349 · Oct 2012
The Rock
I feel that my mistakes have labeled me for life
The risks are high, but never impossible
I lose oxygen in the outer reaches of these choices
With no regrets except one

A mountain I cannot scale stands before me
I've climbed it so many times before
My hands are callused with my repeat failures 
And yet, I continue to climb
With every pore on my body dripping sweat I continue my venture 
only to hit the peak and fall again

I find myself wanting to quit this time
I look at the stubborn rock without laying a hand upon it
I think of every route I can take
Every dangerous leap, every step, but it all means nothing
Because for the first time... I feel something

I Feel Fear

— The End —