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Jul 2013 · 3.5k
MasikaniCrocodile update
"Teej" Julie Teasdale  aka MasikaniCrocodile aka Crocodile of Happiness has taken her life after suffering from bipolar disorder. She was 27. She's home with Jesus now, God I miss her.

All her HP family are invited to the service Sunday night at 1897 Little Snowbird RD Robbinsville NC 28771. I would love to give and receive hugs from any of you who were touched by her poetry. Trust me, she was the most beautiful, kind, sincere, meek person you could ever know. She was my best friend since the day I was born and my heart is shredded on my knees crying Lord, Lord.
You can see pics and get some more of her writing at her facebook page:

-Robbie Teasdale
"Teej" Julie Teasdale  aka MasikaniCrocodile aka Crocodile of Happiness has taken her life after suffering from bipolar disorder. She was 27. She's home with Jesus now, God I miss her.

All her HP family are invited to the service Sunday night at 1897 Little Snowbird RD Robbinsville NC 28771. I would love to give and receive hugs from any of you who were touched by her poetry. Trust me, she was the most beautiful, kind, sincere, meek person you could ever know. She was my best friend since the day I was born and my heart is shredded on my knees crying Lord, Lord.
You can see pics and get some more of her writing at her facebook page:

-Robbie Teasdale
Jul 2013 · 4.9k
elephant grass
what do i have to say
to keep the zebra stripes
from falling off and leaving only white?

what do i have to do
to keep the herd of restless rhino
from stampeding you?

what do i have to be
to get the giraffe to come and eat
from our acacia tree?

peace is less than me
and more than you
but we are almost free
Jul 2013 · 1.7k
psalm 74
a turtledove being
attacked by wild
beasts doesn't wait
to cry

out for help
or for You
nor do I
all I ask

for is You
to fight for
me since I
seem to be

too weak; You
and I have
been here before;
I have not

Jun 2013 · 2.2k
never knew you
except from
far away

never loved you
except from
far away

except for
in poems and colors

you know

i never wanted to give
you anything more
than what you wanted.

tonight i was thinking
if the moon were one
of the eyes of God

would it rain every night,
or some nights shine so bright
that even the sleepiest birds

couldn't help singing?
i know
you remember.

dear india,
just one

if you're gone, which you are,
and i'm gone, which i am,
gone like refugees,

why do you
keep showing up
in my dreams?
Jun 2013 · 1.6k
Wailing Wall
I was trying
to say that
the ocean and

the night sky
are two of
my closest friends

that we are
called to be
two of the

dreamers, of
those on the
paths of silence

who often find
themselves with hands
and heads pressed

up against the
wailing walls of
a world where

man has power
over man to
his hurt.

Yet Love waits
like a pool
of stars on

the ocean’s face
waiting for us
to step into

it; friend,
I was trying

to say:
Christ never leaves
me orphan nor

Jun 2013 · 1.3k
the moon-stars

i wish
i could

p.s. you know?
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
just another path
walking up the cold creek
thinking about the broken
branches that fall into

the water of the world,
thinking about the
poisons that pollute

the water of the world,
thinking about the
curses that make us

fall and drown and yet
today i have to say
the birds still sing

so beautifully i'm so thankful
for the brothers
and the friends
and the family

and i can say
well, bird, well,
hello, you,

many thanks
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Seaside Road
there's a lot
of love out
waiting to be


a lot of
fires waiting to
be lit lord

your kingdom come

in my island
in my desert
in my city
in my family
in my friend
in me

there's a lot
of silence waiting
to be heard

sleep to sleep
in peace and

there's a lot
of love

to be

who god bless
no one curse
things that keep us hanging in there
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Pain holds my hand and won't let go,
I blister at his touch, walk weeping
by his side and wake to his embrace.
Pain holds my hand.

Pain holds my hand and won't let go,
I weep beside the river, step into its waters
begging for relief, Pain looks on, he
holds my hand.

From blisters ooze our blood and plasma,
down our hands, onto our feet. Pain says
to me: Do you wish now to escape?  I know
not what to say.  Mute, I hold his hand.

Pain holds my hand, he never lets me go.
I writhe and weep and finally look
into his bloodshot eyes; for he is weeping too,
Pain holds my hand, he weeps for me.

We walk three days through deserts dry,
Pain holds my hand.  From my blood he draws
the poisons of my sins.  Pain holds my hand,
he weeps for me.
Jun 2013 · 989
A Welcome Poem
dear saint broken heart
i'm glad you're here
it's been a rough few weeks
between the cancer and the ward,
his dead brother and us losing
each other, less than nothing
i can do but it helps to have you here
your beautiful silence
your saint brokenness
on my shoulder

dear saint bro
we'll be okay

you won't be so scared
and i won't be so blue
i'll be chirping
i'll be dancing
i'll be trying something new


you've always cried
with me you've always
been my dear my only
saint broken hearted birdy boy
to an old brother and a new parakeet
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
Half Mast
please be patient with me my brother
cause this is what the crash looks like
i flew so high i knew the sky
was my friend
and now i can't get more than half awake
these drugs got me in a zombie state
the asylum didn't help and all this heartbreak
isn't helping and i know you'll understand,
i'll feel better someday

but i don't yet

a fire always burns beautiful
but whether it keeps you warm or scorches you
depends on whether it's your home
that's burning into
only ashes left
i wish i had the will to play
i wish that i had more to say
but please be patient
cause i don't yet

i don't yet
i don't yet
i know we haven't seen the end yet
so i promise to hold on, hold on, hold on,
i've never been one
to give up on
something as beautiful as you
i know time heals but i beg you to understand
why only sleep feels real today
i wish i had the strength to limp
i wish i had the strength to speak
but i don't yet
not yet

beg the weeping
heavens for me
please don't let it rain like this for too long
unless this rain means new beginnings
i can't see if it does or not

not yet
not yet
not yet

i'm so sorry for these howling cries
but this is what the crash sounds like
jesus jesus jesus
are you weeping
with me? you emptied
yourself and nobody
understood and unlike
me you were perfect,
you were patient,
as everyone betrayed,
as everyone walked away.
i haven't resisted to the point of death, i won't
till you call me home which i know is
not yet
not yet
not yet

amin abba amin
i belong to you
you won't let me go
not yet
not yet
not ever

amin abba amin
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
jesus cry
i told bunkle,
if dostoyevsky's right
that the person

god trusts is
the one to
whom he gives

a lot of
pain, think he
trusted us too

much this time,
he said well
we gotta trust

him he knows
what he's going
to do with

all of this
i looked down
at my sweatpants

someone other than
me and none other
than me had

written you say
you have faith,
where is it?

save Your people me
god, i don't
have much left

but bruises today,
it hurts to
wake up it

hurts to try
to sleep it
hurts to think
never wanted to hurt you, just wanted to heal you
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
this is a
song for the
brothers who survived
too much and
too many and
too long ago

it was written
what was written
this was written

what does it
mean to face
reality and accept--




hope some forgiving
some company all
of us need
to quiet the
mind and turn

up the music
take it easy
this is home

find the truth
of a truth
in a sea

of chaos, all
love is art
you are art

the world is
art and god
the ultimate

May 2013 · 1.7k
mice and fire manifesto
how lonely sits
the city says

guess this mouse has what you americans call post traumatic
stress disorder,
think of it more like
a path for the

one where eyes are finally forced away
from the works of hands
by the knock knock
knocking on
heaven's door,
everybody's saying,
hodi hapa? something's
wrong if no one's answering; tonight.

my neighbor whose
name is eej (for
real) came to
the hut with
his friend.

i said do you
have siblings
he said
i did


said i

you are living
my worst nightmare
one thing about an african

childhood, they say fatalism, you say you
would think about death too
and who knows

what you'd

tonight by the bagel van i said bunkle
i gotta problem
what's your problem said he
well i think i'm not wearing enough colors
no said he you're missing a bright splash in the orange red family

who knows what we all look like
inside the infinite space
of our souls

wonder if
blue means purity or
green means beauty
or red means strength
or love
or love

we all look
pretty much
the same asleep

hatred doesn't look
different in one
eye or another

but why does
it have to
be in the
eyes of

this mouse has
been asking


the cruelty


(you always did care for me yeah
you always did share with me yeah)

you always make me laugh, still

the book of jonah makes me
think of sea legs
and just everything,
you know all
the palm trees
huts, nonvoices
of our lives

the blessings rain down
an ocean sunsetting
on an Ocean sky.


be strong the
good kind of



just be
(this is real 
hope: in the
searing agony
of human
the fire of
your love
is burning)

psalm 107
May 2013 · 809
my dear fire
am empty until         you fill me
am broken until        you heal me
am lost until               you find me
psalm 103
dear lord i
want to do
things i will

not regret eternally
i sleep in
your hammock love

i am no

longer in


but rather waking
to the silence
of my hut

to the how-are-you-this-mornings
of the secret friend
and friends


each other as
the semis roar
by on the

highway headed for
nyc or maybe

dear lord thank
you for life
for this hut

for this blanket
please wrap your
grace around those

who are doing
without wrap it
around me that

i may wrap
it around others
heal us and

we'll be healed
save us and
we'll be saved
May 2013 · 1.3k
postcard to roatan
guess what

i built an ecovillage thirty feet from the highway
pi planted 3 bamboo today
you gotta see it all

i know you will
it has you all over it

i love you
no more internet for me for awhile
p.s. baby mice in the house of mouse
p.s. in the mole hole internet cafe
p.s. lover of the light, mumford
if you think
i’m talking
to you

i guess
i am

i'm just talking
to myself

or my brother


you tell me
music and art,

it doesn't have a price
i should give it away

use it for the freedom
of us all   -julia stone
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
once you meet him
you will always miss him
and want to share a fire
Apr 2013 · 1.8k
rice cream
cook rice

add plenty

add cookies and cream
or any ice cream

mix it up
also: potatoes, sriracha, mustard, ranch
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
so i've been thinking
don't tell anybody
where we're going
and don't worry
about anything
baby that
will eat
up the tsunamis like
ice cream sandwiches
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
st. francis hurricanes
minds crazy
again confusing


for broken bones,
all night we ask

for help, who
comes?  you

sway to bird
and saxaphone

rejoice at


escapee, we
tried to give you

of reasons

not to love us unconditionally
but you love us unconditionally

so we sleep
in the hand
of the sky
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
it's orphan prayers
it's not that
you claim it

rather it
claims you

it's not the box
on a customs checklist

it's the island
calling you home
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
bean pod
we're god's babies.
i'm saying


it's me again
with more pain.


gives me a cup of chai
faces me
Apr 2013 · 963
the devil just called
he's coming over

he said he'll bring
the carbon monoxide

because he
hates people

waking up
Carbon monoxide is colourless, odorless, and tasteless, but highly toxic. -Wiki
Apr 2013 · 786
there's a lot
of different


island english
hood english
mountain english


some carry
many englishes
in their heads

english belongs
to everybody

for that
on this bright

when all of
my englishes,
in one english

or another,
are all

Apr 2013 · 982
even in the brave new world
has the right
to be

to make choices
to take a stand
to think

to work for their
own reasons

to value
what they value

to believe
what they believe

everyone has the right
to a life of the body

and a life
of the spirit

even if the crowd
says they don't

even if the government
says they don't

i'll dance in the streets,
cry in them, saying

who god bless
no man curse
Apr 2013 · 2.5k
Crocodile Tears
i want you to know
that every time i see you

i see more of god's work in your life
his love in your eyes

baby we've been crying
these crocodile tears

and everyone said oh
those are just crocodile tears

but i know where i've been
and what you've seen

we were sitting cross legged
quiet and together

in the jungle
when the jungle started praying

started saying
oh crocodile tears

man of sorrows
walk this path with you

i don't know much of anything
i'm just a crocodile

crying prison chains
crying freedom songs

in a world
full of crocodiles

lean on my shoulder crocodile
crocodile let's go home
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
sleepwalking music
just like you
could feel my fever
when it broke

i could feel
your fever
when it broke

i wept
like the ocean
for a few nights

you told me
to tell you
the truth

what i'm
craving too

we're far
but i hear
your consciousness tonight

these bodies are broken down boats
our souls though
are still being

bamboo bean.
Apr 2013 · 828
gulf beach (10w)
in salt


to trip, from trip
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
urban hammock
i just can't stay
in babylon
all the time
i got to get out or i
which world
is real
i have to sit
in the hut
on my own
crossed legs
i got to light
a candle
beat a drum
or just listen
to the music
of the jungle bird
gandhi's standing
on my head
there's always room
for one more
in africa
and heaven
Apr 2013 · 1.8k
every life is unique and connected

no one understands
all or even
most of
human existence

sometimes you need

sometimes god really
does cut you
a break

sometimes idols crack
asking whom do i serve
when i try to create
a little celebrity
out of a soul which is
too precious
to be reduced to numbers
what is a world
whose creatures
hide inside machines
fear of humans
is enough of
a prison
fear of thoughts
they probably aren't even thinking

but who knows
in this world
at least the brothers tell the truth

whom shall i fear and what

control is an illusion
when the tsunami
almost comes
i see we all
must go to
the calling

like you taught me
if you're going to believe something
believe it

everyone has to come out
about something, i had
to come out about cannabis

it's true there's two sides to everything
if i judge you
i condemn myself

i don't know
where those tears
have been

rhino pi and i by the fireplace tonight
rhino gives me his soft stripe sweatshirt
purple black white red i say i'll wear it
and think of you all over the world
and bring it back full of
stories and
mice and

i was writing into the abyss
when i was in the abyss,
when the abyss
was me,
no longer

who jesus bless no man curse

born again
into a rhythm of
waves and reggae

hey hey hey
it's you
i've been waiting for

no one remembers the reunions
of those who came before,
what they did or them at all

except the Creator

who transcends lies and clocks
who creates in wisdom acacias and watermelons and whales
who keeps our tears in his bottles

i bow my head at the door of his hut
i stand by the light of his fire
my bread i accept from his hand
Apr 2013 · 2.3k
tadpole (10w)
please help
us fragile
human creatures
to remember
our dreams
the ones you gave us
Apr 2013 · 670
goodwin (10w)
the purpose
of a home
is to give
you are shelter
Apr 2013 · 647
because god's (10w)
                                               that's why i can never seem to totally despair
if you


and you

clamp your hams
just clamp 'em baby
just clamp those hams
Apr 2013 · 933
Psalm 107
i feel much safer with animals
than people, i tend
to close off
when i'm scared
of crowds
another human being
what's going to happen
in an encounter
that is real
and somewhere along the deathbeds
i forgot any other way to be
i guess it is the unreal i'm afraid of

life seems long, it's not
real or nothing
that's all i can survive
silence i can do
but true
not the silence
with lies

denial cannot keep death away
and in the meantime
suffocates life
god has gotten this
longtime prodigal-thief,
petri dish
of strange
and deadly
ready to be

ready to be part of a revolution
of values, a conversation
of justice, a
of peace

and fear-of-failing
have broken my legs and back and neck
for long enough,
i do everything
i will fail

and that's okay
because you know
this really is not about me,
not at all

i'm ready to be happily lost
in the jungle of life
because i am
happily found
for bamboo croc.

does not


death does
Apr 2013 · 690
Wouldn't Change It (10w)

we have always
been the crocodile
twins of tears
a 2-for-1 deal baby.



efore   i



before you were born i set you apart
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
Mice In The Shed
don't be alone
we have all fallen
through the broken bridge's cracks

don't be alone
the worth of our souls
is equal

don't be alone
we are spiritual siblings
sharing this nest of ripped up newspapers

don't be alone
we are all mice
in the shed of god;=n
i used to think
that in order to think
i would have to stop

i used to think
that in order to believe
i would have to stop

but really
i just needed
to let myself be
honest and loved
for bamboo bean
god would rather
have a you
that fails
than no you
at all
so i

like jasmine's comment
on facebook, when you can't
have hope, hold on to the hope
others hold for you

like desmond tutu
says, you know?
god says to you,
i don't have
anybody else!
except you!

god would rather
have a you
that fails
so i
for bamboo bean
Mar 2013 · 667
Manic Depression (10w)
there is a

to be

and be
both have meaning
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
As Pi Would Say (10w)
'best friday



we all
Mar 2013 · 977
My Mouth Is Full Of Silence
my mouth is full of silence
it runs down my neck
and hides inside my shirt

i walk the ruins and find my words
tied to train tracks, try though
i might i cannot free them

the city drags me to the river’s edge
i want to weave a raft of words
but my mouth is full of silence

the city too is full of silence
choking suits and skyscrapers
only words are sharp enough scalpels

for the tracheotomy but the world is full
of silence and my mouth is full
of silence until you

open yours
and say

mine, too
Mar 2013 · 1.7k
Funny Scars
i'm 9 in nairobi
playing foosball with a masai man
whose lip and earlobe
(both well-stretched)
bounce against his face,
he hangs lip over nose,
ears over ears,
we play on

funny, those kinds of scars
began with young women,
east african, who
fearing ****
and kidnap
from the north,
cut holes
in lip, in earlobe,
lifted skin of stomach
to slice smooth turtleshell shapes,
rubbed camel dung in wounds for better

which meant:
resistance, meant:
freedom, meant:
don't take me away,
don't steal my life.
those scars
mean beauty now.
funny, these scars
on my wrist, funny how
much i love life now.
funny scars
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
the devil allegedly
comes to steal **** destroy
which sounds like a lot of work

but probably isn't
in a place like this
even a first-grade massacre

won't undistract
us for long; the devil
doesn't have to cook

a *** of tsunami
or epidemic or

all he has to do is let us
worship shiny toys
on the altar of Time

and as ever
i'm as guilty
as anyone
They prefer almost anything to...Reality
-C.S. Lewis
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