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Masoom Rahman Oct 2013
Surrounded by so many, yet I still feel so alone.

These tears I cry for you, yet no one knows.

My heart cries out to you, but you’ll never know.

I’m waiting for the day till your all my own.

I long for you, all my life, all alone.
Masoom Rahman Oct 2013
My heart aches for the pain that I’ve lost.

If only I could feel this pain some more.

This horrid separation at a dire loss.

Please show your face and prove this love pure
Masoom Rahman Oct 2013
**** the fireworks in the sky. I rather see the fireworks in your eyes.
Masoom Rahman Oct 2013
Call you over to my house.

Take you by the hand.

Walk you to my room.

Close the door behind us.

Spin you around to face me.

Kiss you in your surprise.

Fallow with a few more.

Pull your head back.

Bite-kiss you on the neck.

Go back to kissing you.

Leave you breathless and gasping.

Pin you to the bed.

Hold your hands above your head.

Let you catch your breath for a second.

Then we enter the blur.

Come out exhausted, speechless, and panting.

Clothes all over the floor.

Take a drink of ice cold water.

And do it again.
Masoom Rahman Oct 2013
*** is a ******* drug, and I’m having ******* withdrawals.
Masoom Rahman Oct 2013
So close I can see you, but you’re behind the ******* glass.
Masoom Rahman Oct 2013
So many lovers that want me, but I’m nowhere near the lover I want.
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