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2.3k · Mar 2013
Matt Hollinshead Mar 2013
The sand within this holy hourglass does record the unrequested gift.
  Mankind’s mortality contained within transparent boundaries
that fool fresh minds with the fancies of freedom and yet,
like the sand, force us all towards a similar fate.

As Newton’s law prevails I contemplate:
those futures forever out of reach,
isolated by that invisible divide.
Our purpose predetermined.

We only live once,
no more.
soon to be no more.

Can I fall through the floor?
Can I ascend when tables turn?
Can I escape through fractures made?
Can I exist forever in the space in-between?

My cries are inaudible through the glass unseen.
I hear the gentle waves of home – white sandy beaches.
My younger years sink into the haunting heap of my history:
incontestable like the gravity that fuels this wholly natural process.
559 · Dec 2013
River Crossing
Matt Hollinshead Dec 2013
I ventured to the Ocean’s source,
The crystal-crossing gently waved me through.
I was enticed, yet further, by a native force,
Until my skin had shed it’s rosy hue.

I travelled deeper into this icy state,
Whilst the border guards erased all trace of me,
I lost sight of the crystal-crossing gate,
And continued towards eternity.

— The End —