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Matloob Bokhari Sep 2014
Matloob Bokhari

Come, aye Come!
O the beauty of heaven!
Night in richly coloured dress is welcoming, come!
O the glory of stars!
Night stars like diamonds are welcoming, come!
O the ornament of moon!
In your absence, bright moon is welcoming,
O the queen of sky!
Scented air in night freshness is welcoming, come!
O the north polar star!
Moth orbiting around light has utterly consumed
Without form or body, is a part of beauty, come!
O the queen of light!
Carol of birds is playing melody sweet in tune.
My heart beating; cold callous gale started blowing.
Night has rolled hours away; moist has dampened my heart.
Come, aye come!!


Kristen Scott: I love this very VERY much.  This is hauntingly beautiful and  each word of the poem is flowing in my  veins  like the poetry of my favorit  poet, Federico Garcia Lorca..
Vern Ford : I can almost hear Buffy Saint Marie singing your absolutely breathtaking poems!
Laura Oliva Palacio:  Magnifique voila!!!! What a beautiful poem! With simple words, but of great significance make one clearly perceived the sweet and sensitive young hearts have inspiration in the bright universe of love and the infinite .. Thank you so much for sharing  Matloob !!!
Laura Grillo Laveglia: I love your poem. It is written in Edwardian style and this I adore!!!
Neil Perry :Refreshing and magical.

Gary Leikas: ahhhh . . . . mesmerizing music and thought . .
Kevin M. Hibshman : Amazingly beautiful...
Matloob Bokhari Sep 2014
Matloob Bokhari

In a fortified city –land of social divide,
Where lordly rulers, sadly greedy reside.
I saw a girl, searching a scrap of food.
Hunger poured out from her innocent face.
Pain and poverty had silenced her smile.
On my question, stammering, she replied;
“In poverty, I am walking on thorns of life;
Parent without shelter, pass nights in a tent
And days of sorrow in the shadow of tree.”
Listening this, my eyes wept with tears.
Kissing her ***** and tired hands, I said:
“Love you, my poor girl; your story is so sad.”
Looking at me, my Murshud smilingly said,
“O created for Eternal Bliss, Give and will be given,
True joy in life is to share a slice of bread
Live a simple life; so others may simply live.”


Kristen Scott:  Poignant, heartfelt, and an awakening against female brutality ~ well-done my friend, Kristen
  Gary Leikas: Really lovely, tender and compassionate poem !! Poverty is more sad if that comes from the poor spirit. Love is pure gold !! Love is the only one that we have a real treasure . A beautiful  piece.
Matloob Bokhari Sep 2014
Let us sit on the grass
And smoke the pipe of peace.
Let us go in the dark, silent alley
And light a lamp with gentle  smiles.
Let us walk on the sand of Karbala
And conquer hate with  love.
Let us learn  from  sparrow and nightingale
Sit in chapel , sing in mosque, stay  in mandar
The world is a sweet smelling  rose,
Why to  fill it with bombs and blasts?
Matloob Bokhari Sep 2014

O the lowest low of my nation
O thousands locked up unjustly
O the poor with  empty stomachs
O sleepers of long, lonely, helpless night
Here  is no food, ignorance is everywhere
Here money, power, status are ruling
Come out singing “Freedom, freedom”
Let us break the unkind  laws
Let us bend the iron bars
Let us destroy the stone walls
Let us see not destination
Let us cry freedom,our freedom
Let us welcome the  rising sun
Matloob Bokhari Sep 2014

Let the whole world know it,
I love you madly!
You are not here,
But you are with me!
When I sleep, you are in my dream!
When I am alone , you are my company!
I can touch you, kiss you!
Amidst flowers, I embrace you!
You are in  the tender rose ,  
You are in the perfume of  breeze,
You are in the tales of love songs,
You are in the glass of wine,
It is not full moon, but your  face,
Eternal is our love, my friend!
We will depart, but our love will never die!
Unless  we  say  goodbye.
I am insane, let the sanes   laugh at me!!

Tami Lee W This is a very passionate & powerful poem, filled with such deep emotions. Enjoyable.
Matloob Bokhari Sep 2014
O MY Baby! LET ME SAY This!

O MY Baby! LET ME SAY This!
Matloob Bokhari

You are a dream in dream, so divine!
You are a recently sprung red rose, so fair!
You are a melody of love, so sweet!
You are a candle of hope, so bright!
You are a pearl of foaming arc, so fantastic!
You are a friend in darkness, so true!
You are peace and happiness, so soothing!
You are deep in my heart, so deep!
You are wine cocktailed with water, so yummy!
You are warm breeze, soft sunshine, so serene!
You are murmuring voice of midnight water, so sonorous!
You are dance on streams of sunbeams, so glorious!
You are  cold water needed by wanderer  of a desert, so blessed!
O baby, O my beautiful baby!
O my baby! Let me say this!
Those who know love, they know,
Love is a key to unlock the gate of Eden.
Matloob Bokhari Sep 2014
I AM Lost When I Leave YOU
Matloob Bokhari
O fountain of my life
O my ever present companion
You are sitting in the deepest depth of my heart
You are joy of my life; you are life of my life
The garden of flowers grows radiant in your presence
My heart pulsates with unspeakable joy to see you
I adore you with my heart,  soul and mind
I wake up with your name on my lips
I sleep with your thought at night
You are my all in all, my sweet friend
We are from age to age together
We are from endless time together
I am lost When I leave you
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