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Matt dos Santos Jul 2013
Rattling down below
Meal dropped off the table
Hand at the cross
Visible black eye
Instant formation

What have I done...


There can't be time
Matt dos Santos Jul 2013
"They say that every day's a struggle and it takes time
But do they, do they have a clue?
How do I, do I tell the truth from a lie now?
They're trying to say hello, it's goodbye tomorrow
Just put a little **** in the bowl..and you'll be all right!
You'll be alright."

It is no means to an end
But I roll one up again
My blanket from pain, fear, mistrust
The rain pounding on my windshield
As it fogs from the breath

They don't know, how could they
And if they did what would change?
I'm too broken to fix
You couldn't even pick up the pieces

I wear my facade so well
A cover in this masquerade
Aimlessly meandering amongst the crowd
Avoiding eye contact and human interaction

Don't get attached, this ship is sinking
It's sprung a leak, and is now ever growing
One day a smile, a "good morning" hello
The next, in line, in all black to see the show.
Intro is lyrics from "They Say" by The Internet
Matt dos Santos Jul 2013
They see the "cat scratches"
They see the bracelets
They see the long sleeves
I see the pain

They see an outcast
They see an "at risk" boy
They see a quiet child
I know the sadness

They see an airhead
They see red eyes
They see the lighter
I sense the fear

You are not alone
They just don't care
And can't tell what's burning inside
Like I do
Matt dos Santos Jul 2013
It's a sad thing to say
That there isn't a day
Where a happy thought crosses my mind

My poems are dreary
I cannot think clearly
So I just keep on with this grind

In the nights I don't sleep
I've tried counting sheep
My emotions, it seems have gone blind
Matt dos Santos Jul 2013
I am tall yet barely standing
I am layered, built from the bottom up
Time and people are taking a toll on me
I have no feelings, cold and emotionless
I am constantly hit, kicked, slapped and yelled at
I am very close to collapsing

Who am I?
I am a wall... Me
Matt dos Santos Jul 2013
I lose days like the second sock in the wash
Obligations non existent
A winter wonderland after every paycheck
No family
No Friends
No feeling
No ties
Except around my arm
White lines cut with white lies
A knock at the door
Stay awhile and dance(save) with me?
Matt dos Santos Jul 2013
Smile that melts from the inside out
Voice sings so sweet to make you dance about
Hair with beauty, short or long
So smart and bright she can't be wrong

You shine all through the day and night
With thoughts of you I will sleep tight
I hope we end up with each other
For then I'll never desire another
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