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1.5k · Jan 2011
A Justification
Matt Wojo Jan 2011
Fairness: could, should, did -- retaliate
947 · Mar 2011
Matt Wojo Mar 2011
I walk between content and happy
confused and bewildered
no complaint
why should I continue
a subtle smirk, a fake laugh
lie about my state
but my blood stands still
and I yearn for a thrill
and a day of genuinely happy
839 · Mar 2011
Hold Your Breath
Matt Wojo Mar 2011
'til your eyes catch me
if but briefly
I could feel your hold
that enticing charm,
but you exhaled
and I .. I on my way
658 · Mar 2011
Matt Wojo Mar 2011
gentle lips give a sharp kiss
soft skin slides like scales
my dream girl hides deep scars
what can i save her from

a surgeon would distress
seeing the fracture of her soul
bute where else can I run
with my own darkness behind
644 · Apr 2011
perfect little world
Matt Wojo Apr 2011
I was eight playing Supermario
but every time I failed, every time I lost a life
I would flick it off and on
I had to win perfectly
so I could never get passed level three
except one time I did
the game became so unfamiliar
that I flicked it off and on

— The End —